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  • #19
I'm an EMT. I suppose my dream job would be getting paid to do nothing. Do those exist?

Yes, they do.
Yes, they do.
Ive already nearly puked today thanks to my recent "Explain" topic pic (on another forum)
Drawings of people in mangles/eye sockets getting filled/cheese slicers going throw some girls arse cant compare to the face of Jade Goody
Another layabout scrounger like the one pictured
I'm still at the driving range.

In a few weeks I'm having an interview for a job I've wanted for years now but was too young. It's at my YMCA that's about 30 seconds from my house (which is where I go to lift, play basketball, and do basically everything) and it's a full-time summer job working Day Camp. Basically I watch over 1st-6th graders every weekday in the summer from 8-4 while they play sports, swim, go on trips to the park/pool/bowling alley/amusement park/other recreational area and play with them. If I get this job, I'll be in the system and I'll be one of the first offered a position working Overnights, which, yes, would blow a night-out-on-the-town during one of my valuable weekends, but I get payed while I sleep, which amounts to $100 per overnight. As far as I'm concerned, that's the best job in my town that is available to someone my age.

I've never had an interview, so I'm kind of wigging out, but yeah, still excited.

I don't really like to get into 'dream jobs' anymore, both because everyone knows by now and because it's not going to happen. I would like to talk about my plausible dream jobs, but I don't really know what I would want to do.
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  • #26
I don't really like to get into 'dream jobs' anymore, both because everyone knows by now and because it's not going to happen.
Ah come on, it could happen.......

Music to set the mood?

My intentions are to study medicine for five years, practise it for four years, join the Royal Marines for the experience, then retire to a GP surgery after four years in the Armed Forces.

It's neither unrealistic nor flattering, but it's what I want to do.
Rob, I like you a lot.

I should probably be in the stage of my life where I should get a job in retail, or in McDonald's. Neither of them sound appealing, and that's sheerly because they're always crowded with people. I'm not really fussed at the moment, money isn't an emphasis on me just yet. So I'd rather do voluntary work to make my resume look fancier, and I haven't done that. The work I'll probably be offered will be in schools finger painting.
Mechanical Engineer.

My dream job was being in the NBA.

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