Forming Team

i think i set some record tonight, i played my final game tonight, in the nightclub, on heroes, against a 32,30, 25,10 and i went 17 kills, 2 deaths....dont sound that impressive, i had 9 hero elims, my previous best was 6. the dumbasses kept spawing right in front of me. one guy spawned as i was shooting him.

on a side note i played a heroes game with THE GAME, and prince luigi showed up. he was on my team, and we dominated that douche and he rage quit with 3 mins left. PL had like 20 kills and 2 hero elims and i was 15-4 with 2 hero elims.
THE GAME, THE BULLET and the rest of there team are a bunch of bitches, and i aint afraid to say it, you guys are hackin little whores who cant shoot legitly, id call out their team but they cant play without cheating. and for lvl 56;s they play like lvl 10's.....YA I JUST SAID THAT!!.

anyway, ill c all my teammates next weekend. have a great week everyone, i sure will.
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  • #273
the dumbasses kept spawing right in front of me. one guy spawned as i was shooting him.

Yeah. Those are my favorite. Spawn in the heat of battle just to die as soon as they spawn. I've watched a few spawn right in from of me and die right away, it's the best.

But have fun Fishing! Catch some good ****.
on a side note i played a heroes game with THE GAME, and prince luigi showed up. he was on my team, and we dominated that douche and he rage quit with 3 mins left. PL had like 20 kills and 2 hero elims and i was 15-4 with 2 hero elims.

Played him today, he is a bit of a douche. This whole FC/Forum thing is new to me and love that I have seen or played against some of you and the people you talk about.
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  • #276
Would love to join

username is patrick and I am lvl 36 (will be with 200 more xp :)
FC 086824247761

I'll add you and you add me and I will envite you to join a few of us when we team up against our lab rats LOL. Call them lab rats cause there is no challenge when 4 of us team up.

See how you can fight before you can dawn the WC logo.

Just added ya.
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Woaaah, just read all the posts since my own post in here.

I couldn't find the thread for some reason that's why I have not posted. I added most of the people on here.

I'm nearly at level 40, this XP thing is brutal, all that work and nothing for level 40 once you get there! 5 more levels until the strata, can't wait.
FC: 2927 0587 1926

Name: Robocop Ryno

Add me, I'm sick of playing games and people quitting, I played at least 20 games yesterday and at least over half quit.
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  • #279
FC: 2927 0587 1926

Name: Robocop Ryno

Add me, I'm sick of playing games and people quitting, I played at least 20 games yesterday and at least over half quit.

Welcome! Nice to see your interest in our clan, I just added you.

You'll notice the higher your level the more host quits you get. I just leveled to 45 two days ago and the Strata is a beast :devil: So much better than the Anova which you will be unlocking at 41.

As long as there is enough players online, we always play as a team. You'll enjoy gameplay a hell of a lot more when you have teammates. Plus when you invite or get invited you have a much better shot at one of you guys being host so that means no host quits! That's the best part IMO.
damn john u caught up to me im 4k from 47 tho and ryno ill add u my fc is in the sig oh yea bullet is a huge noob.
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  • #281
damn john u caught up to me im 4k from 47 tho and ryno ill add u my fc is in the sig oh yea bullet is a huge noob.

Yeah i've been playing non stop for two days at one point, I needed to catch up LOL. I wanted that damn Strata.

And who is Bullet? Why does that name sound so familiar......
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FC: 2927 0587 1926

Name: Robocop Ryno

Add me, I'm sick of playing games and people quitting, I played at least 20 games yesterday and at least over half quit.

Welcome! Nice to see your interest in our clan, I just added you.

You'll notice the higher your level the more host quits you get. I just leveled to 45 two days ago and the Strata is a beast :devil: So much better than the Anova which you will be unlocking at 41.

As long as there is enough players online, we always play as a team. You'll enjoy gameplay a hell of a lot more when you have teammates. Plus when you invite or get invited you have a much better shot at one of you guys being host so that means no host quits! That's the best part IMO.

Cool, will probably be online a lot this week, my girlfriend is on holiday for 10 days! YESSSSSSSSSSSS time to get that Strata lol.

The host quit thing I can't understand it, if you don't wanna play then don't play the damn game lol.
Hey, guys.
I'm just letting you know that I'm out. Looking to join other clan that some of my friends are planning to make. Anyways, you guys are too good for me, I mean look at Volcarona or Zanapher... John011, PrivateEye, etc... and me? I don't think I can play like them. :)
Hope to see you in the battlefield!
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Hey, guys.
I'm just letting you know that I'm out. Looking to join other clan that some of my friends are planning to make. Anyways, you guys are too good for me, I mean look at Volcarona or Zanapher... John011, PrivateEye, etc... and me? I don't think I can play like them. :)
Hope to see you in the battlefield!

i hate ur name cuz i hate ppl like you that have to cheal,learn how to play the games right ONLY garbage players cheat

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