Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

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Sableye has concentrated all of the energy from its Mega Evolution into the red jewel on its chest, which increases in size and detaches from its body. This enlarged jewel boasts incredible hardness, and it is said that no attack can even make a scratch on it!

When Sableye Mega Evolves, its Defense and Sp. Attack stats both get big boosts. Its Speed stat does decrease slightly, perhaps because of the weight of its huge jewel. Thanks to its Magic Bounce Ability, any moves that affect only stats or status conditions will be bounced back at its attacker.


I mean Magic Bounce is great and all but...it's not Prankster. >//<

As much as I lament the loss of my favorite ability in the game, it's not like Mega Sableye won't be good. On the contrary...assuming massive defense increase, and a significant sp. defense increase (it will probably go up, just not as much as defense or sp. attack), it will probably make a good Calm Minder. Can't be statused, phased (without Dragon Tail), or Taunted. And mono dark has good neutral coverage. Like regular Sableye, it can also use Recover, Will-o-wisp, and Taunt...not that it will have room (or as much need) more Taunt, I'd imagine. Will-o-wisp and especially Recover will still be very useful of course. And it still gets Prankster on turn 1, as if it were a reverse Mega Banette.

Its presence on the field also means that entry hazards absolutely cannot be set up. Well, regular Sableye can boast similarly, but prediction with Taunt can be tricky. Better than Espeon and Xatu, that's for sure.

Here's roughly the stats I hope it gets:

50/75/75/65/65/50 --> 50/75/145/95/85/30

I'd rather it get a larger special defense boost and a smaller special attack boost, but alas, the site's wording doesn't make it sound like that...

Erm, also....

Weight: 354.9 lbs.

holy ****

that's some sexy artwork btw
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turn 1 prankster and magic bounce is so troll lol
that's pretty great yeah

technically one doesn't have to mega evolve it right away, ones I've used have been able to put in work even when burned or (regular) poisoned, which is similar to not holding lefties. I see Mega Sableye forgoing Taunt and often Knock Off or Foul Play. The best set might be Recover/Will-o-wisp/Calm Mind/Dark Pulse but I'm not positive. Metal Burst and Snarl are also moves I can see it making use of.
It loses priority Will-O-Wisp and Recover, the things that made it so good. :/ And yeah, Mega Sableye seems like one of those Megas you don't want to Mega Evolve right away, like DD Charizard X and Gyarados. I can only see Magic Bounce being useful for discouraging entry hazards (like Mega Absol leads) and/or Toxic stalling. It needs something more unique, or just-plain better.
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Prankster come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Prankster come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong and I just can't live without you

It loses priority Will-O-Wisp and Recover, the things that made it so good. :/ And yeah, Mega Sableye seems like one of those Megas you don't want to Mega Evolve right away, like DD Charizard X and Gyarados. I can only see Magic Bounce being useful for discouraging entry hazards (like Mega Absol leads) and/or Toxic stalling. It needs something more unique, or just-plain better.
It plays quite differently than regular Sableye, yep. Both regular and mega Sableye have their uses. Assuming it gets stats similar to what I posted, I still think mega Sableye will be quite good. It really helps prevent hazards, it might be able to sweep with Calm Mind, it switches into fighting-types easier, etc. I may add that regular Sableye's Prankster could help with a Calm Mind sweep. Set up some priority Calm Minds against an offensive Pokemon, and mega evolve while recovering off the damage.

252+ SpA Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Sableye: 150-177 (49.3 - 58.2%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. +2 252 HP / 0 SpD Sableye: 112-133 (36.8 - 43.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. +2 252 HP / 0 SpD Mega Sableye (hypothetical): 91-108 (29.9 - 35.5%) -- 23.8% chance to 3HKO

Non Life Orb offensive Zapdos may not be the strongest example of a special attacker, but it's not the weakest either.


252+ SpA Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mega Sableye (hypothetical) on a critical hit: 271-319 (89.1 - 104.9%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO

Critical hits are going to be the bane of it's existence...perhaps the superior spread is one that invests more in special defense.

By the way, 50/85 are the stats I used for the hypothetical mega Sableye. It's probably going to get at least a +20 boost. I hope it's more, of course. Looking at the site, it's actually possible that its special defense will be raised more than its special attack, or at least the same amount. For example, with mega Absol, the site only mentions attack and speed increases -- despite the fact that its special attack got much more of a boost than its physical attack.

Edit: 252+ Atk Huge Power burned Azumarill Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Sableye (hypothetical): 100-118 (32.8 - 38.8%) -- 99.2% chance to 3HKO

Woah. That's cool. Makes Shadow Ball seem a tad more viable to hit it harder

0 SpA Mega Sableye (hypothetical) Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Azumarill: 100-118 (24.7 - 29.2%) -- 99.2% chance to 3HKO after burn damage

But not really, since it can only possibly beat weakened ones and has no chance of outspeeding after mega evolving. Along with the fact that Azu would probably just Belly Drum first turn anyway. And of course it loses to Choice Band versions.
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Thought they were Team Magma and Team Aqua's Secret Bases for a second.

Reading the description, it seems to function like that underground I-forgot-what-it-was-called in Platinum. Nice.

Even the official art depictin' Super Secret Bases focuses on the flag-collectin' aspect of DPP's Underground, so it's obvious Game Freak has taken seriously the whining we engaged in years ago 'bout how the Underground sucks 'cause it's local only. And also added RSE secret base things into the mix.

very good

As an advocate user of 'Gross since the days of RSE, I look forward to MegaMeta bein' amazing.

if it ends up like the other pseudo-legend mega evos i will not be amewsed
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  • #116
the Underground sucks 'cause it's local only
it sucks for more reasons than that

As an advocate user of 'Gross since the days of RSE, I look forward to MegaMeta bein' amazing.

if it ends up like the other pseudo-legend mega evos i will not be amewsed
I'm not too worried about that. First of all, it looks quite a bit faster than regular Metagross, and if its speed gets boosted by at least 20 or 30 points, that's already a major upgrade over regular Metagross. Secondly, said design also makes me thing it might have Levitate or Speed Boost, both of which would be great for it (especially the latter). Thirdly, every Mega so far is a very significant improvement, the only exceptions are, well, the ones of Pokemon that were already really good. Eh, well, Aerodactyl and Abomasnow didn't get as much of an improvement, but at least they're not Megachomp. Metagross in XY isn't that impressive, so I doubt Megagross will be anything less than a very significant improvement.
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  • #118
Explain, for I call Tauroshit.
For one, it's far more satisfying to have a base on the overworld map than in some underground cavern that exists solely for obtaining certain items and ****. Two, I don't recall there being a battle mechanic, though I could be wrong. Three, I recall there being less decorations, but I could easily be wrong on this one. I might have other reasons, but I don't remember what they are right now....

Did you not notice the jets on its back...?

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