The Dream Thread

Explain this dream
I was in a boat with harry potter and hermoine granger and I was picking mobile phones and money out of the sea
ok then who thinks they know dreams?

Mike was walking up the isle hildin the hand of *BLANK'D* and then she ran off and started digging a hole and fell asleep in it, mike followed her and the ho;e was filled up with concrete, so he starts digging with his hands and finds her then they get out and a couple years later theyrw at a cliff talking and she goes to the edge to look at the view then mike follows her and she kisses him then faces away from the cliff and says bye then she just falls backwards off the cliff spinning while falling, then a hole in the ground full of fire opens and a hand of flames comes out, grabs her and pulls her in then he jumps in after her but he just catches fire

(mike is my brother)
wow...that actually uh really incredible. It would almost seem as if that girl had died and went to hell... ok let's see if i can decode this dream. but i have to ask..was it you that dreamed this and you were watching it all, or was it Mike that dreamed it and told you the dream?
Demon Slayer said:
wow...that actually uh really incredible. It would almost seem as if that girl had died and went to hell... ok let's see if i can decode this dream. but i have to ask..was it you that dreamed this and you were watching it all, or was it Mike that dreamed it and told you the dream?
mike told me it (he remembers dreams down to every detail)
Demon Slayer said:
i'm not really arguing, all that much..well Mister that is you beliefe, i'll believe what i want and you believe what you want as point on Fighting about it..all i can tell you is that i never made anything here have been scientificly proven that a body Posses a Soul, that a soul can get out of your body, when you feel it is not your brain where you feel is at your Heart Charkar which is where your heart is..but you don't feel it true your heart as a heart is something that pumps your blood, it is Scientificly said that an Emotion is your Soul or Spirit that sense, your brain then can confirm your emotion, anyways all to say, i never made anything up..i researched it, read quite a few books, seen reports from Scientist would confirmed it to be real. thats all i have to say to you, if you don't believe Scientific Fact well then thats your doing...i'll just ask you not to Flame or Bash anyone on their Beliefe thank you

I believe in the body having a soul, but I don't think it's ever been scientifically proven...
wii_cammy said:
Explain this dream
I was in a boat with harry potter and hermoine granger and I was picking mobile phones and money out of the sea

It shows that you are amazed by satellite mobility and you feel that it is just like magic
I keep waking up with the theme to Hey Dude(old Nickolodeon show) stuck in my head but I can never remember what I'm dreaming about. Do you think it might have to do with the wild west and a token native american dude?
Ezekiel86 said:
Wow dreams, it's great we've finally gotten a thread for them!

Man, Paintballer, your dream on the first page sounded really similar to one I had a while back, although I don't remember the specifics of it, it conjured the same feelings reading yours did.

I've had a few dreams that I can think of now... lets see if I can list the three or so I've got on my mind atm...

School Bus:
The first one happened back in 2003 or so just before our Year 12 camp, I dreamt I was sitting on the schoolbus (which is inherintly scary because we didn't have a schoolbus) I was sitting at the window seat and all of a sudden there was a bright flash of light outside and everyone was panicking and screaming, I looked next to me and the girl who was sitting next to me had the top half of her head cut off and was now slumped over the armrest bleeding into a big pool of blood on the floor.

I also realised she wasn't the only one who was attacked and several other kids on the packed school bus had also been mutilated. There was alot of blood all over the bus and it seemed every second someone else was dying.

I raced out of my seat and out of the bus as fast as I could (which for some reason was now on the basketball courts) where it seemed like I was the only one left alive. I ran as fast as I could across the basketball courts (which looked so much bigger) when the dreaded bright light came up again, and I had this sick feeling in my stomach that I was next.

I felt something tear through my abdomen (stomach/lower body) and something tear through my head. I fell to the tarmac where I could see blood pooling very rapidly around me, I wasn't quite dead but I couldn't move, then the light brightened to a sickly blinding glow and I woke up.... it scared the hell out of me.

Haunted Garden:
I don't really remember alot about this dream, but I was stuck in this sort of Asian-looking large garden, which seemed to be in Autumn, because all the trees were losing their leaves into thick piles of leaves on the tiles on the floor. These gardens consisted of identical square patterns that connected to each other, so effectively there were hundreds of these little square, Autumn-brown gardens linked together - if you looked at it from the sky it'd look like the gardens tile together (a little like the Lost Woods from Ocarina of Time).

I was wandering through these gardens with an accomplice, when all of a sudden, out of the thick piles of leaves, reanimated corpses/zombies started to emerge and attack us... It seemed every pile of leaves kept spawning more and more zombies, so we ran through the gardens, but got ourselves lost, and we were armed with Kwan-Daos (long staff with a bladed tip). Then I woke up...

Twisted Gameshow:
This was one of the most intense dreams I've had... It wasn't very long but it was heavy... I dreamt I was having the skin pulled off my chest... Like... I had an incision running down my sternum, and two metal clips on each side firmly grasped my skin, and were slowly pulling it away exposing my ribs, and I could see a group of people around me leering at my agonising experience... I think I passed out (in my dream) and awoke in hospital with the apparent "host" of this gameshow, (who I'm quite sure was a mummified midget) who presented me with my prize for surviving the gameshow, as if it was some kind of sick new entertainment phoenomenon/reality TV show...

There are a few more but I don't really have the capacity to write them just now...

Yeah... I dream some pretty weird dreams... Wonder what'll be next. Hope I didn't weird anyone out too much!

Are you quite familiar with the Jeepers Creepers episode of South Park? =P

Hm, you have quite intense dreams, and I for one wouldn't really like to have your dreams. Maybe you should become a horror writer or something.
I had a dream I was with Hermione and Ron, and I was picking Mobile Phones and money out of a blue Car, in the middle of a Tudor town.

And that's no joke. I remember waking up, and thinking to myself that I must be going mad.
wow are we connected

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