Forming Team

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  • #422
God Jason, she is so damn cute.... Your little girl that is lol. Great looking family bro, major props. I am not ready for any children yet.
yer added

AHHHHH so you're Goldie... Gotcha. I'll add you and I can't wait to do battle with ya.

Nice one, i've added all your fc's i think, can't wait to hang with you guys and kick some butt

Just hope I will fit in with you guys, my playing times can be hampered by kids(goddamn LegoSW3
)Wife,Work,Beer,time zones ...etc.

Will try and shoot some invites in next couple of days when yer on. Are you guys on EST - I think thats 5/6 hours behind right ?
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  • #424
AHHHHH so you're Goldie... Gotcha. I'll add you and I can't wait to do battle with ya.

Nice one, i've added all your fc's i think, can't wait to hang with you guys and kick some butt

Just hope I will fit in with you guys, my playing times can be hampered by kids(goddamn LegoSW3
)Wife,Work,Beer,time zones ...etc.

Will try and shoot some invites in next couple of days when yer on. Are you guys on EST - I think thats 5/6 hours behind right ?

Well I am EST. others are CST and don't forget that there are 3 or 4 others that are in the UK.
Just a heads up I went back to the first post and adding any clan members I had missed, so if ya havent added me thats where my FC is.

Cheers all
Hello my name is HomieG,
i would like to join your clanbut i guess ill have to wait since im kinda new at this game. My rank is only 13 so ive got a long way to go.(Ranking up sucks in this game!) My kdr kinda sucks just because of sometimes when a high rank guy/girl joins and just owns. usually i do okay depending on the map and other factors. I love the sig9 and the stauger.
I hate noobtubing.
and lastly i play for the fun of the game so i dont rage quit or hack or whatever i just run around a and gun people to the ground!
i understand if you want let me join until i get to rank 30 but im just letting you know id love to join

HomieG(IGN TacoRun)
@ John011

did you invite me this morning (i guess night for you lol)?
dont think so, but i dont know because you are my first friend and so
i've never been invited to a game haha

but i've tried to invite you ... did it work?
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  • #431
@ John011

did you invite me this morning (i guess night for you lol)?
dont think so, but i dont know because you are my first friend and so
i've never been invited to a game haha

but i've tried to invite you ... did it work?

What is your GE name? It's def not wtf lol.

I don't know what it is, so I dont know which name to keep an eye out for. I get a lot of invites sometimes and I cant take them all which sucks cause I would like to play some rounds with everyone.
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Hacker ds

Check this hacker out, ds hamburger


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Anybody want to add my FC :)

I've added all of you from the front page of this thread, John said this would be best way to get the WC guys attention


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