Is nintendo getting a little too cocky?

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  • #76
i didnt say they didnt deserve to be cocky i said i think they are getting too cocky because they are making remarks about the other consoles when in the start of the next console Gen they werent even trying to go against the other two, they were just about getting all gamers to play they did that thats nice but trying to say that they are a better console now is getting too cocky esp in software FOR THE WII They are not excelling in that department. Didnt say they wasnt making money, just said there not number one if they cant move software FOR THE WII.
I have said it before, and its funny how you don't quote me, I must be right or something.

Nintendo's games are coming, and the ones on top may not be the ones you think of.
Right now Wii play is selling well because its a good starter for new Wii owners.

Maybe third times a charm.
Wii is just starting to get good games coming out, many of which may not interest you. Battalion Wars 2, Guitar Hero 3, Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii and Brawl as well others.

There are some good games there, and Nintendo will continue to make those games. You ever wonder why they continue to make them?
Clearly they sell enough for more.

And DS broadens what the Wii aims for, like I said earlier.
Gets more people playing games, and ends up selling well.

So either, post something different, or get some real facts and info.
Again, Nintendo has every right to be cocky.

And again for the 100th time Nintendo has never said anything bad about the other consoles, and still aims to what they did at the beginning.
Hence the numbers you posted, the Wii is getting every one to play games and when the other good titles come out for the ones that have been waiting for them, then everyone will be happy.

And there are making software for the Wii, just maybe not what people (like you) who have horrible grammar and can't even spell beneficial when talking about fanboys. Throw a period in your damn paragraphs or something, spaces even.
I don't think your community college is working for you.
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I agree, that's a lot of text without separation.

So, yungblood6, you come from the world that who ever finishes the race first isn't the winner, it's the guy who came in last who gave his best rehashed effort? Welcome to the Special Olympics, where everyone is a winner.

Dude, Microsoft did not bring out the Xbox to win in the casual gamer.
Yes, I don't own all three consoles. The last console I owned was Pong. Don't know that one? It was the first console. Yep, that's right, I'm a casual gamer. Guess what, I still play my Wii. In fact, I'm going to a Halloween party tonight and we'll have the Wii available for playing. Right, that would be at my friends house who played the Wii at another party and decided that he wanted it. Similar story with my older brother and sister who also have Wii's for themselves, because they played mine. My brother now has 4 friends (couples, married with children) who also bought a Wii because they played mine, when I was down visiting my brother. He tells me his friends are always bringing their remotes with them when they come over, so they can play. See the pattern?

My next Wii purchases will be BWii and MOH:H3. My brother and my friend having the party tonight will probably get both too, so we can play on-line. Oops, would that be casual gamers buying hardcore games? Oh sucks.
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  • #79
So enlighten me on how the ds broadens what the wii aims for because i thought the ds was out a few years before the wii. Thats like saying im not a real good football player i just play for the love of the game, and when i surpisingly do well come out and say im the best there ever was and i don't have competition i pile over the competition. Just because i did well i got the right to be cocky? ok i see what world you live in. Being as how long nintendo has been out they shouldnt have lost the grips on it any way, just like they never lost the grips on the handheld market so in reality what do they have to be cocky about, that they lost there hold on the market, and just now mabey after about 10 years are just now slightly getting it back? ok yea they can be cocky mmhmm right.
No, simply put as this.
After making the DS, they got the idea of Wii, or more ideas for it.

The only real bad thing Nintendo had done, was the Gamecube (although I quite enjoyed it) many did not.

The reason they can be cocky is because the Wii outsold the 360 with their mediocre games. Like Wii play and others you noted on.
They didn't have good games then, and managed to stay close, and pass the 360 at one point in console sales.
Thats why they can be cocky, selling more with those games you keep whining about.
Thats why bud :thumbsup:
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  • #81
LoganSix said:
I agree, that's a lot of text without separation.

So, yungblood6, you come from the world that who ever finishes the race first isn't the winner, it's the guy who came in last who gave his best rehashed effort? Welcome to the Special Olympics, where everyone is a winner.

Dude, Microsoft did not bring out the Xbox to win in the casual gamer.
Yes, I don't own all three consoles. The last console I owned was Pong. Don't know that one? It was the first console. Yep, that's right, I'm a casual gamer. Guess what, I still play my Wii. In fact, I'm going to a Halloween party tonight and we'll have the Wii available for playing. Right, that would be at my friends house who played the Wii at another party and decided that he wanted it. Similar story with my older brother and sister who also have Wii's for themselves, because they played mine. My brother now has 4 friends (couples, married with children) who also bought a Wii because they played mine, when I was down visiting my brother. He tells me his friends are always bringing their remotes with them when they come over, so they can play. See the pattern?

My next Wii purchases will be BWii and MOH:H3. My brother and my friend having the party tonight will probably get both too, so we can play on-line. Oops, would that be casual gamers buying hardcore games? Oh sucks.
And what percentage do you think that makes in game sales? .01% if even that.
The DS was affordable enough and hip enough that a lot of people bought it for some entertainment when they weren't at home. Then Brain Age was created. And for some reason more people started buying the DS and playing Brain Age and then it caught on with people outside of the traditional gaming market.

Nintendo realized that they had hit on something with the DS. If they just made the games fun and easy, then they could expand their market and make more money. Cause, you know, that's what they are in business for. So, they retooled the GameCube to use the motion control of the remote so that it would be easier for non-traditional gamers to pick it up and play.

Therefor, those who play the DS are more likely to move up/add on a Wii as a future purchase.
yungblood6 said:
And what percentage do you think that makes in game sales? .01% if even that.

Yes, my brother, my friend, and I will make up .01% of the sales for BWii and MOH:H3. Oh wait, you were implying that all casual gamers will make up only .01% of sales for BWii and MOH:H3. I doubt that. Just like word of mouth has increased the sales of the DS and Wii outside the word of teenage boys and college students, word of mouth from the casual gamers will push sales of the other games. Because, just as it happens now, they will ask each other; "So, see any interesting games for the Wii?"

CantGetAWii mentioned WiiFit. I won't even go there on how that is going to change the gaming industry. Or how many of those will be sold by Nintendo.
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  • #84
CantGetAWii said:
Do you not read my posts good sir?
And where has Nintendo themselves talked about outselling the others, or acknowledging that they are doing a good job.

As far as I know, its sites or news people that are reporting that, not Nintendo themselves.
Just because they are doing well does not mean they say they are.
Theres a difference.

Games are looking pretty decent, not to mention the others that have been put on hold, as well as whats up their sleeves.
A new Starfox games, Pikmin 3 and Animal Crossing..some of Nintendo's better sellers, as well as new franchises that have not been revealed.
Do you not listen to the video press confrences that they give, do you not read the interviews in game magazines, Regie and other spokespersons for the wii have bee qouted as saying "our product is simply better than the compition" Since when were you competing in the first place I remember at the 2005 E3 Mr Shigeru Miyamoto saying that the wii was not competing it was just trying to bring gaming back, well it did lets let it be at that but number one its not and hell number one its not any more so i don't even know why im still here posting we will see if the wii gets it spot back hopefully it does but then hey they will probley lose it again when gta comes out thats a real console mover just look at what it did for the ps2 Im done its no point in arguing no more the wii isnt even in the top spot
Are you kidding me?
Saying that "our product is simply better than the competition"?
Who doesn't say that, everyone trying to sell their things will say that.

Thats not really being cocky, thats just common sense.
Something you seem to lack.
I think you misunderstood Mr Shigeru Miyamoto.
He was saying that the Wii would not compete in the "more power, better graphics" console war that had been going on. They were taking the Wii into a new direction that would emphasize bringing gaming back. And they did.

"our product is simply better than the competition" ~~ Yep, it's "simple" and it's "better" to play.
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  • #87
i can see that explanation on the topic but not the other ones, exp were this 16 year old is trying to tell me i lack common sense, that shows his lack of intel in the head, and his fanboyism because wow he loves nintendo that much where he has to call me names to get his point across. I have not yet to call some one out of there name nor to judge there competence on the situation but that just goes to show you what fanboys do when they don't have any thing to argue with.
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  • #88
I just find it funny how these pre teens and teens think they know so much about gaming that they can say some one has no common sense. I was gaming before you were a nut in ya daddy's sack
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  • #89
Hey im through i guess we will just have to agree to disagree i got games to play and other posts to comment on. It was nice debating with you my fellow wiichaters.
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