Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

greninja much

I heard that Mega-Metagross will have Tough Claws, which would be awesome. I don't know whether or not this has been confirmed.
That's just been confirmed on Serebii, thank you. Although Tough Claws seems like a strange Ability for it.

Serebii said:
More details on Mega Evolutions. Mega Diancie receives a big boost to its Speed, as well as boosts to its Attack and Sp. Atk, while experiencing a reduction in its Defense and Sp. Def. Mega Metagross also has a greatly increased Speed stat, with additional increases in its Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, and Sp. Def, making Mega Metagross primed for both offense and defense.

"Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed" sounds like my iv judge
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Diancie gets frailer? Hmm...well, that's good news for Mega Sableye. Really looking forward to using both of them.
Many of Metagross's main moves are contact moves: Meteor Mash, the punches, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt... essentially all of its main moves except Earthquake get a free life orb boost. Although what moves it usually uses could change with the boost to its special attack and speed.
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  • #140
Many of Metagross's main moves are contact moves: Meteor Mash, the punches, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt... essentially all of its main moves except Earthquake get a free life orb boost. Although what moves it usually uses could change with the boost to its special attack and speed.
Doubtful. For one, I doubt its special attack will get within 20 base points of its physical attack. Tough Claws means that it will prefer physical attacks even more. Its physical movepool is also wider than its special movepool.
Serebii said:
Mega Metagross also a greatly increased Speed stat, with additional increases in its Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, and Sp. Def, making Mega Metagross primed for both offense and defense.

This worries me. Specialization is the crux of competitive anything. If Metagross' boost to its base Speed isn't +40 or higher, it won't be enough. vMetagross can simply use Rock Polish and a Life Orb for sweeping, while also enjoyin' the benefits of increased bulk since it doesn't need to allocate tons of EVs to Speed. Furthermore, Metagross can abuse Bullet Punch to ignore the Need for Speed in many situations.

MegaMeta NEEDS to hit notably harder than its vanilla counterpart, or it'l be the same situation as it was with Garchomp or Tyranitar: their Megas aren't immaculate improvements, and using them thus means you probably aren't utilizing your Mega slot as best you could be. I don't know how much of a difference Tough Claws makes, but it better be enough t' allow MegaMeta to hit harder than LOrb Meta.

... Also, even if MegaMeta got +40 Base Speed, it might need t' run a Speed-boostin' nature. Which would be bad for its damage output since it won't be holdin' a LOrb.

ALSO, it needs t' distinguish itself from Mega Scizor. It'l have a weaker Bullet Punch, no recovery move, and an arguably worse secondary typing. Scizor's typing has blatantly Serperior neutrality, so it'l probably be better than MegaMeta defensively. Megagross needs to prove useful offensively, so the speed boost better be gigantic.
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I'm sure it will get at least +30 speed. While base 100 isn't great, it's still respectable enough. I also hope it gets more, of course.

I'm not worried about its damage output, Tough Claws makes it hit just as hard as LO Metagross, and that's ignoring its increased attack. I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna do a calc, but if Megagross got, say, +20 in attack (worst case scenario), it would be hitting about 15% harder than LO Meta, I believe.
On the topic of Steel-type Mega evolutions, I can see MegaMeta bein' used as a Mega Mawile check (Clear Body lols at Intimidate, dem resistances, and EQ), and thus bein' used over MMawile. Tough Claws ain't Huge Power and Metagross doesn't learn SD, but 'ey.

I'm sure it will get at least +30 speed. While base 100 isn't great, it's still respectable enough.

I feel that wouldn't be enough to justify a Mega evolution slot. Base 120 would be, I reckon.

I'm not worried about its damage output, Tough Claws makes it hit just as hard as LO Metagross.

... Oh. I thought Tough Claws boosted moves by 20%. derp

Regardless, I don't think Jolly MegaMeta will outdamaged Adamant Gross @ LOrb. Bar a notable Base Attack boost, which I feel is what MegaMeta wants most. XY is the Generation of priority, and if Meta can keep up with all these omnipotent Bullet/Sucker Pawnches 'n Shadow Sneaks, it'd better its chances of succeeding in OU.
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  • #144
You present an impossible ideal. You want +50 in speed and somefin like +30 or +40 in attack. This is impossible, as it's been confirmed that all its stats will get some sort of boost. If it got +50 in speed it could only get +20 in attack, max. And vice versa.

I expect it to have somefin like

80/135/130/95/90/70 --> 80/155/150/115/100/100. Which isn't ideal, but it's not too bad.

Edit: Oh, apparently the Tough Claws boost is 33%, not 30%. A tad better.
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You present an impossible ideal. You want +50 in speed and somefin like +30 or +40 in attack.

No, I said I wanted either or. When I said specialization is key to competitive viability, I was bein' very literal. MegaGross NEEDS a ginormous speed boost t' get into an amazing speed tier, or to hit notably harder than vGross. It won't distinguish itself enough t' be a commonly used Mega Evolution otherwise.

Mind you, I don't expect its attack to go up by more than +30, nor its speed higher than +40, and thus my expectations for MegaGross ain't incredibly high.
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  • #150
corocoro's leaking

mega altaria confirmed, dragon/fairy with pixilate
mega lopunny confirmed, normal/fighting with scrappy

Edit: mega salamence confirmed, same typing with aerialate
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