Forming Team

Hey, guys.
I'm just letting you know that I'm out. Looking to join other clan that some of my friends are planning to make. Anyways, you guys are too good for me, I mean look at Volcarona or Zanapher... John011, PrivateEye, etc... and me? I don't think I can play like them. :)
Hope to see you in the battlefield!

i hate ur name cuz i hate ppl like you that have to cheal,learn how to play the games right ONLY garbage players cheat

Umm... That's just his name. He's not really a cheater...
Anyway Madara, it's sad to see you go. Good luck with that clan of yours. Who knows? Maybe we'll meet each other on the battlefield sometime.
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  • #287
Hey, guys.
I'm just letting you know that I'm out. Looking to join other clan that some of my friends are planning to make. Anyways, you guys are too good for me, I mean look at Volcarona or Zanapher... John011, PrivateEye, etc... and me? I don't think I can play like them. :)
Hope to see you in the battlefield!

i hate ur name cuz i hate ppl like you that have to cheal,learn how to play the games right ONLY garbage players cheat

Shut the hell up and never post on this thread again.... Madara is not a cheater. I have spoken.
Hey, guys.
I'm just letting you know that I'm out. Looking to join other clan that some of my friends are planning to make. Anyways, you guys are too good for me, I mean look at Volcarona or Zanapher... John011, PrivateEye, etc... and me? I don't think I can play like them. :)
Hope to see you in the battlefield!

i hate ur name cuz i hate ppl like you that have to cheal,learn how to play the games right ONLY garbage players cheat

Shut the hell up and never post on this thread again.... Madara is not a cheater. I have spoken.
lmao thats some G sh*t
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  • #289
i hate ur name cuz i hate ppl like you that have to cheal,learn how to play the games right ONLY garbage players cheat

Shut the hell up and never post on this thread again.... Madara is not a cheater. I have spoken.
lmao thats some G sh*t

You don't come on a thread you don't belong to and flame someone just because you don't like there name and accuse them of being something they're not. That guy needs to learn some damn respect and to grow the hell up.
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  • #293
The most pathetic thing someone can do is manually turn off their console to quit a game... i thought host quits were pathetic enough... HA. This takes it to a whole new level, and i've been getting A LOT of these "lost connection to host" crap. They're turning off the consol to leave a game.
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  • #294
2000xp 35 kills 5 hero kills 1 death 125 - 15 RECORD!!!!!!!!

I was the Hero all game.

6 games of 1247xp to 2045xp a game! NUTS. Noobs are my fav to level up against lol
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hey guys, im back finally. so i see some stuff has changed, madara, i still hope to play a few games with ya. your a great player.

a10 year old, i still have to add you, its on my page still.
ryno and patrick, il get on and add ya as well. and welcome.

i guess im gettin on now, i got some catchin up to do. i will c ya guys online.
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  • #296
hey guys, im back finally. so i see some stuff has changed, madara, i still hope to play a few games with ya. your a great player.

a10 year old, i still have to add you, its on my page still.
ryno and patrick, il get on and add ya as well. and welcome.

i guess im gettin on now, i got some catchin up to do. i will c ya guys online.

Hey Jason welcome back! Yeah you do that some catching up to do lol. But I hope you had a great time in minnesota.
it was a good time, i caught the biggest smallmouth, a little over 20 in. about 6lbs. caught a few just below that. weather was pretty bad tho. lots of wind and rain.
il put a pic up a lil later today once i get everything unpacked. i got home and turned on goldeneye lol
1st of all having a name as Cheater is childish.
2nd of all i can do & talk about what i like on the forums,
all i said was i dont like his name cuz i hate cheaters.
3rd of all you all trash talkn about me dont effect me cuz this is just the internet if it was in real life in person i would wip your ***. Now learn some respect b4 opening your mouth
4th of all 95%-100% ppl that put cheater,hacker,glitcher in there name are in FACT do what there name say, i kno for a FACT cuz i been online gaming for 12years from PC, PS2, PS3, PSP & now also on Wii. so mabe he should not name himself cheater is all i am saying if he wont want to be called one then. i was not trying be a jerk till you all opened your mouth bashing me cuz i base my Fact on my 12years online gaming & rest you all owe me a sorry for talkn trash about me, cuz me & cheater been chating in private messages for 2days & he pretty cool guy. he also talked to me in private message with recpect & explained he not really a cheater & so on, while rest you acted childish & started bashing. so there for i have RESPECT for Cheater for being a real MAN & talking to me with Kind Respect. & ill keep talkn to Cheater in private messages & hope play with him in Mario Kart Wii.
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  • #299
1st of all having a name as Cheater is childish.
2nd of all i can do & talk about what i like on the forums,
all i said was i dont like his name cuz i hate cheaters.
3rd of all you all trash talkn about me dont effect me cuz this is just the internet if it was in real life in person i would wip your ***. Now learn some respect b4 opening your mouth
4th of all 95%-100% ppl that put cheater,hacker,glitcher in there name are in FACT do what there name say, i kno for a FACT cuz i been online gaming for 12years from PC, PS2, PS3, PSP & now also on Wii. so mabe he should not name himself cheater is all i am saying if he wont want to be called one then. i was not trying be a jerk till you all opened your mouth bashing me cuz i base my Fact on my 12years online gaming & rest you all owe me a sorry for talkn trash about me, cuz me & cheater been chating in private messages for 2days & he pretty cool guy. he also talked to me in private message with recpect & explained he not really a cheater & so on, while rest you acted childish & started bashing. so there for i have RESPECT for Cheater for being a real MAN & talking to me with Kind Respect. & ill keep talkn to Cheater in private messages & hope play with him in Mario Kart Wii.

Aww really? Congratulations :dita:

You are posting in a thread that no one gives a crap what you have to say. Go away and pester someone else.

YOU were wrong in just showing up here and saying what you did in the first place. I dont come to where ever you post and flame it up because I dont like your name . Come on just read that and listen to yourself on how patheticly immature that sounds. I could say some really funny stuff here, but i'll keep it to myself cause I am a mature adult... Sometimes heh.

Just leave it be buddy.
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  • #300
it was a good time, i caught the biggest smallmouth, a little over 20 in. about 6lbs. caught a few just below that. weather was pretty bad tho. lots of wind and rain.
il put a pic up a lil later today once i get everything unpacked. i got home and turned on goldeneye lol

Wow nice looking Bass, lucky SOB. Im Jealous :-(

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