Jokes Thread!! @%$&*#~@

Anyone have Yo Mama Jokes?!?

I got A couple


YO Mama so poor that she can't even afford free sample
Yo Mama Is So Dumb That She Designed Expiriments Exploiting The Cuantum Entanglement In Order To Reveal And Undermine The True Secrets Of The Uncertanty Principle! WHAT NOW!?!?

Yer Mom Got Hit By A PArked Car, Threw A Rock AT The Groung ANd Missed...
Look AT My Previous"i knew i person that was so stupid that she...." Post And Put Yo Mama In Front Of All Of Them
Yer Mom Got Hit By A PArked Car, Threw A Rock AT The Groung ANd Missed...

oi those are my jokes, u get your own!

oh and great find sKin! those jokes are really funny!

Milo's house is so nasty, I tripped over a rat, & a cockroach stole my wallet
lol:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Your House Is So Nasty That The Roaches Wear Slippers, Your Dog Passed Out, And You Wipe Your Feet BEFORE You Go Outside!
wolf231 said:
Okay i have some emo jokes:

Q: Whats so good about emo grass ?
A: It cuts it self

Q: How do you get an emo out of a tree ?
A: Cut the rope

And now some Hitler & Jew jokes:

Q: Why did hitler kill himself ?
A: Cause he got the gas bill

Q: How many Jews can you fit in a car ?
A: 2 in the front, 3 in the back and 600 in the ashtray

TADA !!!!!! pretty crap i know but .......meh

That was the saddest excuse for jokes. Especially the Hitler ones. How distasteful man. Kill yourself now and do the world a favor.
All Out said:
That was the saddest excuse for jokes. Especially the Hitler ones. How distasteful man. Kill yourself now and do the world a favor.
How about YOU kill yourself you Dickhead and i found them on the net so shut the F**K up you dipshit, before i kick your ass :mad5:
Yeah they are rasist but the ony reason i put them is because i wanted to mix up the jokes abit but now i see there really bad (Im not a rasist person)....well it was 1:00 a.m so i don't know what i was thinking, i was just looking for some random jokes so i didn't really read them.....sorry about the jokes everyone
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All Out said:
That was the saddest excuse for jokes. Especially the Hitler ones. How distasteful man. Kill yourself now and do the world a favor.
Why don't you put something positive and make the world a favor by doing that!!
Alright i'll do that then.......and sorry about the jokes....pretty bad huh but the strange thing was that i looked in my histroy and there wasn't any joke websites on there (Only Youtube and Wiichat) weird huh ?
Goodness Wolfie (whatever ur name is) you gotta calm down, this thread is for the opposite emotions you're brewing with.

Thats my joke folks :)


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