Is nintendo getting a little too cocky?

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  • #61
Conclusion: "Any console from the current leaders in video gaming is good value for money, and our personal, subjective opinion is that the Xbox is probably the most powerful and most exciting video game console currently for sale." This is from the last generation console wars despite ps2 out selling the xbox its like i said console sale numbers don't mean any thing its the software that goes with the systems that matters, and you cant argue with me because numbers don't lie nintendo is not winning in software sales, they have nothing that will bring in the numbers that games on 360 rack in its just plain and simple nintendo needs new ip in order to win this war, not casual gamers who don't buy games.
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However, I can argue you with you or rather debate.
360 has been out for a year.
Wii has not.

Wii is just starting to get good games coming out, many of which may not interest you. Battalion Wars 2, Guitar Hero 3, Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii and Brawl as well others.

You may not buy any of those, and you will surely by only one copy.
However, Galaxy and Brawl will no doubt sell wonders, and the others will do a decent job as well.

Like I said before in my other post, the Wii sold well as a system with those mediocre games, and those mediocre games sold well in respect.
Now with the hits coming out, the sales of the games won't be so bad as you like to refer to them as, and ultimately sell some more Wii's.

I am not saying the Wii will outsell anyone at this point, but you have to take into fact the length of the Wii being out and the Xbox you love to compare it to.

360's had time to dish out the goods, and they did have some great ones to start off with I know. This whole war is early though, and with everything the Wii has done, Nintendo has every right to be cocky here.
yungblood6 said:
... you cant argue with me because numbers don't lie nintendo is not winning in software sales

Apparently you just ignored my post about how much money Nintendo is making.

Anyway, you pointed out that Halo 3 has outsold any software put out for the Wii.

01. The Orange Box—EA (PC)
02. Halo 3—Microsoft (Xbox 360)
03. Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day—Nintendo (DS)
04. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass—Nintendo (DS)
05. Super Mario Galaxy*—Nintendo (Wii)
06. Brain Age—Nintendo (DS)
07. Wii Play w/ Remote—Nintendo (Wii)
08. Carnival Games—Global Star (Wii)
09. The Orange Box—EA (Xbox 360)
10. Harry Potter and the Order of the Poenix—EA (DS)

Okay, for the moment, that may be true. But, as I pointed out in my thread, Xbox and PS3 has a limited audience. Limited to mostly boys age 14-30 who basically play one or two types of games. News flash!! The word is not made up of males age 14-30. You will notice that on the top 10 list above 7 out of 10 are for the Wii and DS. One title that sells well will not out do dozens of titles that sell well.

Wii wins no matter how you look at it.
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  • #64
its time for every one to get there head out of the water and quit thinking all microsoft has is fps even if thats all the had with numbers like what halo and gears of war bring in who realy needs any thing else? but thats besides the point they have rpg's, they have action adventures, Flight simulators, mech games etc, thats just like every one saying all nintendo has is kiddy games, but hey the way nintendo is thats what it looks like despite it being wrong. But in my opinion i think nintendo is being cocky because they didnt start out by talking about out selling the other consoles and all they talk about is how they are doing better than the others, when i havent heard any thing but good things from microsoft towards nintendo, all they are worried about is making the 360 a new media center. All nintendo should worry about is making games, ok you are on top of console sales now lets see what you are going to do for games
Do you not read my posts good sir?
And where has Nintendo themselves talked about outselling the others, or acknowledging that they are doing a good job.

As far as I know, its sites or news people that are reporting that, not Nintendo themselves.
Just because they are doing well does not mean they say they are.
Theres a difference.

CantGetAWii said:
Wii is just starting to get good games coming out, many of which may not interest you. Battalion Wars 2, Guitar Hero 3, Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii and Brawl as well others.

Games are looking pretty decent, not to mention the others that have been put on hold, as well as whats up their sleeves.
A new Starfox games, Pikmin 3 and Animal Crossing..some of Nintendo's better sellers, as well as new franchises that have not been revealed.
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yungblood6 said:
...when i havent heard any thing but good things from microsoft towards nintendo, all they are worried about is making the 360 a new media center...

I'm sorry, can you link to the article where Microsoft is praising Nintendo.
Does it go like this ?

"We would like to thank Nintendo for pointing out that our console was priced to high for the market. We are responding by repackaging and reducing prices. This change does cost us more money per console, but it's been a pleasure for Nintendo to point it out to us.

"Man, Nintendo is great for bring more interest to the gaming world. We thought we were going to have to just cram more junk into our console in order to get people to buy it at a loss, but now we can hope that people will want to buy an XBox after they find out it is hard to find a Wii."
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  • #67
LoganSix said:
Apparently you just ignored my post about how much money Nintendo is making.

Anyway, you pointed out that Halo 3 has outsold any software put out for the Wii.

01. The Orange Box—EA (PC)
02. Halo 3—Microsoft (Xbox 360)
03. Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day—Nintendo (DS)
04. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass—Nintendo (DS)
05. Super Mario Galaxy*—Nintendo (Wii)
06. Brain Age—Nintendo (DS)
07. Wii Play w/ Remote—Nintendo (Wii)
08. Carnival Games—Global Star (Wii)
09. The Orange Box—EA (Xbox 360)
10. Harry Potter and the Order of the Poenix—EA (DS)

First of we are talking about the Wii, 360 and ps3, now look at how stupid these numbers look wii play and Harry potter out sold Twilite princess and, and metroid the two best games for the wii that is very sad, exp these are two of the worst games for the wii. now if you want to rewind those numers to just before the summer you will see that Halo 3 before even being released still top that chart along with Gears of war. Top tier games at top tier sales rates. If the casual gamers controll the wii software sales then i feel sorry for the future of the wii, its verry sad those two sorry excuses for games out sold zelda and metroid. tsk tsk, i bet the only reason wii play is even on there is because of the wiimote packed in hell why not wiimote 39.00 wiiplay with remote 49.00 hell i would fork over 10 extra bucks just to get a game with my remote too.
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  • #68
Now if you want to go to the top 10 of all time you will see pc then ps2, xbox and then nintendo. only in the 90's has nintendo ever won in software sales. The hand held department doesnt count because they have no compitition except the psp which just recently started selling good games again so of course developers are going to take the gba or ds over the psp, but at the same time who the majority of those hand held gamers for the gba and ds are again kids, i didnt say all but the majority is.
Dude, sorry, but it has to be said.
Your mind is so narrow you can slide it in between the slots of the grill.

Let me put it to you in words that you can understand.

Nintendo sells things that makes lots an lots of money.
Nintendo sells lots of those things.
3rd Party sees lots of those things being sold, so they make things and make lots and lots of money.
3rd Party has more money to make "hard core" games for little boys.
Boys and girls celebrate around the world.

Do you see how that works? Having millions more "casual" gamers provides money for making games for the "hard core" gamers. And you know what (and bear with me, this might be a little hard for you to grasp), some of those "casual" gamers might see the "hard core" games and decide to buy those too.

Did you get that? More overall gamers allows for more overall games to be sold. Did Microsoft help do this? No. Did Sony help do this? No.
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  • #70
where did you get your numbers from because you discredit yourself with that information, the numbers i got from the september sales don't even have those two games on there, and metroid is on there so you kinda discredited your argument with that one
yungblood6 said:
Apparently you just ignored my post about how much money Nintendo is making.

Anyway, you pointed out that Halo 3 has outsold any software put out for the Wii.

01. The Orange Box—EA (PC)
02. Halo 3—Microsoft (Xbox 360)
03. Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day—Nintendo (DS)
04. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass—Nintendo (DS)
05. Super Mario Galaxy*—Nintendo (Wii)
06. Brain Age—Nintendo (DS)
07. Wii Play w/ Remote—Nintendo (Wii)
08. Carnival Games—Global Star (Wii)
09. The Orange Box—EA (Xbox 360)
10. Harry Potter and the Order of the Poenix—EA (DS)

First of we are talking about the Wii, 360 and ps3, now look at how stupid these numbers look wii play and Harry potter out sold Twilite princess and, and metroid the two best games for the wii that is very sad, exp these are two of the worst games for the wii. now if you want to rewind those numers to just before the summer you will see that Halo 3 before even being released still top that chart along with Gears of war. Top tier games at top tier sales rates. If the casual gamers controll the wii software sales then i feel sorry for the future of the wii, its verry sad those two sorry excuses for games out sold zelda and metroid. tsk tsk, i bet the only reason wii play is even on there is because of the wiimote packed in hell why not wiimote 39.00 wiiplay with remote 49.00 hell i would fork over 10 extra bucks just to get a game with my remote too.

Your wrong, wrong, wrong.
Are you thickskulled, can I get some common sense in here.
You fail to look at the bigger picture.

Yes Wii Play, a great starting game for all new Wii owners (which shows Wii's are being bought) is selling well. I wonder why though eh?

Why you have to bring Zelda and Metroid into this I don't know.
Yes those are good games, and sold well when they were out.
Thats the thing, in combination with New Wii owners, Wii play remains to be a top seller, but Zelda came out back last November..and sold well for months when it was released.

Metroid sold well in August.
I know people will still buy those games now, but the reason that list is the way it is, is because of reasons you fail to comprehend.

yungblood6 said:
Now if you want to go to the top 10 of all time you will see pc then ps2, xbox and then nintendo. only in the 90's has nintendo ever won in software sales. The hand held department doesnt count because they have no compitition except the psp which just recently started selling good games again so of course developers are going to take the gba or ds over the psp, but at the same time who the majority of those hand held gamers for the gba and ds are again kids, i didnt say all but the majority is.

Where are you pulling out these numbers?
The top ten of what?..because what you listed there was only 4 things :lol:

DS sells well because like the Wii it appeals to many gamers.
Not just certain ones like the psp which always had bad games I am sorry to say, and still doesn't have that great of games, so I don't know where you got that.
Handhelds do count because DS is made by Nintendo, who like I have said many times before, but you insist on posting ludacris garbage..has every right to be cocky.
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  • #72
LoganSix said:
Dude, sorry, but it has to be said.
Your mind is so narrow you can slide it in between the slots of the grill.

Let me put it to you in words that you can understand.

Nintendo sells things that makes lots an lots of money.
Nintendo sells lots of those things.
3rd Party sees lots of those things being sold, so they make things and make lots and lots of money.
3rd Party has more money to make "hard core" games for little boys.
Boys and girls celebrate around the world.

Do you see how that works? Having millions more "casual" gamers provides money for making games for the "hard core" gamers. And you know what (and bear with me, this might be a little hard for you to grasp), some of those "casual" gamers might see the "hard core" games and decide to buy those too.

Did you get that? More overall gamers allows for more overall games to be sold. Did Microsoft help do this? No. Did Sony help do this? No.
How do you figure last time i checked microsoft was the one who started the whole hoopla over getting casual gamers in when they started live arcade but like i said thats nice but you cant just cater to casual gamers because like i said ds and gb games don't count because they have nobody to compete with. were are all the wii games that are supposed to be up there since the wii is number one that all im saying. if the wii is number one it should have games in the number one spot period. nobody ever said nintendo wasnt making money. they were still making money even though the gamecube didnt sell well. but at the same time you cant say they are number one because they are not. of course they are going to sell more units its cheaper, but it doesnt mean its better. Thats like saying dell is a better computer than Apple or alienware just because it sells more, its not it sales more because its cheaper. you put the ps3 or the 360 at the wii's price point this argument wouldnt even be happening. But like i said Hd tvs are in standerd def is fading out if the wii cant boast better game play with better software sales how in the world can you just say the wii is better. That sounds like fanboyism, no im not because i own all 3 do you, i doubt it thats why i can make the assumptions and the points that i make because i own all 3 play all 3 and play the same type of games on all 3. nobody is trying to make nintendo out to be a bad system i just said they are going need more ip's to stay in the race, and casual gamers who by the numbers are only playing wii sports, and wiiplay are not going to drive the system any farther than it is right now. as a hard core gamer im not saying it has to be a first person shooter or any thing with blood but mario and zelda have been around for too long and it getting real old to see thats all that nintendo can come up with as a 1st party game they need more period. All the nintendo charectors have been around since i was in the 1st grade as a gamer its getting real old that they havent came up with any thing else.
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