Connection Help

Another error code

Hey there i'm a newbie here so first off hi to everyone. Anyway i'm trying to connect my Wii through the WiFi USB connector connected to my computer. I have broadband but the broadband modem is wired to my comp and the phone line. Whever i try to connect my Wii i get the error coed 52042. I've checked other sites but they all say i should try changing my modems wireless channel but my connections not wireless. Any help would be appreciated. If you need more info then just ask. Take care everyone :)
Read my ordeal above. I think it has something to do with the Wi-Fi IP address and DNS settings. I think, and don't quote me on this, that you don't have to change anything on the Wii, it all has to do with the settings for the Wi-Fi with your existing internet. I have broadband too through a cable modem. TV Cable cable goes into modem, then USB cable from modem to computer. My Wii Wi-Fi thing is hooked up through a USB in the back of my computer. Anyway, read my post above and then ask me any questions you might have.
YAY! 'Congrats Blue! Have fun on your Wii!
I cant...because i still havent figured out whats wrong with mine:cryin: (see my post higher up)
Someone...PLEASE help...:confused:
Zoobabwa said:
Hi all...
I've just updated my Wii firmware (V 2.0U) but i cant use WiiConnect24 or Wii shop! I can connect to the internet just fine in the connection test, but then i try to procede to the terms & agreements for WiiConnect24, I get error code 220602, "unable to connect to internet", which i havent seen mentioned yet...
I have no clue why this happens, can someone help please! Thx :mad2:
-Wireless Broadband Router: ZIO Millenium Network Frontier
(model# WLB5254AIP)
-PPPoE connection
-channel 1

Hmm....In my experience, once you're on, you shouldn't have a problem. Are you able to get weather? Maybe you need some updates? When I got on for the first time I had one update. I then went to the weather and I had to get another update. I then went to the shop channel and that is when I had the user agreement.

If you leave me a detailed message, with the steps you take, the exact message you get, the settings you have, and what works and what doesn't work I will try to do some research and help. The more you can give me the better. First, answer the questions above and we'll go from there.
Yeah I'm gettin error codes. It's always 52030 or something along the lines ofthat and it won't connect. i've tried alot of things but nothing works plz help. my router is a d-link DI-524
Well, Blue, my steps are simple.
I cant go th the Weather channel, because when i do, it tells me that WiiConnect24 is off. So i go to the WiiConnect24 part in the options, and it tells me that i have to read the tearms and agreements. I try to, but i get "error 220602: unable to connect to the internet" Which is wierd...'cuz i can download updates. (well, not now, because there are no new updates, because i allready downloaded them all... BECAUSE THAT PART OF MY WII WORKS!!!) ... :drool:
Chippo said:
hey guys i got my wii for x-mas and i can connect to the weather channel with no prob but i cant connect to the wii shop i keep getting this error code


i have a nintendo wifi usb that is all hooked up and working fine and i cant get ahold of the tech support so if anyone has any idea on how to fix this plzzzzzz tell me i have DSL and a ruoter that isnt wireless but like i said i have the USB wifi oi just wanna go and download games ; ;

sorry to inform you but that error code means that there is a system error with your wii. Your gonna have to get it replaced or serviced. Sorry buddy
NightWalka said:
I am also getting error code 209600 everytime i try to connect to the shop channel

server is to busy, try agian later
Zoobabwa said:
Well, Blue, my steps are simple.
I cant go th the Weather channel, because when i do, it tells me that WiiConnect24 is off. So i go to the WiiConnect24 part in the options, and it tells me that i have to read the tearms and agreements. I try to, but i get "error 220602: unable to connect to the internet" Which is wierd...'cuz i can download updates. (well, not now, because there are no new updates, because i allready downloaded them all... BECAUSE THAT PART OF MY WII WORKS!!!) ... :drool:

Okay, I have a couple solutions but you may tried them already so I don't know.
1) Change your Wi-Fi router to channel 1 or 11.
2) Your router may be too far from you Wii, move it closer; within inches maybe.
3) Most likely it is a problem with your DNS settings. If you're running Windows XP go to START>RUN>type in CMD>in the black window that appears type in IPCONFIG/ALL>Find and write down your primary and secondary DNS numbers. It should look something like this - DNS server values............
Once you have these go to START>CONTROL PANEL>NETWORK AND INTERNET CONNECTIONS>click on NETWORK CONNECTIONS>right click on your Wi-Fi connection>click INTERNET PROTOCOL (TCP/IP)>click on PROPERTIES>click on USE THE FOLLOWING DNS SERVER ADDRESSES and enter the correct values.

If this doesn't work then try switching the numbers.

If that doesn't work do the same as above but instead select the ALERNATE CONFIGURATION tab. Enter the DNS values.

If that doesn't work than switch the values in the ALTERNATE CONFIGURATION tab.

Let me know how things turn out:thumbsup:
Lord Tiger said:
I got the same behaviour and I did everything that Nitendo support describe but without success.
Then I start reading my router manual and that gives me an idea.
My home network, wasn't folowing the Private IP Address Ranges standart rule. (;;

Then now the problem is solved!
Hope that helps!!!

MY GOD! I've seached for days now looking for a solution, and it appears that my wii just didn't like our network using 169.254.118.x, a simple change so that it used the range 192.168.0.x fixed all the problems. Many, many, many thanks.
Hey, THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH. I'm now online and everything. Now I have just a minor problem. If I don't fix it, it'll just bug me for a while. My Wii News channel doesn't work. It says I have to perform a system update but an error code comes up (don't remember which). If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks, you guys are the best:)
I dont think the wii news channel is up and running yet. I may be wrong, but its never worked for me either.
Here's a new one

After installing the software for the WiFiMax, I lost internet to my computer and my printer (HP deskjet 5550) would only print gibberish and symbols. I managed to get the problems resolved after un-installing the software for the WiFi Max and numerous steps to fix my printer one of which was installing Service Pack 2 for Windows XP. Now, my question is, has anyone encoutered similar problems with the WiFiMax and if so does Service Pack 2 for Windows XP resolve the intial problems? Also, if you have installed the software for the WiFiMax and you have Service Pack 2 for Windows but you never have problems I would like to know. Just a simple "yes, I had problems" or "no, I never had any problems" will do for a response.:idea:
Scooter80 said:
I don't think the wii news channel is up and running yet. I may be wrong, but its never worked for me either.

Thats correct, I don't think the Wii News channel will be commissioned in most parts of the world until late this month.

Okay, I don't know how any of this works, seeing as how I've never had any of my consoles online before.

I have Charter cable internet. How do I get connected to it from my Wii?

Somoene told me I should try WiFi, so I went to the appropriate options menu etc, and selected "choose access point". There was only one to choose from, so I selected it. After which, it asked me to try a connection test.

So it started doing that, and about two minutes later I got an error messege.

Error messege 51330

If this wasn't the right way to connect to the net on my Wii, then what is?

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