a little rant!


WiiChat Member
Dec 19, 2006
Well first off id like to say ive been reading these boards since launch, and ive been reading alot from the PS3 thread.. now im not attacking anyone i just need to get something off my chest... ive heard it all ... wii is kiddy, had poor graphics, blah blah. im 20 years old and have had a nintendo since i was 2-3 years old... and id assume the same for most of you. now nintendo games have always been fun remember the days when the games were fun and no one cared about the graphics and whether it was a "kiddy" game or not... i do.. and i thinkg most of the people who say nintendo is kiddy or poor graphics are just scared to admit that they actually like nintendo and they feel the need to act all "grown up" and need FPS and graphics to have fun. they really like nintendo but all their friends have ps3 or xbox so they have to fit in with the herd... ive been there back in the days of SNES/sega...what am saying here is do you guys remember when games used to be fun before graphics and gore were the thing?
no one gave a damn and why should they give a damn about them now?
glad to get that off my chest it really irks me when i read all these threads about kiddy nintendo games... but remember you all played mario and "kiddy games"! remember your roots!!
Whatever. Graphics have always mattered. If it's all about the "fun factor" or whatever, why continue making new consoles? I'm not saying that great games must have jaw-dropping graphics, but improving graphics will make ANY game better, even kiddie games.
ya but graphics has been all thats been improved on sence the SNES..lol the reason the wii is doing so well isnt because of graphics its because of the game play... people were sick of just another upgrade in graphics they wanted a change to the way they played... graphics are now going to take a back seat.. its expected.. they shouldnt release a system without better graphics.. but it also needs more... whatever consoles come out after this are gonna be crazy.. new game play and good graphics... acctually keep us on our toes.. not just the same game with a better picture.. im still gonna beat it in a couple hours.. so that doesnt matter make it harder,make it intresting,make it new
Scuba Steve said:
Whatever. Graphics have always mattered. If it's all about the "fun factor" or whatever, why continue making new consoles? I'm not saying that great games must have jaw-dropping graphics, but improving graphics will make ANY game better, even kiddie games.

I totally agree. Without always inproving the graphics we would still be in the pong days. Nintendo's graphics are acceptable for now but I don't know if people are going to put up with it in another couple of years when the 360 and PS3 are putting out all games better then Gears of War graphics. This will really piss people off when you can get the same game with a huge graphical advantage for only $10 more with the 360 and PS3.
ics said:
Nintendo's graphics are acceptable for now but I don't know if people are going to put up with it in another couple of years when the 360 and PS3 are putting out all games better then Gears of War graphics. This will really piss people off when you can get the same game with a huge graphical advantage for only $10 more with the 360 and PS3.

put up with it? the wii has already sold 5 million units in 3 months world wide.. the 360 is just above 10 and its been out forever now... the ps3 barely pushed out a million if they even reached that yet.. people arnt only putting up with it they love it... sure the graphics arnt as good but nintendo took a shot in place of graphics they used controlls.. sure they could have done both but then they would be stuck with 400+ dollar system that not as many people would buy and they would make less profit on... "see sony" lol
next time around nintendo will have to step up graphics because they showed there hand and now sony and MS are going to be playing catch up in the game controll area where nintendo has the head start and will probably for years now because of it.. anyone can do graphics it just cost money.. nintendo is acctually making a profit on its console because they skipped it and are still outselling each system month to month now worldwide.. the only thing holding them back is how fast they can make them.
wezeles said:
put up with it? the wii has already sold 5 million units in 3 months world wide.. the 360 is just above 10 and its been out forever now... the ps3 barely pushed out a million if they even reached that yet.. people arnt only putting up with it they love it... sure the graphics arnt as good but nintendo took a shot in place of graphics they used controlls.. sure they could have done both but then they would be stuck with 400+ dollar system that not as many people would buy and they would make less profit on... "see sony" lol
next time around nintendo will have to step up graphics because they showed there hand and now sony and MS are going to be playing catch up in the game controll area where nintendo has the head start and will probably for years now because of it.. anyone can do graphics it just cost money.. nintendo is acctually making a profit on its console because they skipped it and are still outselling each system month to month now worldwide.. the only thing holding them back is how fast they can make them.

Hey I totally agree with what you are saying but the lack of graphics will hurt sales in years to come. It is acceptable now but I don't think it will be in a couple of years.
For example.
What would have happened if they added the wii remote years ago to the N64instead of making the gamecube.
At first it would have done great but then after the ps2 and Xbox really started to show off it's graphics do you think people would still be happy playing Resident Evil 4 downgraded to N64 graphics but with a wii remote?

I love the wii and how Nintendo has changed it's focus but I really think we will all be wishing for a Wii2 in about 2 years.
really the only people who are going to complaine is the ones with the other systems and an HDTV on a standard t.v. you can barley tell the difference between 480p and 1080... now if you do have a hi def t.v. you will notice it but even then composite cables makes the wii fine specially when you consider the games on the wii... most of them dont have the dark shadows and effects of the FPS and RPG that sony and MS strive on... most nintendo games are britter, more color, ect.. more kiddie if you will.. just based on that and the fact that the other 2 dont have that style game you dont really notice you will see the fall in sales between like the tom clancey games,need for speed, the ones that stand out and need the graphics... but nintendo doesnt rely on these games to survive.. they add them to it to make the customer happy... im sure they didnt expect sony to stumble this much but they were never after the games that required the kinda graphics that the other 2 need to survive.. they have always had there own nitch.. and always will... now if sony stays on the ground long im sure they will do something about it fast... they arnt going to let 360 take all that open space by themself..

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