Is nintendo getting a little too cocky?

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lets put this in perspective, lets put the wii with next gen graphics with a dvd player, and priced at 400 dollars, i don't think it would sale the same. The only reason that they sell like this now, which im not saying is'nt smart, is because of the price point, but lets just face it the wii is not a console that is going to dominate the market in 3 years, theres not much else that you can do with the wii mote in my opinion after star wars force unleashed. so Yea they got it know but thats nothing to be cocky about, hell the game cube was doing like this when it first came out now look at it, good for 2 years and then plummited. Those casual gamers that you are talking about well hey all they are playing is wii sports, whats going to happen when they finally get tired of that. you cant ignore the hard core, thats what microsoft knows, thats why they can appeal to both with out hurting anywhere. Got your hard core games, and got your casual with the live arcade both in nextgen, both customers happy. I for one the only reason i think i am still likeing and playing my wii is because i didnt get it at launch, so i didnt run thru those games that were good yet while i still got some that i havent played. but if i had got it at launch i probely would be saying the same thing that alot of wii owners are saying that they are bored and they need better games. So yea they got the casual gamers on lock but lets just face it casual gamers don't play games every day, and they don't run to the store to get the next big game on launch so if thats what they are relying on then i don't see a bright future.
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  • #32
Brawny said:

Anyways, I agree to a point.
Yea thats his name i was writing something like miyamata and i was like that doesnt look right.
They haven't gotten cocky, but they are starting to turn into a miniature Microsoft with their Wii-Points and charging for the internet service that USED to be free...
wii-points make sense as a form of payment for games ,but what do you mean "charging for internet service"? My ISP charges me.. not Nintendo. If you mean the web browser... its only 5.00USD, and the only reason it used to be free it because it was still in beta. its still not perfect, but they are doing a damn good job with it.
even if you only make min wage, if you are an avid web user, who'd like to take that onto your wii... you will find the purchase of the $5.00 web browser well worth your time. its better than the browsers ive seen on pda's who ahve similar/comparable restrictions and problems, due to resolutions and distance from view.
Yes, the web browser, it's not the fact it costs money now that makes me angry it's the fact that the people who had it in beta stage (a.k.a. the lucky ones who got Wii's somehow before Oct. 2007) don't have to pay for the upgrade and 5 dollars is quite a bit for a Web Browser anyways. I have two free ones on my desktop right now.
well honestly, i was thinking about that too as i read about them having it earlier as well. BUT, that sort of situation is common is beta testing. just gotta grin and bear it man LOL. I did.. i still feel the 5 bucks was worth it.
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wow calm down it its just 5 bucks i pay 50 dollars a year for xbox live and i don't have a browser with that., if you look at it thats like 5.00 a month
and.. there is a lot that can be done ... improved. and innovated from the wii remote and nunchunk.. ;) a LOT. if you cant see that you are blind.
and it only expands from there.. just like the nintendo simple remote.. it gets more complex.. notice how "simple" this system is. no doubt in five years from now, three or four other companies will be doing othe same, and remotes buttons design of intuitive controllers gets more complex.
thats now competition works. ;)
Just to throw it out there about the internet service with Wii, one payment of 5.00USD is awesome and you pay nothing for playing games online.

Unlike Xbox LIVE, which you must pay 7.99USD/month and only get to play games.. no weather.. no internet service.. you only get games online. I think that you guys [soon to be we] are pretty privileged.
I personally don't think that Nintendo are cocky in any way. The unexpected success of the Wii is a great step forward for the company, since the GC was considered by many to be a failure. This gives them a chance to speak out about their console, which is currently in first place.
I think you are missing some big points.

XBox 360 came out a FULL YEAR before the Wii and PS3. The Wii has outsold the Xbox 360 in TOTAL sales. Which means, the rate at which the Wii has been selling, puts it at the top. At 13 million in 11 months, you can't dispute the numbers.

Unlike the 360 and PS3, Nintendo makes a profit on every console it sells. The 360 and PS3 have had prices drops. Which makes them even bigger money losers than they were before. Luckily for Sony and Microsoft, they have other forms of revenue. Profit surged for Nintendo by $1.65 billion for the first half of the fiscal year (March - September).

XBox 360's game de force is Halo. Halo 3 came out almost 2 years after the launch of the 360. So far, it managed to make the 360 beat the sale of the Wii for 1 month. The Wii still sold out for the month and wasn't far behind in numbers. A lot of 360's have been sitting on shelves for months when Halo 3 came out.

And the biggest point. The Wii has opened up the market from the regular 14-30 year old male range to 7 - 70 year old male/female range. All the 360 and PS3 did was pander to their existing market. Why doesn't the Wii have a DVD player? Simple, most homes already have a DVD player and with the current HD format war, why waste money and inflate costs by putting one in? Why doesn't the Wii have the best graphics in the world? Because Nintendo realizes that people really enjoyed playing games back in the 80's when the graphics were basic, but the game play was great.

Nintendo out thought their competition. They brought out a product that is desired by a large portion of the population. They made it affordable so that more people can get it if they wanted it. And they did it while make a boatload of money. They have all the right in the world to brag. They are the David to the twin Goliath's.

Also, to say that the Wii remote action is limited to a light saber move is being very narrow sighted. When Raymon Rabbids 2 comes out, you should get it to see all of the silly movements the remote is used for. Whatever you use your hands for, the Wii remote can do the same.
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