Forming Team

my fc is 2474-2027-5470

Hey I am [EK]*Seth and i am a friend of UNKNOWN1 and i have added and u my Friend code is 414995256664 and i am level 27 and i am great at GoldenEye ask DeathShot or Cheater or UNKNOWN1 so please add me!:yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:
Dude, this isn't a fc exchange, it's for WC members to talk strategy!

Cujo is in our clan now
OK:frown5::frown5::frown5: I just want 2 b his friend:sick:
This is what happens when the Girlfriend takes the Wii away. I get even LOL.

You have to take notice all to what's in the pictures. It's quite funny, the picture with the Bathtub is a crap load of dog hair... Cant see it well in the picture but there is a lot. lmao.
hahahahahahahahahah why she take it? and what did she do when she found out u did this lol! and welcome cujo ill add u next time im online

Hi Cujo - ggs for games with unknown yesterday (I was trollin as MR HAPPY !! to avoid host quits etc.)
Sorry I left but the lag when 'datdude' was in game was terrible, I could hardly move at times ! We rocked archives and the games b4 though :)
I'll add you and look forward to more games.

@John - Dude thats artwork...... you should leave it like that..... she's not gonna take that wii again !!!! + we need to play a game

Blah.... can't believe i forgot to give you a shout for GGs in the games we played. Always fun to play with you :)

Congrats on the 50 - are you enjoying LAOD
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hahahahahahahahahah why she take it? and what did she do when she found out u did this lol! and welcome cujo ill add u next time im online

@John - Dude thats artwork...... you should leave it like that..... she's not gonna take that wii again !!!! + we need to play a game

Hehe, yeah she wasn't happy to say the least. I went fishing with my buddy later so when she got home I didn't have to deal with her initial rageout lol. She told me she isn't cleaning it up so I'm going to leave it like this for a few days. She's a good sport, that's why I love her so much.... She puts up with my ****. Ahhh good times.

Oh Bol, she took it cause she says I play it too much. That got me quite perturbed so I had to get even.
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  • #492
The Ball and Chain didn't give the Wii back even with the messy apartment.... The Force is strong with this one.... SO i'll take matters in to my own hands and go to Game Stop today and but a pre-owned one :sick: they're only $99.99 so **** it.

Ugh, I forgot the game is in the Console.........
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gg's to you too goldie, you and cujo killed in archives. LAOD is so dumb, only got 1 kill with it in 4 games

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