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"There is only 1 God and Mohammed is his prophet."....But Jesus is a prophet, a minor one, but it says there is only one prophet.
Some tryed to rape my sister once they just pulled up and tryed to grab her(if it wasn't for a passing jogger shed of been abducted)
Even in one of my past jobs one of them said to one of our Jewsih workers that hed better watch his back other wise hed kill him and his god will forgive him
Most that I see are arrogant sods (Push past with out usein basic manners)
Worked on a market they all wanted a discount (on one thing one even try to talk my down to paying a fiver for some thing that was £20)
Its also the ones that dont even bother to use English that piss me off (your in England English is our language so learn it)
I have known three (in the real world) that I get along with (one owns the local shop the one works in the same department as me, the other was years ago)

Whats the point of them killing them selfs in order to kill others (By all means sacrifice your life to save other peoples but not the other way around)

Where as I try to get along with people (who cares about religion its all a big mind **** to me)

Meh had to get that off my chest

Meh to not being silly so heres a pic

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How can anyone judge an entire religion based on the warped interpretations of a few nutcases? Anyone who's bothered to learn a bit about Islam will find that it values peace and tolerance, and does not condone terrorism- Terrorists and dictators are missing this point. Anyone with common sense would know that Adolf Hitler is hardly representative of Christianity, so why should Osama bin Laden be representative of Islam?
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callme.nasty said:
ottoman, i don't think we are explaining it correctly. people don't hate muslims because of the muslim religion. people just tend to associate muslims with middle easterners because to my knowledge, many middle easterners follow some form of the muslim religion, and those are the people we hate. if you don't like that, then too bad. we're at a war in the middle east, we're not going to like those people. its all ignorance really. people hate muslims by association, not because of their religion.

oh, and people find it strange that muslims make their women wear all that clothing. its the 21st century and many americans find it strange.

If you actually knew anything about Islam, you would realise all that clothing has NOTHING to do with being a Muslim. It is a cultural clothing, that alot of women Choose to wear in themiddle east, the Qur'an does not ask them to wear this, and it is not a part of Isam, only a part of culture in that area.

wiicanchangetheworld said:
"There is only 1 God and Mohammed is his prophet."....But Jesus is a prophet, a minor one, but it says there is only one prophet.

Hahahahaa....oo ma, i needed a good laugh.

The Qur'an's correct quote is, "There is no God But Allah, And Muhammed is His messenger"

Muhammed is the most important of all the Prophets, and he is the LAST prophet, not the Only one. Islam has many prophets, Jesus, Muhammed, Moses, Abraham, and so on. Do some research next time.
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ottoman said:
If you actually knew anything about Islam, you would realise all that clothing has NOTHING to do with being a Muslim. It is a cultural clothing, that alot of women Choose to wear in themiddle east, the Qur'an does not ask them to wear this, and it is not a part of Isam, only a part of culture in that area.

Well why do they insist on wearing it in England if it's not actually needed?
My mate has a mate from college and he goes back to see his family every so often and he said the Muslims there don't wear all that stuff.

So why wear it in foriegn countries?

Now for a different point, what REALLY annoys me know is that all these Illegal Immigrants come over her and claim if they go back they'd get killed due to their religion. TBH I couldn't give a **** if they're going to die they're in 'my country*' and are not allowed. And if we was to say. Errrrrr go home they'd go 'OH NO!!!!!! im playing the race card'


*I don't own the country but it's one of those things. Like you refer to the football team you support as 'Your Team'
I've been talking about this in my Media class recently.

Misrepresentation of minority groups by the media and stuff. Actually got a B on on an essay I wrote about it.

I don't like the way that all Muslims are seen as terrorists. It shouldn't happen, it's not true and I think that people should know that.

Edit: And to what's been discussed above, people think that Muslim women are FORCED to cover up and that, which isn't true. It's usually their choice to do so.

And I like your threads ottoman :) Their always interesting :thumbsup:
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I had to endure the same stuff in my Media class too lol

And no, They're not forced but why do they do it in England and not in their own Country?

I can't get my head around it.

And I think if we are to stop immigrants then they should at least have a reason to come into the country lol
And back to my other idea. 'Im going to get killed if I go back' isn't an option
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surfinrach90 said:
I've been talking about this in my Media class recently.

Misrepresentation of minority groups by the media and stuff. Actually got a B on on an essay I wrote about it.

I don't like the way that all Muslims are seen as terrorists. It shouldn't happen, it's not true and I think that people should know that.

Edit: And to what's been discussed above, people think that Muslim women are FORCED to cover up and that, which isn't true. It's usually their choice to do so.

And I like your threads ottoman :) Their always interesting :thumbsup:

Thanks Rach, i try to make them as interesting as i can, lol.

And as for you wii smurf, you seem like a nice guy, who has just been told/taught the wrong things.

You see just becuase a person is not from where you come from, and they have moved to your country, it doesnt mean they are illegals. 95% of the time, they have as much right to be here as you do.

And believe it or not, without those immigrants, who would run this country? This may sound comical, but hang on..

Taxi drivers, never seen one that hasnt came from another country. We need them guys to get us to the airport.
Corner Shops, we go there everyday to buy some sweets or maybe a card for a speacial person we love, that wouldnt be possible if it werent for Mr. Patel, the guy you told to Piss off home.
Kebabs, Chinese food, Italian food, Indian and Bangladeshi Curries. Hell, we wouldnt even have Krispy Kremes :nonod: if it werent for those "Dirty" immigrants.

Next time you feel anger towards someone that is foregin, think about what your going to say, you might end up sounding like a complete idiot, for saying something that doesnt make sense. Like you just did.

EDIT: they wear The veil in other countries becuase they are proud of thei culture, and dont mind showing it. they also want to remind people that the Veil is still a part of them, no matter what politians say.
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Im sure ANYONE can drive a taxi or run a corner shop. Hell anyone can make a curry
Now your being sterotypical saying that, And I quote
Kebabs, Chinese food, Italian food, Indian and Bangladeshi Curries. Hell, we wouldnt even have Krispy Kremes if it werent for those "Dirty" immigrants.

Anyone can make a curry and saying that only people from over there [Pakistan etc] can do it is plain stupid

SO PLEASE! GTFO my country or come here legally. And my opinion stands not just with Muslims btw lol. If they are found to be here Illegally they they lose and sould be shot, Simple as

ottoman said:
95% of the time, they have as much right to be here as you do.

And I don't think so. I was born here. They can come here, And live like a British citizen, But truth it be they are not British :p

And I, Myself want togo live in Canada [Better than UK]. But it's still the truth that im not Canadian, though if I go there Legally there shouldn't be a problem
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Immigrants created the Britain we know today- we wouldn't have the science and technology we do today if it were not for immigration. Heck, even the English language didn't originate in Britain (it came from what is now Germany). Of course illegal immigration isn't helping the country, but the xenophobic media is blowing the issue way over the top. Read some crappy newspaper like the Sun and you'd think immigrants are secretly running the country! (You couldn't make it up, etc. :lol:)

I suggest some of you should go out and actually meet these immigrants, I think you'll find they're not so different from us.
Otto, I can't decide if I am upset by your situation or not. On one hand, it upsets me that a 14 year old has so much put on them....being worried about war, and being wrapped up in politics. I just wish that someone your age could just enjoy things in life, like the Wii, without those worries. BUT, there is also a large part of me that is very impressed by your desire to learn about and understand current events. I find it very important for all people to be aware, and to become wise. I just worry that you will miss the wisdom that comes from the innocent mistakes made by someone your age.

Amongst your friends, are you the typical? Are your friends and school mates as politically and religiously motivated as you are? Do you think that your religion is a result of your quest for knowledge, or do you think that your quest for knowledge is a result of your religion?
Napalmbrain said:
I suggest some of you should go out and actually meet these immigrants, I think you'll find they're not so different from us.

Idc, They are still here Illegally and should be shot
Napalmbrain said:
Immigrants created the Britain we know today- we wouldn't have the science and technology we do today if it were not for immigration.
Most of the renowned scientists, inventors, etc. that were in Europe/America (that I know of) lived in Europe and/or America....I know there were/are many brilliant people outside of those two continents, but I don't think they moved in illegally before they came up with these brilliant ideas.
Napalmbrain said:
Heck, even the English language didn't originate in Britain (it came from what is now Germany). Of course illegal immigration isn't helping the country, but the xenophobic media is blowing the issue way over the top. Read some crappy newspaper like the Sun and you'd think immigrants are secretly running the country! (You couldn't make it up, etc. :lol:)
To get technical, it came from the Romans. Anyways, I agree with your other statement. Illegal immigration isn't helping our countr(ies)y, but the general public today stereo-types middle-eastern people as suicidal gun maniacs who love killings people (especially Americans!); this is not the case.
Napalmbrain said:
I suggest some of you should go out and actually meet these immigrants, I think you'll find they're not so different from us.
Lol, I have met these people....they're very different. Can you tell me how they are so close to us?

----ssbb_lover's thoughts----

Ok, ottoman, I have nothing against Muslims except for that I think your religion is wrong (I have no blood lust for killing your people, etc. :/ ).

While I think you're not biased in no means, I do think you definitely lean towards sympathy for Muslims, etc. (duh, you're one of them; just as I would defend other Christians) Especially when you say things like, "If the western civilization didn't have so much hate for the middle east..."; well the middle east isn't so fine and dandy with our occupation right now. Flag burnings, words of hate, etc. are clue ins to this, not a lot of them are very happy with us right now. Then again, there are those who thank God for us that we're there.

I think Muslims are also over the top when it comes to Americans. They're taught over there (obviously, 9:11) to hate Christianity by men like Saddam Hussein, Alkhida (however you spell those), etc. and this ultimately leads to war. If it wasn't for this hate of Christianity over there, this damn war would have never happened. America still hasn't, and I don't think ever will, attack another country for land, or out of hate. We've always been attacked 1st, in this case my Muslim terrorists. I'm sure those people that were piloting that plane (which could have been more disastrous if not for a brave man by the name of Todd Beamer and others) thought that they were going to Cloud 9 for this act of "godliness".

@ Wii_Smurf: You seem a little over the top about Muslims coming into Britain, you're a little over the t-is that a Mexican?!!? Where's my MP-40 when I need it?!
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