
Solard said:
IE 1st corinthians 15 1-4 if you believe those verses as i do, you can go out and do whatever you want... it says in the Bible (true, i havent read the Bible through and through, nor do i read it regularly, so if im wrong, correct me..)

1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

They key point in there is "By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you."
What do you think it means by holding firmly to the word?

that Jesus's death took care of all sins IE- if you were to believe that, you would be able to do whatever wrongs you wanted, and still get to heaven.

While it's true that we have the opportunity for forgiveness of our sins through Jesus, that does not give us a blank check to go out and do whatever we want. As imperfect beings, we cannot avoid sin, we make mistakes. But we can be forgiven if we repent. If we purposefully go out and sin, then our asking for forgiveness afterward is an empty gesture, that's not repenting.
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  • #182
Skippy said:
I realize that this scenario is perfectly possible, but where did the infected blood from the needle come from? Was that needle previously used on an infected patient? If so, where did that patient get it

I'll say it again:

kissoff182 said:
AIDS didn't suddenly affect its first victim through sex; there had to be another means of getting it.

Bulldogxx831 said:
And kissoff182 stop being immature.

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Solard said:
as far as im concerned, i believe in the bible. i havent a problem with those who do not ie ive made friends with some of them. most people (especially intelligent people or so it would seem to me :scared: ) are biased toward Christians because they cant produce sufficient proof of God, making them stupid to place there "bets" on a religion whereas some simply for the sake of it are atheist or w/e religion they are.
So your saying that all religous people are stupid, well i'm glad we got something cleared out of the way.. and er sufficient proof, you mean no proof?
no, i am speaking from several different positions. that is what many people i know think, not what i think.

/edit and i already said that Christians have no scientific stand-point for there beliefs (or at least, not way to prove them selves right, try as they might)
Gaz said:
... and er sufficient proof, you mean no proof?
Christianity isn't about proof, no religion is about proof. Christians trust the Bible because they believe it is the word of God, the same as the Muslims with the Koran and the Jews with the Torah. That's not saying there is no proof, the Bible is actually one of the oldest, most valid books around to date.
Wow, this thread has really grown since last I saw it.

I want to reply to the post above which says:
Skippy said:
As imperfect beings, we cannot avoid sin, we make mistakes. But we can be forgiven if we repent. If we purposefully go out and sin, then our asking for forgiveness afterward is an empty gesture, that's not repenting.

I agree with the first part. No one is perfect and we can't help, but make mistakes. I find that where Christianity is flawed is in the fact that it separates sinners and non-sinners. It says those who sin and do not repent, whether they're Christian or otherwise, are destined for hell while those that do, which includes murders, rapists, etc., will make it to though the pearly gates. The truth is there can be no good if there is no bad. You must have something to compare and also, being completely good is just as bad as being completely evil. If you don't have a choice, then you cease to be human. Christianity does the same thing with life and death, making them out to be separate when really, death is a part of life and without death, there is no life. When babies are being formed, they technically aren't alive for an amount of time because they have no pulse nor any brain activity, so they really aren't humans so much as just masses of cells; we say someone is dead when they lack these two attributes.

I don't understand either, why certain parts of the bible are taken for truth by some while others are seen as metaphorical and yet everyone still goes to heaven while someone who might view it as all metaphorical is generally seen as less Christian. Jesus, a revolutionary man of faith, was not about condemning those that differed from him, but instead sharing his beliefs to those who would listen, whether they be rich, poor, black, white, etc.

I guess I'm saying Christians can go to their respective heaven or hell, but personally I'm not interested in going to either. Sorry if that's a sin. Oh, and please refrain from the tired "Well, I'll pray for you" retort (not talking directly to you Skippy, just to any Christians reading this) as I know you probably won't and if you do, you're wasting your breath.
NateTheGreat said:
Wow, this thread has really grown since last I saw it.

I want to reply to the post above which says:

I agree with the first part. No one is perfect and we can't help, but make mistakes. I find that where Christianity is flawed is in the fact that it separates sinners and non-sinners. It says those who sin and do not repent, whether they're Christian or otherwise, are destined for hell while those that do, which includes murders, rapists, etc., will make it to though the pearly gates. The truth is there can be no good if there is no bad. You must have something to compare and also, being completely good is just as bad as being completely evil. If you don't have a choice, then you cease to be human. Christianity does the same thing with life and death, making them out to be separate when really, death is a part of life and without death, there is no life. When babies are being formed, they technically aren't alive for an amount of time because they have no pulse nor any brain activity, so they really aren't humans so much as just masses of cells; we say someone is dead when they lack these two attributes.

I don't understand either, why certain parts of the bible are taken for truth by some while others are seen as metaphorical and yet everyone still goes to heaven while someone who might view it as all metaphorical is generally seen as less Christian. Jesus, a revolutionary man of faith, was not about condemning those that differed from him, but instead sharing his beliefs to those who would listen, whether they be rich, poor, black, white, etc.

I guess I'm saying Christians can go to their respective heaven or hell, but personally I'm not interested in going to either. Sorry if that's a sin. Oh, and please refrain from the tired "Well, I'll pray for you" retort (not talking directly to you Skippy, just to any Christians reading this) as I know you probably won't and if you do, you're wasting your breath.

i liked that post :D it was true, and even though you arent Religous, you at least didn't bash religion :) (lmao it is funny hwen people say, 'i'll pray for you' lmao :) )
NateTheGreat said:
It says those who sin and do not repent, whether they're Christian or otherwise, are destined for hell while those that do, which includes murders, rapists, etc., will make it to though the pearly gates.
The Bible doesn't actually say that. If you repent but don't mean it and don't make an earnest attempt to change then it's worthless in God's eyes; basically, it doesn't count. You can't just say "sorry baby Jesus" and then go rape and murder someone again, it doesn't work like that.
Gymdawg said:
Christianity isn't about proof, no religion is about proof. Christians trust the Bible because they believe it is the word of God, the same as the Muslims with the Koran and the Jews with the Torah. That's not saying there is no proof, the Bible is actually one of the oldest, most valid books around to date.
i didn't say it was, if you refer back to the post i qouted, the person said, that inteligent people don't believe in christianity because there is not sufficient proof that there is a god.. and i said there is no proof there is a god.
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  • #191
I_Dont_Know859 said:
i got all the proof i needed when i accepted Jesus as my lord and savior.

Steve and Rob say you're wrong and you're going to this place... called Shitville (the name of this horrible place like the supposed Christian Hell was brought to our attention yesterday when Rob gave an uplifting speech about why all Christians are wrong.) Rob is my Lord and Savior. <3
Gymdawg said:
The Bible doesn't actually say that. If you repent but don't mean it and don't make an earnest attempt to change then it's worthless in God's eyes; basically, it doesn't count. You can't just say "sorry baby Jesus" and then go rape and murder someone again, it doesn't work like that.
i agree. its easy to say your something when your really not. Thats why its important to walk the walk if your going to talk the talk.
Gymdawg said:
The Bible doesn't actually say that. If you repent but don't mean it and don't make an earnest attempt to change then it's worthless in God's eyes; basically, it doesn't count. You can't just say "sorry baby Jesus" and then go rape and murder someone again, it doesn't work like that.
Well yes, even though I've never read through the bible, I know it doesn't truly say that, but is it not true that sinners that do not repent will go to hell and likewise who half-hearted repents? However, I wasn't talking about someone repenting about past actions or asking Jesus into their heart and then going out and committing more sins. I was saying after the fact of murdering or raping someone, and you can believe a lot of criminals say it whole heartedly as many prisons take them through the 12 step process, then they get into heaven while, and this is just a "what if," the victim who, let's say, isn't Christian, will go to hell. Sorry, but I'm guessing a man like Jesus would never believe in that.
Skippy said above that you had to repent, i was under the impression that was last dispensation and now all you had to do was believe that God died for your sins and was burried and rose again? thats what the verse i posted said at least... or else the fact that he died was not enough and you need to add your repentance to the equation? (not meant to disrespect your beliefs :) )
NateTheGreat said:
Well yes, even though I've never read through the bible, I know it doesn't truly say that, but is it not true that sinners that do not repent will go to hell and likewise who half-hearted repents? However, I wasn't talking about someone repenting about past actions or asking Jesus into their heart and then going out and committing more sins. I was saying after the fact of murdering or raping someone, and you can believe a lot of criminals say it whole heartedly as many prisons take them through the 12 step process, then they get into heaven while, and this is just a "what if," the victim who, let's say, isn't Christian, will go to hell. Sorry, but I'm guessing a man like Jesus would never believe in that.
well if the murderer is truly sincere then he will go to heaven. if the victim isnt saved then yes they will go to hell.