Forming Team

Hey guys, I was scouted by an elite team and they wanted me to join them. But I turned it down. I told the recruiter I couldn't abandon my team. He respected that and now wants to set up a war on the weekend of June 17th-19th.

Anyone interested in being part of it just say so and I will tell the guy to tell his team that it's on.

Didn't get his team name as of yet but his WiiChat user name is FG21.

I'll be back home tomorrow (13th) from Vaca so you'll see me on then.

I think the team is DS, FG21 is on my friends list!

I won't be around most of the weekend, but good luck to whoever plays.

I wanna reach level 45 before I hit any clan wars lol.

Hey guys, I was scouted by an elite team and they wanted me to join them. But I turned it down. I told the recruiter I couldn't abandon my team. He respected that and now wants to set up a war on the weekend of June 17th-19th.

Anyone interested in being part of it just say so and I will tell the guy to tell his team that it's on.

Didn't get his team name as of yet but his WiiChat user name is FG21.

I'll be back home tomorrow (13th) from Vaca so you'll see me on then.

I think the team is DS, FG21 is on my friends list!

I won't be around most of the weekend, but good luck to whoever plays.

I wanna reach level 45 before I hit any clan wars lol.

We have to have a fixed battle like terralites or something or else we will die.
Oh ok when is it and incase u guys are looking for new remote batteries I ordered eneloops rechargeable batteries with charger for 14 dollars on amazon can't be bought in stores and they are the longest lasting batteries search on google if u don't believe me I encourage everyone to buy some and save some money and buy the best and a decent price
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  • #396
Yes, the team is [DS] Dead Sexy. I am not sure of times though. I have to ask him about times.
for the wii motes i bought a charger at best buy, its black and fits two motes. i have two so i switch out when i need to, and keep one on the charger. it cost like 20 bucks.
Hi everyone.

I am interested in joining the clan so here are my details:

Goldeneye FC: 4347 1398 9303
Nickname: Cerberus - soon to be (WC) Cerberus
Level: 45
Win Streak: 25 (how the heck did I do that?)
Weapon Choices: Silenced sniper, Strata, Remote mines.
Not a big fan of Host Quits.

Please add me, seeya on the battlefield.
well arcanine, what we do for potential new members is, john (Host Quit) will add you, and you will have a match with a couple of us and we will see how you do with us as a team. i will get on and add you a little bit later on, and im sure john will. but he has final say so since he is the creator, should be no big deal.

good luck
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  • #401
Hi everyone.

I am interested in joining the clan so here are my details:

Goldeneye FC: 4347 1398 9303
Nickname: Cerberus - soon to be (WC) Cerberus
Level: 45
Win Streak: 25 (how the heck did I do that?)
Weapon Choices: Silenced sniper, Strata, Remote mines.
Not a big fan of Host Quits.

Please add me, seeya on the battlefield.

Hey bro. No wonder I couldn't find you! Your name is different than your GE username... Ugh that explains it. I wanted to invite you to our team since I got it started! I like how you play, you got some good stuff. Since I already have you on my friends list i'll put your info on the first page of this thread.

No need to play trial games I know how you play and your in. Welcome to the WC buddy.
Hello fellow WC clan members. I've been playing against some of your clan members and have been impressed with your clan. I'm inspired to become a member of your team after seeing your strength as a clan. I am tired losing against clans by myself because i play solo, most clans like Pokemon, [FKU], etc.

My Info:
Acuracy 13.22%
Eliminations 6021
Deaths 4231
current loadout-Terralite III, Hawksman M5A, Distraction, Speed Loader, Mine Sweeper, Reflex Sight
(I understand if I'm not eligible because of my level being 28, even though I don't have the experience I make that up with my skills.
I prefer guerilla tatics. LOL
GoldenEye 007 FC:1023000342418
wanna be part of your clan

FC: 364489357118
Kill/Death: 1.72
Nickname: always changing ... atm christoph
Level: 40 (2080 xp till 41)
Weapon Choices: terralite (looking forward to anova), remote mines, drumhead (on archives) and sometimes sniper (not often)

i like team-conflicts and black-box

when do i know if i'm accepted or not?
and whom do i have to add?

see you

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