The Dream Thread

I like to switch up my dreams, for some reason I can take control of most of my dreams. and I like to change them up and decide how it will really end
I've had experiences like that before. Once where I was walkign through a huge corridoor, and it felt like I could actually control my self.
And another time, I had a dream I was in a Library, and I said to a friend of mine: "You know this isn't a real world, it's just a dream"
Haha, well good.
When I was younger (8-12ish), I used to be able to do this really cool thing, which was where if I was having a nightmare, in the dream I would like scrunch up my eyes and then open them, and I'd do it in real life as well as the dream :) was coolstuff.
have you ever had the experience when you've been dreaming and you were talking in your dream and all of a sudden you couldn't talk in the dream but you were talking in real life?
I have that sometimes and it pisses me off because I can't get my point across in the dream
frankofwii said:
have you ever had the experience when you've been dreaming and you were talking in your dream and all of a sudden you couldn't talk in the dream but you were talking in real life?
I have that sometimes and it pisses me off because I can't get my point across in the dream

AHAHA, I thought it was only me who did that. But I wake up as soon as I try to say something.

One time I went to see Mozart (and I don't even like classicals, not to mention the man's dead) and after the show me and my mum went to his house and drank lots of tea (I hate tea). But, anyway, it was like midnight and we had to walk home, then a gunman appeared and yelled something that sounded completely foreign to me like "KJFHJDHGJGFHFGV" and, rather than panicking and belting it into Mozart's house I shouted "What the hell!?" and woke myself up, in shock, I fell off the bed.

Another thing related to that, I sometimes fall over in dreams and wake up on the floor, but it hasn't happened in a while, because I'd start to question my sanity and ability to stand up during dreams.
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Long dream dont feel like typing it out atm, but at the end a midget bit my one of my testicles and it hurt really bad and woke up.

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