Help me with my router and Wii!


WiiChat Member
Jul 16, 2011
China, Shanghai
I use a LG router, and the model is APA-4000. I get my Wii setted with my excact settings listed on the Wii and the computer, but the problem is, there is always a connection problem with the connection test. The error codes are 52230, and I can't wait to do Internet Channel and all other things... Will you guys help me? My Wii and the router is close enough... And the key is WEP... Please note me as soon as possible!
errr... i had that problem recently, then my wii broke down, and now both are working, but the point now...
test with an all uppercase key and a all lowercase key like say your key is 10example10 try both 10EXAMPLE10 and 10example10 with all the different security settings like wpa-psk(TPIK) or something like that. my dad said it was a wep key but it was a wpa key! so thats my advise, and all i would like is your animal crossing city folk friend code(if you have one) and your super smash bros brawl friend code(if you have one) get em both in the wifi areas of the games( if you dont have the games its okay)
It's possible the APA-4000 isn't compatible with the Wii; my sources show that only three different types of LG routers are compatible. I can't confirm or disprove the compatibility of the APA-4000, but... yeah.

Sometimes, the Wii's automatic settings detection is really faulty (I've had plenty of experience with this), so setting it up by manual might cure your problem.

Nintendo also gives instructions for specific router set-ups.I didn't see LG on this list, but maybe you could find it.
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I bought this Wii in China... They shipped it from Korea... But they changed something to change the launguage to Chinese... So right now I can tell you guys only what I am doing, and the error code. Like I said before, the error code is 52230. I even folllowed all your informations... Should I buy a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector tomorrow? I am REALLY FRUSTRUATED. I CAN'T WAIT TO USE THE INTERNET ON WII AND ALL THE OTHER THINGS!!!:sick: Please help me...
I'm sorry to hear you haven't figured out the problem, yet. =(

From my personal experience, I have to seriously warn you away from the Nintendo's Wi-Fi USB Adapter. The most unimportant and harmless of viruses and worms on your PC can prevent it from working from the get-go, and my own USB Adapter screwed up my computer in a few different ways. It's a piece of junk, which is why Nintendo discontinued it YEARS ago. Even they can't deny how poor it was. I 100% recommend you research into a different Wii-compatible one, Nintendo-brand or not.

Also, tinkering with language settings on the Wii and forcing software of such sorts is one of the potential ways to brick a Wii, or ruin many of it's capabilities in general, including internet capabilities. Because of this, your Wii may of been doomed from the start because of whomever changed it's programming around. If there's a way you can get a refund, I highly recommend looking into that before searching for a wi-fi adapter.
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Thanks...... But I can't wait. I can't get a refund...... Damn it! That one year warrenty passed quickly...... I think I will buy the Wi-Fi USB Connector...... It is only my hope of connecting to the internet.

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