
I_Dont_Know859 said:
well if the murderer is truly sincere then he will go to heaven. if the victim isnt saved then yes they will go to hell.
Thanks for straightening that out for me. So, God would sooner send a murderer to heaven than send an unknowing non-Christian child to burn for eternity. And what of gay Christians (which there are a lot of)? Right, their destined the meet the devil as well.

I_Dont_Know859, just wondering, are you planning on putting an asterisk next to "Fighter for Freedom" with an accompanying one that reads: "except for religion?"
NateTheGreat said:
Thanks for straightening that out for me. So, God would sooner send a murderer to heaven than send an unknowing non-Christian child to burn for eternity. And what of gay Christians (which there are a lot of)? Right, their destined the meet the devil as well.
There's a difference between a murderer and a serial killer. As for the babies, I believe that anyone who is incapable of understanding or making an informed decision is going Heaven, this includes babies, the mentally handicaped, et cetera.
Gymdawg said:
There's a difference between a murderer and a serial killer. As for the babies, I believe that anyone who is incapable of understanding or making an informed decision is going Heaven, this includes babies, the mentally handicaped, et cetera.

i agree with that though there is no proof of it...

NateTheGreat-it sounds like a very unfair religion from that stand point, that is one of the reasons that many hate Christian belief, it is too radical for the unbelievers, ie there would be no middle ground according to the religion
Gymdawg said:
There's a difference between a murderer and a serial killer. As for the babies, I believe that anyone who is incapable of understanding or making an informed decision is going Heaven, this includes babies, the mentally handicaped, et cetera.
What? A serial killer is a murderer. Killing is killing is killing. In all seriousness, the people who induce the death penalty are just as bad. Where does it say in the Bible "except for babies, mentally handicapped, etc?" Also, who said kids naturally want to be Christian? Look at kids in Africa. Many don't know anything about any religions. So, mentally insane people who kill mass numbers of innocent people have a better chance of seeing St. Peter than some of the victims who will most likely be non-Christian by choice? Why am I even asking these questions I already know the answer to? I think I missed your point.
NateTheGreat said:
Thanks for straightening that out for me. So, God would sooner send a murderer to heaven than send an unknowing non-Christian child to burn for eternity. And what of gay Christians (which there are a lot of)? Right, their destined the meet the devil as well.

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The punishment for sin is death, not burning for eternity. The reward is eternal life. Where would Adam and Eve be today if they had not disobeyed God?

And if a murderer has truly repented and God has forgiven him, then that sin is wiped out - as if it had never happened from God's point of view.
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NateTheGreat said:
What? A serial killer is a murderer. Killing is killing is killing. In all seriousness, the people who induce the death penalty are just as bad.
Murder is a one time thing, serial killing is like a habit.

NateTheGreat said:
Where does it say in the Bible "except for babies, mentally handicapped, etc?" Also, who said kids naturally want to be Christian? Look at kids in Africa. Many don't know anything about any religions. So, mentally insane people who kill mass numbers of innocent people have a better chance of seeing St. Peter than some of the victims who will most likely be non-Christian by choice? Why am I even asking these questions I already know the answer to? I think I missed your point.
I said that was my belief.
Solard said:
Skippy said above that you had to repent, i was under the impression that was last dispensation and now all you had to do was believe that God died for your sins and was burried and rose again? thats what the verse i posted said at least... or else the fact that he died was not enough and you need to add your repentance to the equation? (not meant to disrespect your beliefs :) )

From before:
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

They key point in there is "By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you."
Notice that salvation is conditional - What do you think it means by "holding firmly to the word?"

Let me add this:
Acts 3:18-19
But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Christ would suffer. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord

It's through repentance (asking for forgiveness and trying to stop that behavior) that the salvation from faith in Christ's sacrifice is applied to us.
Solard said:
i agree with that though there is no proof of it...

your other Q delt with above?

/edit oops, missed Skippy post, i am coming up with replyyy!

>.> you know what you are talking abotu skippy >:[

ok, verse 2 and 3 run together, "By which also are ye saved, if ye keep in memory what i preached to you unless you believed in vain." that is not talking about verse 1. That is talking about "For I delivered unto you you first of all that which i also recueved, how that Christ died fpr your sins according fto the scriptures"
v4 "And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day accordinf to the scriprute" (sry i was not looking at key board while typing)i think verse 2 refers to 3 and 4 and not 1.
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i dont think thats what it means... (Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The punishment for sin is death, not burning for eternity. The reward is eternal life.)

i think its just like with adam and eve... God said if they ate of the fruit they would die (not physicaly but spiritualy) because they did eat and they didnt die..
NateTheGreat said:
Thanks for straightening that out for me. So, God would sooner send a murderer to heaven than send an unknowing non-Christian child to burn for eternity. And what of gay Christians (which there are a lot of)? Right, their destined the meet the devil as well.

I_Dont_Know859, just wondering, are you planning on putting an asterisk next to "Fighter for Freedom" with an accompanying one that reads: "except for religion?"
yea god would send a murderer to heaven. you didnt specify about the victim which puts another factor called the age of reasoning into play. as for gay christians it depends, you can be hypocrites saying they are christians but not really (hypocrites), maybe its a for of lust they are trying to get over, or any number of things. I really all comes down to wheather they truly mean it to be christian. Only God truly knows the deal with that individual.

and no im not planning on putting an asterisk next to "Fighter for Freedom" with an accompanying one that reads except for religion. thats just silly. nate, nate, nate why do you like to jump to silly conclusions about me. what kind of person do you think i am. you crazy.
rapala984 said:
i dont think thats what it means... (Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The punishment for sin is death, not burning for eternity. The reward is eternal life.)

i think its just like with adam and eve... God said if they ate of the fruit they would die (not physicaly but spiritualy) because they did eat and they didnt die..

They did die physically. Are they your neighbors? Have they been interviewed on TV? Their death, and the death that we all inherit, is a result of their sin.
Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned"

Without that original sin, there would be no death. Adam and Eve were not created imperfect by God, to grow old and die because their bodies broke down. However, by disobeying God, they became tained by sin, which leads to death. They lost what God had given them.

Genesis 3:19 "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

That was God's decree upon them AFTER they disobeyed - to return to the dust - to die.
I_Dont_Know859 said:
yea god would send a murderer to heaven. you didnt specify about the victim which puts another factor called the age of reasoning into play. as for gay christians it depends, you can be hypocrites saying they are christians but not really (hypocrites), maybe its a for of lust they are trying to get over, or any number of things. I really all comes down to wheather they truly mean it to be christian. Only God truly knows the deal with that individual.

and no im not planning on putting an asterisk next to "Fighter for Freedom" with an accompanying one that reads except for religion. thats just silly. nate, nate, nate why do you like to jump to silly conclusions about me. what kind of person do you think i am. you crazy.
I did specify the victim: a non-Christian child; I'm sorry if that was confusing. The whole hypocrites/gays/christians thing didn't really add up for me except for the last part where you say God knows the deal with each individual.

What kind of person do I think you are? Hmmm, I think you're, now looking into my crystal ball...a Christian. Yes a Christian, who...who works as a campus cop and...who's interests include: Busting bad guys, videogames, computer stuff, jogging, photography, scuba diving, the list goes on......and who thinks I'm crazy, yes. I think you...may be Jesus Christ evident by your...spinning Jesus Christ logo. Am I close?:p

If you are Jesus, can I call you J-Christ or J.C. Hammer or God's Fresh Prince? Plain old Jesus Christ is cool and all, but you must go by something a little hipper in heaven, right?:cool:
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i just didnt know why you made the comment about planning on putting an asterisk next to "Fighter for Freedom" with an accompanying one that reads except for religion. but ya know whatever, i know you like to make those little comments.
Solard said:
Skippy said above that you had to repent, i was under the impression that was last dispensation and now all you had to do was believe that God died for your sins and was burried and rose again? thats what the verse i posted said at least... or else the fact that he died was not enough and you need to add your repentance to the equation? (not meant to disrespect your beliefs :) )
God died did he?