ask a cop

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  • #182
Tacos said:


Will you drink one for me tomorrow Loosie?

hahaha i will! im staying home tomorrow. i was suppost to work over time for the st pattys day parade in NYC (all cops must attend) i weezled my way out of it by telling my sargent that i can hook him up over at the police range through my BF lmao. a little bribery cant hurt!!! :)

Tails McCloud~ said:
OH YEAH! GUENNIS ALL AROUND!!!...(you didnt see this Loose Cannon)

i have no idea what you are talking about ;) LMAO everyone is irish go drink even though your a "KID!!!!!!!!!!!!" i saw nothing

Darkprinny said:
<<Refers every one to his avi

oh so drinks are on you prinny??? you buyin us all rounds of the jameson???? :)
Im broke

And who stole my thin lizzy tshirt
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  • #184
Darkprinny said:
Im broke

And who stole my thin lizzy tshirt

do you want me to arrest them for stealing it?????

and broke? what is broke? i dont understand :confused: lol
Few questions for you. And the Fond Du Lac, WI cop who is on here, since I'm from Sheboygan, WI 40 miles away.

1.What is your opinion on bounty hunting? IE: Dog, the bounty hunter.

2. Why-o-why is it that a lot of states DO NOT require a front license plate, but good ol' WI does? I feel that is a horrible law. Some cars don't even come w/ the brackets anymore. My Pontiac has the insert thing. Looks 10x better than a stupid license plate.

3. Mr. Wisconsin guy. No offense intended, but why do FDL cops have a reputation for being ummmm... not nice.. lol? IE: I was driving on 23 on the way home from work one day, was following traffic at 5mph over, and the guy pulled me over and started yelling. I was not nice back, and I ended up w/ a warning.

That is all for now
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  • #186
Sabin said:
Few questions for you. And the Fond Du Lac, WI cop who is on here, since I'm from Sheboygan, WI 40 miles away.

ill try to answer it as best as possible to make it "neutral" with all state laws not just NY in particular. the WI cop can answer it better if its WI law since our law is a bit more "liberal"

1.What is your opinion on bounty hunting? IE: Dog, the bounty hunter.

i saw the movie domino which IMO was fairly decent. bounty hunting isnt police work. they basically catch fugatives unarmed who dont pay bail from jail. they are out of our hands, they are working for a bail bonds men. they are like their hit men. once they make them pay up, theres no law against it for us to do anything. they paid, what are we gunna do lock them up again? they dont do anything wrong but its extreamly dangerous and unless you ARE jacked up like dog or are physically trained to take care of yourself then go ahead risk your life for someone elses dime

2. Why-o-why is it that a lot of states DO NOT require a front license plate, but good ol' WI does? I feel that is a horrible law. Some cars don't even come w/ the brackets anymore. My Pontiac has the insert thing. Looks 10x better than a stupid license plate.

NY requires BOTH front and back licences, along with jersy and conneticut. its manditory. in TN i was driving and noticed that someone didnt have a licence plate on the front of the car i thought it was illegal but my friend indicated that it is ok. i think that there should deff be licences on both ends. i dont like the law myself.

3. Mr. Wisconsin guy. No offense intended, but why do FDL cops have a reputation for being ummmm... not nice.. lol? IE: I was driving on 23 on the way home from work one day, was following traffic at 5mph over, and the guy pulled me over and started yelling. I was not nice back, and I ended up w/ a warning.

this i cant answer since i dont know who the FDL are. but you were speeding you got what you diserved, a yelling cop telling a "kid" in his eyes to slow down before you total your car and hes scrapping your body of the highway. (sorry for the vivid-ness but its true) atleast he gave you a warning
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  • #188
Darkprinny said:
Broke - it means skint/out of money

no kidding! see ya learn a new word every day :) forgive me for my aristocratic behavior :: pinkie up::

btw im far from rich cause im a jew. im an over worked under paid city cop just trying to make ends meet ::worlds smallest violen and its playing my song::
The_Loose_Cannon said:
ill try to answer it as best as possible to make it "neutral" with all state laws not just NY in particular. the WI cop can answer it better if its WI law since our law is a bit more "liberal"

i saw the movie domino which IMO was fairly decent. bounty hunting isnt police work. they basically catch fugatives unarmed who dont pay bail from jail. they are out of our hands, they are working for a bail bonds men. they are like their hit men. once they make them pay up, theres no law against it for us to do anything. they paid, what are we gunna do lock them up again? they dont do anything wrong but its extreamly dangerous and unless you ARE jacked up like dog or are physically trained to take care of yourself then go ahead risk your life for someone elses dime

NY requires BOTH front and back licences, along with jersy and conneticut. its manditory. in TN i was driving and noticed that someone didnt have a licence plate on the front of the car i thought it was illegal but my friend indicated that it is ok. i think that there should deff be licences on both ends. i dont like the law myself.

this i cant answer since i dont know who the FDL are. but you were speeding you got what you diserved, a yelling cop telling a "kid" in his eyes to slow down before you total your car and hes scrapping your body of the highway. (sorry for the vivid-ness but its true) atleast he gave you a warning

Ok, well, I'm no kid. I'm 25. I don't drive a rice burner, or some sports car. His rudeness was not appreciated, so I was rude right back. I was just following the flow of traffic. No harm done. FDL= Fon Du Lac, the city.

Thank you for the answers by the way.
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I ran my car off of the side of the road yesterday. It sucked. This cop came by and helped me. He was awesome. Very nice. Joking around. Makig the situation a lot more bearable, and very helpful. He told me to hang up with triple A, and got a tow truck out there in about 10 mins. Anyway, when I got into his car, he had a sweet laptop in of those Toughbooks. It was making all types of crazy noises, like a bird chirping really loud, and zooming noises. Not sure what was going on with that, BUT my QUESTION is, can cops surf the internet from the computers in their car? Is that what you are doing now?
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  • #191
Tacos said:
I ran my car off of the side of the road yesterday. It sucked. This cop came by and helped me. He was awesome. Very nice. Joking around. Makig the situation a lot more bearable, and very helpful. He told me to hang up with triple A, and got a tow truck out there in about 10 mins. Anyway, when I got into his car, he had a sweet laptop in of those Toughbooks. It was making all types of crazy noises, like a bird chirping really loud, and zooming noises. Not sure what was going on with that, BUT my QUESTION is, can cops surf the internet from the computers in their car? Is that what you are doing now?

nope our NYPD issued cars have laptops (not as cool as that though i wish!!) but its strictly for navigation purposes and talking to dispatch who signals in a call. its pretty lame but makes a great table for eating off of in the car!!! lol

im home now. its snowing and hailing here in NY
this thing still going?

ever beat someone over the head with a large inflateable hammer?
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  • #193
Yellow_Wii said:
this thing still going?

ever beat someone over the head with a large inflateable hammer?

yes its still going on

and no....:rolleyes:
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  • #195
ssbb_lover said:
Are you sure? Are you telling the truth and nothing but the truth?


I DEMAND MY PBA LAWYER!!! ;) (btw, Police Benevolent Association)
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