Ask a firemen

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  • #31
You should see some of the pranks we pull on eachother...

One time we had this rookie that was too happy whenever we got a call running around like a chicken without a head.. so We knew after dinner he was a heavy sleeper but only would wake to the sounds or the alarms going off, so we picked up his rack with him in it and turned it around facing the wall..

now normally when the alarm goes off we all jump out of the rack and run to the pole or w.e.. well we made the alarm go off manually and he ran right into the wall at full speed thinkin it was a call. hahahaha that made him calm down a bit and slow his ass down... :thumbsup:
tonyeng4ine said:
You should see some of the pranks we pull on eachother...

One time we had this rookie that was too happy whenever we got a call running around like a chicken without a head.. so We knew after dinner he was a heavy sleeper but only would wake to the sounds or the alarms going off, so we picked up his rack with him in it and turned it around facing the wall..

now normally when the alarm goes off we all jump out of the rack and run to the pole or w.e.. well we made the alarm go off manually and he ran right into the wall at full speed thinkin it was a call. hahahaha that made him calm down a bit and slow his ass down... :thumbsup:
Dude, you gotta quit making me laugh! That's awesome! :lol: I bet you have so many stories to tell, your hands would fall off before you wrote them all down.
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  • #33
you have no idea.. when I got out of the fire academy I was asked if I remembered my ropes and knots training when i said yea they asked me to show them how to make a clove hitch with my eyes closed, thats when 6 more guys grabbed me and hogged tied me and left me outside with a sign " FDNY Probie 4 sale " sooo many people drove by laughing and walk pass.. but its a tradition and other fire houses are far worse
ah ok i see how it is, more love for the firemen than the pathetic cop lmao this has made 2 pages already! its no 15 pages though :p


seriously i got ANOTHER question/scenario

heres the question first-

you ever go to the FD/PD fights? those boxing matches, hockey games, ect? there WAS a hockey game that i was suppost to go to and ive never been to one but i was a little hesitant- everyones PLASTERED buffed out in their off duty gear and it screamed trouble for me LMAO. ill give it a shot after i got some time on hahaha

and heres the scenario now-

how happy are you that 9-1-1 no longer has their dispatch send you "my cat is up the tree calls?" extreamly right? well not us lmao a lady pulls me and my partner litterally over on my precinct block and she askes us to help get her cat out of the near by tree. because im fairly tiny and my partner is rather uhm....huge, he hoisted me up and we got the friggen cat.....i was tempted to go to the firehouse for "help" but A) i didnt want to be laughed at and B) by the time i got there, the cat might of been confiscated and turned into "pork" in china town lmao
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  • #35
The_Loose_Cannon said:
ah ok i see how it is, more love for the firemen than the pathetic cop lmao this has made 2 pages already! its no 15 pages though :p


seriously i got ANOTHER question/scenario

heres the question first-

you ever go to the FD/PD fights? those boxing matches, hockey games, ect? there WAS a hockey game that i was suppost to go to and ive never been to one but i was a little hesitant- everyones PLASTERED buffed out in their off duty gear and it screamed trouble for me LMAO. ill give it a shot after i got some time on hahaha

and heres the scenario now-

how happy are you that 9-1-1 no longer has their dispatch send you "my cat is up the tree calls?" extreamly right? well not us lmao a lady pulls me and my partner litterally over on my precinct block and she askes us to help get her cat out of the near by tree. because im fairly tiny and my partner is rather uhm....huge, he hoisted me up and we got the friggen cat.....i was tempted to go to the firehouse for "help" but A) i didnt want to be laughed at and B) by the time i got there, the cat might of been confiscated and turned into "pork" in china town lmao

hahahah YES I have been to a hockey game and a couple of football games... the fights afterwards are always enjoyable to watch..

hahaha awww poor jilly, If you would have walked to that fire house not only would they have laughed at you the guys back at the precinct would have been like why the hell did you go to them for help now they never wont let that go lol... Plus if I was still on the job I would have been like hmm mam we just got a call, you need to call up 3-1-1 hahahahahah

OMG IM SOOO SOOO BORED, there is nothing to do here and most of the guys either feel asleep or watching movies.. =[ im stuck here for another whole day :wtf:
Just a random Comment...
Over in England, we can't say 'fireman' or 'Policeman' .
Because it doesn't refer to women also...
Oh, and we can't say Hot cross bun anymore either. Because it refers to 'Christianity'.
LOL, damn it. What do you call them? Hot bun with perpendicular intersecting lines?
if it makes you feel any better, im home now burning DVDs for my boyfriend to take to work lol.

all they do over by him because they teach classes for the academy is after 7, just sit in the lounge and watch movies. eat....and watch movies....i hate him LMAO!

so what does the pathetic girlfriend do for her man on an RDO? she downloads movies for his butt to watch at work tomorrow while i have to put up with city muck..... :wtf:
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  • #39
hahahahahah so basically me and him have it easy..... and that leaves poor you home on a RDO not relaxing but busy =\

At least your keeping busy im trying to chat online and eat while these morons run around the house for food so they can play video games
ottoman said:
How on earth did you get a little red mushroom near your name? All you do is spam. Ive seen alot of you posts and 90% of them are spam.

Spam me never I just post random stuff (and them ello pics)
ottoman said:
he doesnt even talk about consoles! But im sure hes a nice guy lol.

I do
its just I tend to bore people with my retro knowledge and bizarre facts and my logic

Back on topic

Have you ever slid down another mans pole

Whats the best ladder
And whats the worst
Whats the best ladder match you have seen

Have you ever had a water fight with the hoses

Have you ever just thought "sod it let it burn"

Do you like Burn by Deep purple
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Did you play a part in 9/11? As in helping out?

Totally fine if ya would rather not talk about it.
trying to avoid the 9/11 question to not make you feel bumed out

ESU (or for those who dont know Emergency Service Unit) is for the buffs- if you want to be "tactical" why not try for NYPD swat division?

ive seen the muscle head FDNY type go for it they either get shot down or actually turn the job down. never knew the reason why.

the usually go for ESU which is lower on the totem pole (no pun intended on pole usage).

plus you know you have to go through academy life again right? regardless of time on, they make you do training all 6 months of sucks! it never carries over.

what also sucks is that they dont take lateral transfers either from FD to PD like the FD does (they carry over PD years i thought?) so you may have to be on probation for a year before even contemplating about ESU :(
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  • #43
Darkprinny said:
Spam me never I just post random stuff (and them ello pics)

I do
its just I tend to bore people with my retro knowledge and bizarre facts and my logic

Back on topic

Have you ever slid down another mans pole

Whats the best ladder
And whats the worst
Whats the best ladder match you have seen

Have you ever had a water fight with the hoses

Have you ever just thought "sod it let it burn"

Do you like Burn by Deep purple

hahaha no sliding down other than the fire pole lol

Yes there was a couple of drug dealers homes that we were all like hmm letts kinda take our time getting there and setting up lol

havnt heard it that song

havent watched wrestling in a while so not sure what was the best match.. you tell me

and the best ladder is one that wont break from being on it and warping from the heat hahaha
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  • #44
surfinrach90 said:
Did you play a part in 9/11? As in helping out?

Totally fine if ya would rather not talk about it.

Yes I did play a role during that day, and yea kinda dont like talking about it much =\ but I was a cop at the time not a firefighter
Ahh I see, thanks for answering dude :thumbsup:

What's the worst/funniest prank you guys have played on another fireman? Or like some firemen have played on others that you know of?

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