Is nintendo getting a little too cocky?

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Cocky? Yes. True, they have bragging rights from system sale sbut they are getting ahead of themselves. Casual and non-gamers are buying the system, but what about software? Are the non-gamers buying up the must own titles like Zelda and Metroid? Or are they sticking with Wii Sports and maybe 1 or 2 other "party" games and not buying anything else?

The hardware rush will only last so long. A good deal of the game lineup has lousy reviews- it's telling when Nintendo Power is giving bad reviews to Dokey Kong Barrel Blast. They need software that can move a couple million copies.
Well why wouldnt they, i mean ya, i know what you mean with this but if i were in the lead ide be confident enough to say all the things that they are saying
yungblood6 makes a valid point. Before the sales success of the Wii they had a much more conservative attitude, utilizing "old school" technics of innovative game play and controls that has helped shaped the company into what it is today. They also did so by means of insurance of profit, building a system that would insure profit on every system sold, unlike the competition to whom introduced theres at a loss to promote sales.

There conservative attitude did go out the door once the firestorm of sales came in, and now I agree Nintendo is acting a bit headstrong. I agree they've earned this right to some degree, however it seems the success has gone to there heads and are still unwilling to take necessary risks to maintain there position and appear to be too busy boasting claims, utilizing a poor release strategy, and seem too concerned about protecting there profits than continuing them (ie Wii Remote Jackets).

This point can be argued obviously, however I will argue that they are slipping as we speak. Independent reports are claiming that 67% of Wii owners are no longer playing it, and if you look at the game sales numbers on sites such as compared to the 360 it seems true. I know that developers was a bit ignorant to the sales potential of the Wii, most of us was, however even Nintendo should be more concerned increasing there game development themselves as so many are becoming frustrated with this "game drought".

I'm not saying Nintendo will fail, or suggesting that Nintendo is really doing anything wrong, however I have to agree yungblood6 on the topic that if the success of the Wii is not handled with the same precision and passion they had upon the design of the system, our fast paced gaming market could slip through there fingers if they are not careful. I have faith however and very optimistic, and believe that Nintendo will come out alright in the end.
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domientius said:
Cocky? Yes. True, they have bragging rights from system sale sbut they are getting ahead of themselves. Casual and non-gamers are buying the system, but what about software? Are the non-gamers buying up the must own titles like Zelda and Metroid? Or are they sticking with Wii Sports and maybe 1 or 2 other "party" games and not buying anything else?

The hardware rush will only last so long. A good deal of the game lineup has lousy reviews- it's telling when Nintendo Power is giving bad reviews to Dokey Kong Barrel Blast. They need software that can move a couple million copies.
This right here is excactly what im saying, units sold means nothing after the first couple years, the xbox never out sold the ps2 untill about 3 years after. but in my opinion the xbox had better games and better graphics. so if i was going to go by the consoles sold market i would have to say that ps2 won, but you dont consoles sales mean verry little in the gamin industry becaus every console looses money on its console even nintendo go do your research and find out how much it costs to make a wii and then tell me it adds up to 250 it doesnt they lose money too. its in software sales that companies make there money and that my friend the 360 is owning, and that my friend is why you don't see xbox even mentioning nintendo or the fact that they are second in console sales, same with the ps3 what have you heard about from them about this stupid war nothing because they know they actualy have the product that is going to outlast both, exp with price cuts. When a 360 with hard drive reaches the price point of 250, and customer walks into a store they see the wii and the 360 at about the same price point who do you think is going to win then i put my money on the 360 because hd is the future. These same numbers happend with the gamecube all the nintendo fans got it then no games were being bought then developers see this so they say why waist money and resources makeing games for a system that people arent buying games for. So yea nintendo is making money but the game companies arent making money off there console, they make money when people buy games, something the wii is not doing so well in go check the numbers.
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Just think Halo 3 has made more money than any thing nintendo has ever brought out, and thats just one game. Not to mention Gears of war, bioshock, and the list goes on. If you seriously think that Mario galaxy, and Smashbros can meet these numbers than you have been in the closet too long, nintendo needs a new ip that can compete with those numbers period Metroid prime, which i think is a awsome game hasn't even come close to any of those games. Why because casual gamers dont buy games like the hardcore do. most of those systems sold went to oldfolks homes and hospitals where all they need, and probely all they will get is wii sports.
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yungblood6 said:
wow calm down it its just 5 bucks i pay 50 dollars a year for xbox live and i don't have a browser with that., if you look at it thats like 5.00 a month

Xbox Live is absolutely worth 50 dollars a year, wayyyyy more innovative and user-immersive than the Wii. The Wii is in a different ball park though and I still like it.
yungblood6 said:
Just think Halo 3 has made more money than any thing nintendo has ever brought out, and thats just one game. Not to mention Gears of war, bioshock, and the list goes on. If you seriously think that Mario galaxy, and Smashbros can meet these numbers than you have been in the closet too long, nintendo needs a new ip that can compete with those numbers period

In other words, Nintendo needs a new console that IS competing with the "Next-Gen" consoles of today/tomorrow. There is room for the Wii in today's market, but Nintendo has the perfect opportunity to have two GOOD consoles out at once.
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BrianWilde said:
In other words, Nintendo needs a new console that IS competing with the "Next-Gen" consoles of today/tomorrow. There is room for the Wii in today's market, but Nintendo has the perfect opportunity to have two GOOD consoles out at once.
yes and no, that would be awsome if they did that, but they don't need to they need a new ip(game), that can get people wanting to buy it like people that want to buy microsoft games. Just like my reasoning for ps3 not being out of the race yet. they still havent even released there big number games yet. Metal gear can compete with gears and halo, Socom can compete with gears and halo, , Killzone(the new one not the old one) can compete with gears and halo, they might not win but they can bring big numbers better than a mario galaxy or a smashbros game. Nintendo needs to stop catering to the casual, or at least stop putting all its attention to the casual and get back to game making its time for mario, wario, zelda and metroid to retire or take the back seat to some new charecters, and a new vision.
Yungblood6 said:
every console looses money on its console even nintendo
Okay, I did my research, because I vaguely remembered sites saying that the Wii was the only console to make money off their hardware. and I found some articles, even if they arn't the biggest.

They also make games for that console because they don't know if it'll be a big hit even if that console isn't selling games. Oh and it's much cheaper to make a game on a Wii or a 360 than it is on a PS3. That's why many developers that were with Sony for the PS2 are now switching to the Wii and 360.

It also depends on who walks into that store there you mentioned between the 360 and Wii.:wink:
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Hell they could even bring back mega man and redo the whole series with a new look somthing like they did with metroid, i think that would go great with wii controls, its just so many differnt charectors and ideas that can be used with the wii controls that they need to stop using it on old charectors and start thinking of the future.
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  • #57
Krusnik said:
Okay, I did my research, because I vaguely remembered sites saying that the Wii was the only console to make money off their hardware. and I found some articles, even if they arn't the biggest.

They also make games for that console because they don't know if it'll be a big hit even if that console isn't selling games. Oh and it's much cheaper to make a game on a Wii or a 360 than it is on a PS3. That's why many developers that were with Sony for the PS2 are now switching to the Wii and 360.

It also depends on who walks into that store there you mentioned between the 360 and Wii.:wink:
But unlike nintendo the ps3 is not hurting for 3rd party support, and when space runs out for new games down the road the ps3 is the only system that can support that issue. just take a look at oblivion that took up most of the space on the 360 dvd, and the expansions had to be put on the hdd, now you look at the ps3 version they put all the expansions, except the last one, and still had enough room if they wanted to put that new expansions in there.
when deep games start to require that kind of space ps3 is the system for it, when they start to bring mmo's ps3 can handle that so ps3 is not in the need for 3rd party yet. what im trying to say is that nintendo cant just rely on mario zelda, and smashbros any more
yungblood6 said:
lets put this in perspective, lets put the wii with next gen graphics with a dvd player, and priced at 400 dollars, i don't think it would sale the same. The only reason that they sell like this now, which im not saying is'nt smart, is because of the price point, but lets just face it the wii is not a console that is going to dominate the market in 3 years, theres not much else that you can do with the wii mote in my opinion after star wars force unleashed. so Yea they got it know but thats nothing to be cocky about, hell the game cube was doing like this when it first came out now look at it, good for 2 years and then plummited. Those casual gamers that you are talking about well hey all they are playing is wii sports, whats going to happen when they finally get tired of that. you cant ignore the hard core, thats what microsoft knows, thats why they can appeal to both with out hurting anywhere. Got your hard core games, and got your casual with the live arcade both in nextgen, both customers happy. I for one the only reason i think i am still likeing and playing my wii is because i didnt get it at launch, so i didnt run thru those games that were good yet while i still got some that i havent played. but if i had got it at launch i probely would be saying the same thing that alot of wii owners are saying that they are bored and they need better games. So yea they got the casual gamers on lock but lets just face it casual gamers don't play games every day, and they don't run to the store to get the next big game on launch so if thats what they are relying on then i don't see a bright future.

Thats the first thing wrong there I noticed.
They wouldn't do that, and they wanted to take a different direction with their console.

I am sorry but they have every right to brag here.

CantGetAWii said:
Main reason is this.

The Wii managed to dish out very mediocre games early on in its launch life, many of which should have resulted in disaster. ( Some games were down right brutal).

They still managed to remain a close second to the 360 on its questionable library of games. Then when the goods..or better games came out it took the lead for a bit, then was second again.

Doing that though, gives them a right to be cocky in a sense.
Yes I know the Wii brought the casual gamers out of their respective closets, but thats just it.

I talked about the games there, and although yes the Wii has a lot of casual games, its also aimed at "teh hardcore".

Also, your grammar could use some work, just throwing that out there.
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yungblood6 said:
This right here is excactly what im saying, units sold means nothing after the first couple years, the xbox never out sold the ps2 untill about 3 years after. but in my opinion the xbox had better games and better graphics. so if i was going to go by the consoles sold market i would have to say that ps2 won, but you dont consoles sales mean verry little in the gamin industry becaus every console looses money on its console even nintendo go do your research and find out how much it costs to make a wii and then tell me it adds up to 250 it doesnt they lose money too. its in software sales that companies make there money and that my friend the 360 is owning, and that my friend is why you don't see xbox even mentioning nintendo or the fact that they are second in console sales, same with the ps3 what have you heard about from them about this stupid war nothing because they know they actualy have the product that is going to outlast both, exp with price cuts. When a 360 with hard drive reaches the price point of 250, and customer walks into a store they see the wii and the 360 at about the same price point who do you think is going to win then i put my money on the 360 because hd is the future. These same numbers happend with the gamecube all the nintendo fans got it then no games were being bought then developers see this so they say why waist money and resources makeing games for a system that people arent buying games for. So yea nintendo is making money but the game companies arent making money off there console, they make money when people buy games, something the wii is not doing so well in go check the numbers.

Sorry for the dp here, its not letting me copy n' paste this.
But Xbox never outsold the Ps2, not even after those 3 years your talking about I am pretty sure.
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Well i made my point even if i made a mistake, the xbox was still herald as the better system dispite not out selling the ps2, it had better games and sold more games, yes the ps2 had a lot of games but that was due to the fact there was nothing out to compete with the ps2 the dream cast had died of due to lack of third party support, which inturn was becaus sega did nothing to stop pirating on there system so thirdparties did not want to make games for it. also thanks for the english lesson i didnt know that mattered that much to you. but back to subject just because the wii is selling systems doesnt make it the better console. just like we have always said before this generations console war started its the games that decide the winner and the wii isn't winning in that department sorry. Im not bashing the wii, hell i play it right now more than i do my 360 but that doesnt mean its better im just ejoying somthing different right now but when call of duty 4, and about 4 other games come out this month that will be different. lets just keep it real there are no wii games that can out sell any of the big name games on the 360 or the ps3, if all your hopes and dreams are put on mario galaxy, and smashbros then i feel sorry for your gaming life, are you realy going to play smash bros for a year, or galaxy for a year i hope not.
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