Connection Help

I have a wireless router. The internet was fine on my Wii and my DS for a week or so but then suddenly both of them at the same time stopped working saying it couldnt find the internet. Its not finding my internet when I do the searching thingy and when It asks for the details I cant give them all as I cant find them anywhere.
Error 52230

Hey, I am at school and we have wireless set up for the entire campus. So in trying to set up my wii i went to wireless and it finds the access point that my schools wireless on. But then when it tests the connection i get error 52230, any one know what i should do, since i dont have a personal router to change?
I keep on getting Error Message 52130 when I try to run a test connection. I am using an Orange Broadband Livebox. Does anyone know how to help? I have been fustrated for hours. :prrr:​
i always get error 52030, 52031, or 51330

im so pissed off :mad5:

Its probably because all i have is wifi max

I did get it to work once but only for the system update :(

Any one have any helpful advice?
I keep on getting Error Message 52130 when I try to run a test connection. I am using an Orange Broadband Livebox. Does anyone know how to help? I have been fustrated for hours.
Zoobabwa said:
Well, Blue, my steps are simple.
I cant go th the Weather channel, because when i do, it tells me that WiiConnect24 is off. So i go to the WiiConnect24 part in the options, and it tells me that i have to read the tearms and agreements. I try to, but i get "error 220602: unable to connect to the internet" Which is wierd...'cuz i can download updates. (well, not now, because there are no new updates, because i allready downloaded them all... BECAUSE THAT PART OF MY WII WORKS!!!) ... :drool:

hi mate i use a linskys wrt54gs speedbooster router and i was getting the very same error code as ur getting (mines is working now )
what i did was went back into the wireless settings on the wii
internet/connection settings/connection 1 wireless/change settings.
then i left (the ssid - the same) -(wep-the same)-(auto obtain ip yes) (auto obtain dns - no) -------------- (advanced settings) (primary dns (secondary dns left at all 0s confirm) --(proxy dont use) (mtu value 0) save. is mine because mines is a linskys yours might be different
hope this helps mate i know it can be a pain.

cheers tam
I keep on getting Error Message 52130 when I try to run a test connection. I am using an Orange Broadband Livebox. Does anyone know how to help? I have been fustrated for hours.
have you done it?

u1caesar said:
i had the same error...had to disable mac filtering, add the wii address to the allowed macs and then eneble mac filtering again:p... and make sure wep key is correct

im having the same error codes as you. have you managed to get online yet? if so, how?
Please Help!!! Error Code 52140 Using A Usb Nintendo Wifi Connecter With Talk Talk

dantesnake said:
i am using the nintendo wifi usb connector and it installed correctly and my wii is showing up en the nintendo wifi registration tool but when im going to test my connection either it shous up error 51340 or error 52040



this problem is frustrating i have been calling nintendo and going to their website but no solution PLEASE HELP ME!?!?!?!?!?

error 52040 says: cannot connect to the internet go to blablaBLA...

and error code 51340 says:

Error code: 51340

unable to connect to the internet.
choose internet settings and then
confirm your connection. visit for assistance

I am having the same problem. Has anyone got a solution to this please?

I have tried disabling Internet worm protection in Norton Anti-Virus and also disabling my window's firewall.
Please Help!!! Error Code 52140 Using A Usb Nintendo Wifi Connecter With Talk Talk

dantesnake said:
i am using the nintendo wifi usb connector and it installed correctly and my wii is showing up en the nintendo wifi registration tool but when im going to test my connection either it shous up error 51340 or error 52040



this problem is frustrating i have been calling nintendo and going to their website but no solution PLEASE HELP ME!?!?!?!?!?

error 52040 says: cannot connect to the internet go to blablaBLA...

unable to connect to the internet.
choose internet settings and then
confirm your connection. visit for assistance

I am having the same problem. Has anyone got a solution to this please?

I have tried disabling Internet worm protection in Norton Anti-Virus and also disabling my window's firewall.
I keep on getting Error Message 52130 when I try to run a test connection. I am using an Orange Broadband Livebox. Does anyone know how to help? I have been fustrated for hours.
I have bought the Nintendo Wifi USB connector, I have successfully connected my Wii and updated once, but then everytime I face code 52240, it's about the IP address issue, Nintendo just told me to search out the "router's manual", however, the manual has nothing about changing IP, and unlike router, I cannot simply input my IP on the IE URL to change my IP, I cannot online for over 2 weeks already. I need your kind help, thanks.

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