Forming Team

hey goldie, ya it was funny, i just joined a heroes game and seen you were the host. i was like aaahhhh dammit. but it was pretty good.
with me sendin you the invites, we were tryin to do an 8 person classic conflict with special conditions, like handguns and stuff like that.

if your able to get on the chatzy that would help out a lot. im sure you were wonderin like WTF is goin on...just join a game already.
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  • #453
Excellent games last night. I thought the vibe was good and the volume of people playing was bang on! Good times.

John, we need to find a better system for joining into games, it was hilarious spending almost an hour trying to set ourselves up. I think 1 group needs to form and then the other 4 join one-by-one through the 'Join Current Game' option. That should work no matter which mode you play (it seemed the most effective last night).

Anyway, will probably be on tonight (11UKtime) for a bit.

What it is, everyone talks and no one knows who to listen to it's like a huge cluster **** trying to organize anything when you have 8 people saying do this and do this and that also.... NO. There only need to be one person to mediate the rules and conditions.

[RS] vs [WC] Sunday at 8pm EST? You down?

And GUYS/GALS RS want's to Battle..... CAN you MAKE it?
for the chat problem, bottom line is this.... John is the first and foremost leader. so when we do this. what he says goes.
its not that hard to do.
after a game instead of everyone sayin a bunch of crap. just look at the screen and see what the next game is gonna be.
and no unknown a sniper rifle is not the same thing as a shotgun at close range.
if its shotties, than thats what we use.
if we use loadout pistols. than go to the assault loadout and switch to that pistol. no kunaras, no wolfes. its easy stuff.

anyway, the rs stuff should be fun tomorrow night. im in.

and i would suggest since were playin them at 7. if we can get on an hour earlier and have some warmup matches with each other and strategize on the chat or whatever..
Clan join

I would like 2 b on the [WC] clan i am level 26 and i rock at goldeneye and my FC is 414995256664 :lovewii:And my signature is Seth but i want it to b [WC]Seth PLEASE!!!
for the chat problem, bottom line is this.... John is the first and foremost leader. so when we do this. what he says goes.

Totally happy with that.

I wanna say how happy i am with the progress we're making as a team. We have a great group of players. John, you started this mate and i feel it has turned into exactly what you intended it to be. Good times.

As for the clan war tonight, Im in, depending on start time. I'll be on around 10-12.30am-UK.
i can't make the match tonight sorry, but good luck to you all I know how strong they are as a team
Thanks Zenapher, they are a very good team. Yela told me his lineup: Yela, HScporpio, P, and Sneak.
i will come on yours yela. i sent a message on there just a few mins ago. we will also be on our chat too.
were workin for the 4th.
for sure we have me. unknown, and bolrae.
also our region is cayman islands.
and for our match so far we have


we need another of our members from the U.S for the battle tonight at 7.
so if you see this get on our chat site and we can get this done

I'm ready for a trial match and I've reached LV.30 four days ago.

Appreciate your patience

Current Level-30
GoldenEye FC-102300342418

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