Ask a firemen

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  • #46
The_Loose_Cannon said:
trying to avoid the 9/11 question to not make you feel bumed out

ESU (or for those who dont know Emergency Service Unit) is for the buffs- if you want to be "tactical" why not try for NYPD swat division?

ive seen the muscle head FDNY type go for it they either get shot down or actually turn the job down. never knew the reason why.

the usually go for ESU which is lower on the totem pole (no pun intended on pole usage).

plus you know you have to go through academy life again right? regardless of time on, they make you do training all 6 months of sucks! it never carries over.

what also sucks is that they dont take lateral transfers either from FD to PD like the FD does (they carry over PD years i thought?) so you may have to be on probation for a year before even contemplating about ESU :(

Yea I know if I want more TAC go for Swat div. but everyone knows if you want to have crazy fun go for ESU.. they have everything I want and more -

- High Angle Rescue, Bridge Rescue, bulding Hazards, Urban Search and Rescue, Confined space Rescue, and their still Tactical haha

My cousin is one of the main instructors in the new COBRA Unit and he says if I want more focus on rescue assignments and stuff go for ESU, if I want TAC go to SWAT...

and I dont mind going back to the academy, I'll be many steps ahead of everyone else and I KNOW i'll get special treatment =] it always happens
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  • #47
surfinrach90 said:
Ahh I see, thanks for answering dude :thumbsup:

What's the worst/funniest prank you guys have played on another fireman? Or like some firemen have played on others that you know of?

Hmm well that one time with the new probie like I wrote before on page 2, There was another time were we had a assignment somewhere in upstate new york and had to take the engine for some type of fire thingy I forgot.. but on the way there we were in the middle of these scary ass farms and it was late and very dark cause there were like no street lights lol

so our driving and officer was telling us all day how the engine needs to go to the shop for a tune up and stuff but we paid it no mind.. well on this one lonely road and no one to be found the engine comes to a hault and were like wtf is going on, the driver says the battery died. now a fire truck/engine has alot of batteries like more than 4 so were like oook, he's trying to start the engine while we're in the back screaming and scared like lil girls hearing lots of noises.. to make a long story short... 4 people jumped out of the middle of no wear with axes and chain saws screamig blood and new comers.. it turns out it was the guys from our ladder company that stationed in our house and they were driving on a opposit road next to us and drove with no lights on, our driver and officer knew what was going on and faked the start up and in the back cab theres 4 firefighters cuddled up scared :nonod:
tonyeng4ine said:
your telling me, I was like I hope I didnt **** myself lol hahaha

sh*tting yourself is knowing that youre dead (remember southpark?)

thank god most of us are atleast alive to tell the story :mad:

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