Connection Help

Possible fix for some.

I was having problems connecting (error 51331 and maybe one or two other errors as I kept changing settings) with my Wii and my Westell router.

I did the following to fix the problem:

1 - Turn encryption off (temporarily)
2 - Create a new connection in the Wii to access the non-encrypted router
3 - Let the console get all available updates.
4 - Turn encryption back on, and set the connection up again

it worked after that! If you are using encryption - try turning yours of temporarily while the Wii gets updates. One of them fixed my problem - it may fix yours!
DarkestKnight061 said:
Looks like your getting a step furhter....... see the problem I was having was it passed the connection test, but I couldnt get it to connect to the wiiconnect 24 to accept the terms. router config SHOULD be depending on your make/model. When I switched my channel to 1, then went to the connection in the wii and went to the manual configuration I left everything alone but put in my DNS address, which is my router. From then on.. everything worked.

people keep saying to me change the channel, i keep saying how?, no one answers =(
DarkestKnight061 said:
In order to change the channel in your router, you need to access the configuration.. most routers are in your IE. You may need to look up in google or some place for that info, as well as the default username and password. Your having the same problem I was...... so try changing your channel to 1, and on the wii go over to the settings/internet select your connenction and change the configurations, go over to the DNS, and then enter your DNS address, possibly your routers if DNS is enabled on it.

sorry quoted wrong post

I didn't see your initial post. What brand/model of router do you have?

One thing you can try that works with most brands of routers is opening a web browser and going to the following address:

It may ask for a username and password. If you don't have it you'll need to give us the brand of router you have so we can tell you the default.
DarkestKnight061 said:
Looks like your getting a step furhter....... see the problem I was having was it passed the connection test, but I couldnt get it to connect to the wiiconnect 24 to accept the terms. router config SHOULD be depending on your make/model. When I switched my channel to 1, then went to the connection in the wii and went to the manual configuration I left everything alone but put in my DNS address, which is my router. From then on.. everything worked.

i can now log in to my router config, using the address you gave.
but i am unable to find where i can change the "channel".

also, once i do change the channel, the DNS address. what would that be?

-edit- found DNS address. when i put it in my wii will i put in all 3 lines of the address?
codylangton said:
i can now log in to my router config, using the address you gave.
but i am unable to find where i can change the "channel".

also, once i do change the channel, the DNS address. what would that be?

-edit- found DNS address. when i put it in my wii will i put in all 3 lines of the address?
I suggest trying if that is the url you use to get to your router first in the first DNS box
the second box leave blank
As far as the channel changing goes.. I Can help ya there buddy, sorry. Every router is diffrent
Ok people, i need help. Ive been reading these forums for about 4 hrs now, and trying every idea, none of them work. I have put it on channel 1 and 11 and it didnt work, ive reset my router (Linksys WRT54G v3) to factory defaults, updated firm ware, installed linux firmware,(which made it connect under the test, however it wouldnt update, and it was on channel 6, also it took a while to connect, then igot error 32002) i have read most of your post and nothing seems to be working, and i might just bash the keyboard into the wii at any moment. Also it seems that i tend to screw up the rest of the WiFi in my house. When its on channel 1 or 11 not only does it not pick up on the wii, but not any other system either. Somehow ive knocked out 1 comps wireless, one is doing good, and im on a ethernet hard line right now. I WANT TO KILL MY TV is now turning colors like some1 stuck a magnet onto it, its just that there isnt one. I turn off the Wii and the TV for 10 secs and it dissapears until i try to connect to the Wii internet again. I have tried moving it closer to the router also. and it now( as of later writing this post) is passing connection test only when i start a new connection(like pick #2 and pick the acces point again) Please tell me some1 knows what to do.
DarkestKnight061 said:
I suggest trying if that is the url you use to get to your router first in the first DNS box
the second box leave blank
As far as the channel changing goes.. I Can help ya there buddy, sorry. Every router is diffrent

actually, i got lucky, and it doesn't really matter now. i went back in to the internet options on the wii, put in the DNS and all was well. i've now got fully working weather station and internet channel. even got to shoot fireballs with mario while downloading the channel.

so, thank you for all the help
Ok, i dont know if this will help anyone out.

But, i just fixed my connection problem. Heres what i did.

If your wireless network is not already secure, make sure it is by setting a WEP you can usually get to the settings to change that by typing in your browser, then you get promted with a login. Type "Admin" for the username and "Password" for the password. You can change the WEP in there. Or if your network is already secured and you cant get on. Un-plug your wireless router for 5 minutes, then plug it back in. It should work. That was the final test for mine before i sent mine off to get a new one with my warranty. And it worked. Internet is back and works perfect.
Jeez Darkest Knight - you are the king of the world! Your idea worked for me - I changed to channel 1 and then I tried to connect - it found an access point and then I got the 52130 error - cant connect to internet.

THEN I manually changed the first DNS number to the IP number found when I when I went to which are my router settings. There I found the IP for my router which I placed in the primary DNS setting leaving the second blank.

BINGO! Connecting and downloading from the net at this very moment for update. Again thanks man! :)

It detects the wireless access point, but then it fails when I try the connection and gives me this error code. Please help!!!

It took a while, but we now have connected the Wii, after numerous Error codes 51330.

1) In your router settings, switch off any turbo modes
2) There should also be a setting for 54G Auto / only / LRS,set that to54G LRS
3) download all available updates
4) you can now switch your preferred turbomode back on
5) leave the 54G settings on LRS

everything else should be able to stay on automatic, otherwise your default gateway will be the router IP (like, set the same for DNS (leave the secondary). If you want todouble check, goto your PC and bring upthe command prompt (DOS) windo, type IPCONFIG /all and you can see the settings for DNS and default gateway.

One all updates are downloaded, you can set everything to automatic on the Wii and it should work again.
Hey guys, I'm trying to get my Wii hooked up and I'm getting some errors.

First off, I work at Gamestop and my manager told me to buy the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Cord. I am currently running off a wired connection on my Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. So I told him that it would not work. He corrected me by saying that my Wii should be able to pick the signal after I plug the USB connector into my PC.

1) I entered the disc into my PC drive.
2) I selected a language.
3) I properly connected my Wi-Fi USB Connector Cable.
4) It tried to read an internet connection and it failed. I did have the Nintendo Wii turned on. It said "Cannot Find Internet Connection".

So do any of you guys have any idea how to help me?

Thanks in advance.
Hi I need help connecting also.
I updated my Linksys WRT54G v5 router to the latest firmware, and changed the wireless network mode to "Mixed" rather than "G only". and now it is giving me the Error: 52030. I tried everything from changing the channel from 11 to 1 and etc. Thanks.
PLEASE HELP MENESS!!! Error Code 52040

Hello can someone please help?! I'm desperately trying to connect to the internet on my wii but getting nowhere fastness and tis driving me nuts! I'm using the nintendo wi-fi usb connector it's all been installed correctly and everything but when I go to connect to it on the wii, it tests the connection then after I while I just get an error message, error code 52040 saying twas unable to connect to the net and to refer to the operations manual but I can't find it and don't think it'd help much anyways so PLEASE PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!!!!!!:sad:

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