Is nintendo getting a little too cocky?

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They didn't think the Wii would be a huge hit. I don't think many people honestly did, when they first revealed the Wiimote, everyone was pretty much going "wtf?".
I see no problem with this, they can do/say what they want.
I also completely agree with Dodabird. He nailed it.
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Last time i checked it hasnt been a year that they have been on top its only been like 4 or 5 months on top. Confidence and cocky are two totaly differnt things. Dont act like you are not trying to compete and then when you so happen to do well act like its what you where trying to do all along thats not confidence, thats cocky, confidence would have been them saying they were going to be on top when they started, which is not what happend, confidence is xbox, and ps3 dispite being under nintendo still thinking they will dominate the market. There not worried about what the other one is doing there just doing what they do best. Every one is talking about the ps3 being in last place, but ps3 has what it takes to out last the other two, just think they havent even released there killer apps yet, they have the most power, space, and ability to upgrade. I think ps3 will take it all back with the release of metal gear, kill zone, socom, GT5,and a couple of others.
yungblood6 said:
I think ps3 will take it all back with the release of metal gear, kill zone, socom, GT5,and a couple of others.

If they drop their price another 100 then, they might and the word "might" in this case, is a big ass IF.
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In my opinion if sony came out with the same price console as the xbox, then yea i believe they would be out selling every one right now. the only reason most people don't buy sony is it cost too much and they can get the same games on a cheaper console from microsoft. I understand sony's price point, a stand alone blue ray player costs 200 to 300 dollars, so if they didnt use blueray disks there console could be priced at 300 dollars. But i look at it this way for 600 bucks, cheaper now, you get a next gen console, blueray player, dvd player, free online, with multimedia functinality. To get all that with microsoft you have to buy extra atachments which if you add it up comes to the same price as a ps3 not including your 50 Year subcription to live. Nintendo i understand is just a game system, but at the same time they need to pump more firstparty games if the third parties are not going to step up to the plate and develope like they should. I am not in favor of either one i just buy consoles because i like new technolagy, i buy games because im a gamer. i could care less who wins the war because either way im happy, im not trying to jump on a bandwagon i just wish they would stop trying to compete and pay attention to the gamers needs, we need better games, and we need for crap companies, and Rich companies to stop paying reviewers off, so we can weed out the bad from the good with out having to pay good money for crap
i reckon nintendo have been different since wii came out, to them its not about the games anymore, i mean tell me one good game other than sppm, and mp3 that's actually out right now
That's actually out right now? 9_9 You can't really say that because we all don't share you taste in games. Yah.

I think they have a right to brag, it was a risk they were taking and it payed off. I just hope they don't get too overconfident. That's where the real slip-ups begin. I doubt that would happen, but it's not an impossibility.
No, it IS happening, look at Nintendo over-hyping casual stuff....ignoring the hardcore market sector.


I think it also might be because "hardcore" gamers check everything out months ahead, We've known about the big 3 and others for over a year. If we didn't get the inside scoop about them at E3 and EfA and only had a month or so waiting period, we wouldn't be so pissed.

Brawny said:
No, it IS happening, look at Nintendo over-hyping casual stuff....ignoring the hardcore market sector.


I think it also might be because "hardcore" gamers check everything out months ahead, We've known about the big 3 and others for over a year. If we didn't get the inside scoop about them at E3 and EfA and only had a month or so waiting period, we wouldn't be so pissed.

you noob stop posting!
if sony did some more price cuts on the ps3 they would be losing a lot of money. no third parties are helping nintendo now but that should change in the nect year or so. even if they dont get third party support i will still buy the first party and second party games. i too dont care if the console wins or not as long as it has good games on it. but i still dont see how nintendo is cocky. did they make any rude remarks to the other companies?
Mmmm I don't think the casual games are bad. They just aren't aimed at... well, us. But it really opens up the market to everyone, not just small groups of people. I love to hear of stories where families actually play games together. ^^ It makes me sad that I lost my wii sports game. (which came with the console, so it wasn't a loss, really)

And I'm sure it's a new thing for many developers, to make a game that synchronizes perfectly with the wii-mote features, you know? I'm sure there are going to be a lot more to come over the years that should make us happy. Though they will be far between, probably. ^^;

Edit: also, don't forget to take DS into account. <3
I am sorry but they have every right to brag here.

Main reason is this.

The Wii managed to dish out very mediocre games early on in its launch life, many of which should have resulted in disaster. ( Some games were down right brutal).

They still managed to remain a close second to the 360 on its questionable library of games. Then when the goods..or better games came out it took the lead for a bit, then was second again.

Doing that though, gives them a right to be cocky in a sense.
Yes I know the Wii brought the casual gamers out of their respective closets, but thats just it.
I have a unique perspective on this. I actually hear where you are coming from, but I see it from a different view. I don't see them as being cocky at all. I see it as confidence...and SO FAR (maybe not in the long run, who knows) they have a good reason for this confidence. I am a prime example.

I am 29... when I was 3 I started playing atari. Atari graphics were a few pixels boxed together representing some figure that you had to use your imagination to represent. A couple of gaming systems came out after that that didn't get TOO huge, one of them was Coleco Vision.. it was better than atari.. i had that one too. Then when i was 8, the Nintendo came out. MANNNNNN... duck hunt and super mario bros were the most amazing graphics in the world! They looked "almost" like real didn't require as much imagination. Nintendo was the LEADER of the pack in the gaming industry. Especially when they came out with Super Mario Bros 3.. oh man, kids all over the world were freaking out about how bad ass the graphics and sound were! there was even a movie made wrapped around it... called the Wizard, starring fred savage. Then Super Nintendo came out, and every kid just knew Nintendo was GOD. It was so amazing. I begged and pleaded for days and days for my mom to get my that super nintendo for christmas. I think it cost 200 bucks brand new. But DAMN!! it was 16 bit graphics MOM!!!! TOP OF THE LINE!!! ALMOST LIKE REAL CARTOON!! Nintendo has basically been swallowing all of its competitors til then.. Sega was doing "ok" for a while, but eventually got squashed. Then Playstation came out and started some serious competition. I was still diehard Nintendo fan tho. I stuck with Nintendo only for the n64. But that was the last system I bought. I wasn't really INTO gaming anymore when I actually got it.. my interests had changed.

I saw the gamecube and some of the mario and zelda games, and was interested.. always told myself I should get it someday.. but it wasn't a priority and I never got around to it. Now all this time, Nintendo has fallen down into THIRD place in the ranks.. after being on top of the gaming industry for much of its history. I had no interest for xbox or playstation 2.....I'd rather play a computer game.

THEN.. the WII came out. OH MY GOD. SUDDENLY after 10 years of disinterest in gaming consoles, I am suddenly excited about it again. WHY? because for the past 30 years, its all been about better graphics. I guess by the time the N64 came around, that didn't mean much to me anymore. I can still look at a Nintendo 64 game and be thrilled by the graphics. YOu have to understand how much I remember thinking Super Nintendo was BADASS in the graphics dept when I was a kid. Suddenly, wth the Wii... Nitendo comes out and completely redefines the gaming experience YET AGAIN!! YEa.. maybe the graphics aren't up to par YET with the rest,but they taken the gaming experience to a completely whole new experience. Sort of like when the went web from lynx text based web to full html. It was something that had never been done or even thought of before, and yet.. in retrospect.. seems so natural. And, given their history of innovation, it doesn't surprise me that Nintendo is the company that has done this.

NOT ONLY do they come out with this new innovative form of gameplay, but they have integrated the console into a web and multimedia experience far above what the competitors offer. I would have "thought" Microsoft would hvae come out with the first system to truly integrate a net community, and a HOT intuitive (but not yet perfect) web browser like the Wii offers. Plus.. I get to download all of my oldschool favorite games from when I was a kid for a pretty cheap price. Although I have most of them on my computer as ROM's with virtual game consoles, Its much more fun to play them on the tv, just like I did in the old days. Except my tv is much larger now.

Hell, even having the news and the weather on my wii is a huge bonus for me.

With the really great web integration, many sites are coming up with wii "made for" or compatible material that is just AMAZING! This is just the beginning! Think about what it could be in 10 years. This is like the "original nintendo" gaming system all over again. An innovative and unique sytem unlike anything else available. Nintendo might have fallen into third place for a few years, but I think this is gonna keep them on top for quite a few more! Until everyone else catches up to them again and gives them some decent competition.

Do I think they are being cocky?? hell no. They are seeing the results of what their hard work has accomplished and realize that they are going in the right direction... a direction that no one else has ever gone.

LOL sorry for the long post. I read that message and it made me start thinking about Nintendo from the old days... since I grew up with it basically.
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