The Coo-Estionnaire


Del fuego he resurgido...
Nov 26, 2006
Houston Tx.
Wii Online Code
Respond the following questions:

1. What exactly do you first think when you wake up in the morning?

2. What is the wildest/weirdest job that you would take?

3.What animal would you want to be turned into and why?

4.What hand gestures do you do very often?

5. What turns your machine on and off?

6. What sport do you really like to hate alot?

7.What is a nickname you'd like to be called as?

8. What place would you never visit in your life and why?

9.What is the movie you consider the best movie ever done and why?

10.What musical instrument would you like to learn to play that you don't already and why?

Multiple Option:

1.What would you do if you were playing with your friends and all of the sudden your sister and her bf, who you dispise together, start kissing disgustingly in front of you all?
A)Keep playing
B)Do as your friends do(sheep)
C)start yelling at them, making fun of them
D)Punch the bf on the face
E)(for girls mostly)Kiss the bf to make him look bad with your sister so that they have conflicts.

2.If you're driving in your car and you see someone in the car beside you waving at you maniacally, and you can't get the window open, what do you do?
A)Look for signs that the you may have a flat tire or something else
B)Ignore the person
C)Wave back at them maniacally
D)Break the car window to hear the person

3.When you don't understand a thing someone says to you, but they seem to say it with such a security,happiness,smiling and laughing what do you do?
A)smile and lagh with them faking you actually understood
B)you ask "what?"
C)You stay away from them
D)You say you don't understand them after hearing more from them.

4.What is your favorite console of them all?

Very random and pointless, but who the hell cares? just answer.
1. What exactly do you first think when you wake up in the morning?
- That I don't want to be awake yet!

2. What is the wildest/weirdest job that you would take?
- Pornstar

3.What animal would you want to be turned into and why?
- Cat. They can independently bathe themselves, and hygiene is my #1 thing.

4.What hand gestures do you do very often?
- Waving. I wave at people even if they're a foot away from me, to greet them. It's dorky.

5. What turns your machine on and off?
- Turn offs: Bad hygiene - ESPECIALLY long and/or dirty nails, ignorance, guys who dress like rappers, guys in sandals, greasy hair, cockiness, awful clothes, religious conservatives...etc etc etc
- Turn ons: Intelligence, well-roundedness, older men, musicians, metrosexuals, guys who prefer games to sports, female runway models

6. What sport do you really like to hate alot?
- Every single one, ESPECIALLY American football

7.What is a nickname you'd like to be called as?
- I have the perfect nickname already =)

8. What place would you never visit in your life and why?
- North Korea. It doesn't seem like barrels of fun.

9.What is the movie you consider the best movie ever done and why?
- Dreamgirls. Amazing set design, costumes, makeup, MUSIC, casting, everything.

10.What musical instrument would you like to learn to play that you don't already and why?
- Guitar

Multiple Option:

1.What would you do if you were playing with your friends and all of the sudden your sister and her bf, who you dispise together, start kissing disgustingly in front of you all?
A)Keep playing
B)Do as your friends do(sheep)
C)start yelling at them, making fun of them
D)Punch the bf on the face
E)(for girls mostly)Kiss the bf to make him look bad with your sister so that they have conflicts.

2.If you're driving in your car and you see someone in the car beside you waving at you maniacally, and you can't get the window open, what do you do?
A)Look for signs that the you may have a flat tire or something else
B)Ignore the person
C)Wave back at them maniacally
D)Break the car window to hear the person

3.When you don't understand a thing someone says to you, but they seem to say it with such a security,happiness,smiling and laughing what do you do?
A)smile and lagh with them faking you actually understood
B)you ask "what?"
C)You stay away from them
D)You say you don't understand them after hearing more from them.

4.What is your favorite console of them all?
1. What exactly do you first think when you wake up in the morning?
-What did I do last night :lol:

2. What is the wildest/weirdest job that you would take?
-Shoe Shiner :D

3.What animal would you want to be turned into and why?
-Polar Bear, see what its like knowing that your life is in grave danger (depending if they know that or not)

4.What hand gestures do you do very often?
-Call me, or yeah a wave or something.

5. What turns your machine on and off?
-Turn Ons- Smart, Attractive, shared interests, something odd or unusual about her
Turn Offs- acting stupid for whatever reason, too into yourself, acting like your hot stuff when your not etc.

6. What sport do you really like to hate alot?

7.What is a nickname you'd like to be called as?

8. What place would you never visit in your life and why?
-Russia, too cold.

9.What is the movie you consider the best movie ever done and why?
-Anchorman, Ron Burgundy is sweet stuff!

10.What musical instrument would you like to learn to play that you don't already and why?
-Violin, picks up teh Chicks

Multiple Option:

1.What would you do if you were playing with your friends and all of the sudden your sister and her bf, who you dispise together, start kissing disgustingly in front of you all?
A)Keep playing
B)Do as your friends do(sheep)
C)start yelling at them, making fun of them
D)Punch the bf on the face
E)(for girls mostly)Kiss the bf to make him look bad with your sister so that they have conflicts.

2.If you're driving in your car and you see someone in the car beside you waving at you maniacally, and you can't get the window open, what do you do?
A)Look for signs that the you may have a flat tire or something else
B)Ignore the person
C)Wave back at them maniacally
D)Break the car window to hear the person

3.When you don't understand a thing someone says to you, but they seem to say it with such a security,happiness,smiling and laughing what do you do?
A)smile and lagh with them faking you actually understood
B)you ask "what?"
C)You stay away from them
D)You say you don't understand them after hearing more from them.

4.What is your favorite console of them all?
1. What exactly do you first think when you wake up in the morning?
- That I have a full day ahead and I need to focus if I am to get anything done.

2. What is the wildest/weirdest job that you would take?
- Zoo keeper. Trust me, I am not that wild.

3.What animal would you want to be turned into and why?
- A Hawk. The spirit of the sky.

4.What hand gestures do you do very often?
- Spinning my pen around my fingers when I am thinking.

5. What turns your machine on and off?
- Turn on: Girls who are intelligent, black hair, a sense of humour , and so on and so forth.
- Turn off: Girls who think that they are God's gift to men.

6. What sport do you really like to hate alot?
- Boxing.

7.What is a nickname you'd like to be called as?
- Kai. Long story.

8. What place would you never visit in your life and why?
- I would never say never.

9.What is the movie you consider the best movie ever done and why?
- Grave of the Fireflies. Excellent story.

10.What musical instrument would you like to learn to play that you don't already and why?
- The Piano. Apparently girls "dig" this. :lol:

Multiple Option:

1.What would you do if you were playing with your friends and all of the sudden your sister and her bf, who you dispise together, start kissing disgustingly in front of you all?
A)Keep playing
B)Do as your friends do(sheep)
C)start yelling at them, making fun of them
D)Punch the bf on the face
E)(for girls mostly)Kiss the bf to make him look bad with your sister so that they have conflicts.

2.If you're driving in your car and you see someone in the car beside you waving at you maniacally, and you can't get the window open, what do you do?
A)Look for signs that the you may have a flat tire or something else
B)Ignore the person
C)Wave back at them maniacally
D)Break the car window to hear the person

3.When you don't understand a thing someone says to you, but they seem to say it with such a security,happiness,smiling and laughing what do you do?
A)smile and laugh with them faking you actually understood
B)you ask "what?"
C)You stay away from them
D)You say you don't understand them after hearing more from them.

4.What is your favorite console of them all?
1. What exactly do you first think when you wake up in the morning?
Damn it i'm awake! that means people will be awake and i hate people.
2. What is the wildest/weirdest job that you would take?
giving handjobs to stuffed teddy bears in the bathroom of an airoplane
3.What animal would you want to be turned into and why?
a werewolf, because werewolves are awesome and they are also types of dogs and dogs are cool because they kill cats.
4.What hand gestures do you do very often?
the one finger salute
5. What turns your machine on and off?
my hand
6. What sport do you really like to hate alot?
7.What is a nickname you'd like to be called as?
8. What place would you never visit in your life and why?
France, French people are stupid
9.What is the movie you consider the best movie ever done and why?
Tough choice, i must say children of the korn
kids+gardening tools=fun
10.What musical instrument would you like to learn to play that you don't already and why?
the radio- instruments are for chumps
Multiple Option:

1.What would you do if you were playing with your friends and all of the sudden your sister and her bf, who you dispise together, start kissing disgustingly in front of you all?
A)Keep playing
B)Do as your friends do(sheep)
C)start yelling at them, making fun of them
D)Punch the bf on the face
E)(for girls mostly)Kiss the bf to make him look bad with your sister so that they have conflicts.

2.If you're driving in your car and you see someone in the car beside you waving at you maniacally, and you can't get the window open, what do you do?
A)Look for signs that the you may have a flat tire or something else
B)Ignore the person
C)Wave back at them maniacally
D)Break the car window to hear the person

3.When you don't understand a thing someone says to you, but they seem to say it with such a security,happiness,smiling and laughing what do you do?
A)smile and lagh with them faking you actually understood
B)you ask "what?"
C)You stay away from them
D)You say you don't understand them after hearing more from them.

4.What is your favorite console of them all?

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