Hoenn Confirmed (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)

Nah, Dragonite can be forgotten ('til Volcano Red and Jungle Green are released). Multiscale is enough for a good few Generations.
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  • #154
sss, don't forget about stunfisk gamefreak
I want my arena trap mega stunfisk
or -- better yet -- an ability that makes every attack paralyze 100% of the time

also, it's been almost an hour since the last update...this better not be it for this leak...
Don't like the designs for these new Megas. Altaria gets so fat it can't even fly anymore. And vLopunny just looked better IMO.

do we hav pix for mega salamence?

an ability that makes every attack paralyze 100% of the time
I would quit Pokemon if that came into existence...
Not insulting, just saiyan they could be better. Maybe a lot better. And I originally thought that hideous thing was a kite.
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  • #159

lol'd hard

Debating whether or not I prefer vMence. need to see in-game

there ya go

Not insulting, just saiyan they could be better. Maybe a lot better. And I originally thought that hideous thing was a kite.
vanillamence looks stupid imo
I actually like megamence
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  • #161

...well, megabro takes the spot of "silliest mega" so far, fittingly enough.

It has...shell armor? What the hell? Okay, while the immunity to crits is obviously useful, it's very situational unless it plans to set up defense boosts. It gets Amnesia, Calm Mind, and Iron Defense.

252+ SpA Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. +2 252 HP / 0 SpD Mega Slowbro: 158-188 (40.1 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery (assuming 100 base sp. defense)

could be cool, though it would obviously prefer another ability. Like, I don't know, regenerator. It apparently keeps Water/Psychic though I don't know if that information's final, I hope it becomes Water/Steel. Even if the fighting weakness wouldn't help it set up. At least it would still have STAB water attacks for ground-types.

The fair(l)y well designed Mega Audio is Normal/Fairy with Healer. The ability is 100% useless in singles, it would have much preferred Regenerator for that, though I'm not too mad about it since it allows it to function as a doubles orientated Mega. It's still a big upgrade over regular Audino with fairy-typing and higher stats, which are hopefully focused into defenses.

And with that, Generation V megas are finally here.
Pokemon that don't deserve Megas...are getting them?!


Audino is a Fairy tryhard. Seriously, I would've been fine with just a type change.
Although its Mega might be useful with some postpone evolution > Regenerator heal / go to support > change to defensive type sort of thing...

Shell Armor Mega Slowbro is worse than Levitate Mega Lati@s... They're killing my hype here. It's nearly nonexistent now.
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  • #163
Pokemon that don't deserve Megas...are getting them?!
Eh? Audino deserves the mega way more than many Pokemon that have gotten megas so far. Unless you like Megachomp, Traggy?

Although its Mega might be useful with some postpone evolution > Regenerator heal / go to support > change to defensive type sort of thing...
It'll definitely be useful with its higher bulk, support movepool and fairy-typing. It'll be like if Sylveon traded offensive presence for actual physical defense, and a fighting resistance for a ghost immunity.

Shell Armor Mega Slowbro is worse than Levitate Mega Lati@s... They're killing my hype here. It's nearly nonexistent now.
It's definitely a downgrade, though it will be beneficial to any boosting set. Not sure how viable one of those will be. And don't compare Megabro to those abominations, Megabro will at least have relevant stat increases.

also, more pics
mega audino
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I still want Mega Flygon

oh and Mega Slowbro is the first non fully-evolved mega
More hope for Mega Eevee and I don't want a Mega Pikachu
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