Ask a firemen

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  • #16
Just a random Comment...
Over in England, we can't say 'fireman' or 'Policeman' .
Because it doesn't refer to women also...
Oh, and we can't say Hot cross bun anymore either. Because it refers to 'Christianity'.

hahaha hot cross bun... yea we kinda cant say it her but well meh! I know plenty of female cops and firemen most of them are better than some of the guys i've worked with..
Have you ever jumped through a fire ring on a small yellow moped?
Just a random Comment...
Over in England, we can't say 'fireman' or 'Policeman' .
Because it doesn't refer to women also...
Oh, and we can't say Hot cross bun anymore either. Because it refers to 'Christianity'.
How Politically correct, damn ACLU.

I like how you put "Ask a firemen" (plural). :lol: Anyways, here's some questions....

What was the most dangerous thing you've ever done, while on duty?

Do you have a Dalmatian?

What part do you do to help out? Or do you switch off jobs? (i.e. you only do hose duty; or you drive the truck one day, do the hose the next, go in the house and look for people, etc.....)

What color is your truck? (i've seen yellow fire trucks)

What do you discuss when your at the station waiting for the alarm to go off? Things that have to do with your job or how you saw a celebrity last Saturday? Do you separate into male and female groups when you discuss these things, or do you all group together? (I could see you separating, so the guys could talk about guy stuff and the women could chat about Brad Pitt or whatever)

Are the majority of Firewomen hot? :lol:

That's it for now. :)
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  • #20
ssbb_lover said:
How Politically correct, damn ACLU.

I like how you put "Ask a firemen" (plural). :lol: Anyways, here's some questions....

What was the most dangerous thing you've ever done, while on duty?

Do you have a Dalmatian?

What part do you do to help out? Or do you switch off jobs? (i.e. you only do hose duty; or you drive the truck one day, do the hose the next, go in the house and look for people, etc.....)

What color is your truck? (i've seen yellow fire trucks)

What do you discuss when your at the station waiting for the alarm to go off? Things that have to do with your job or how you saw a celebrity last Saturday? Do you separate into male and female groups when you discuss these things, or do you all group together? (I could see you separating, so the guys could talk about guy stuff and the women could chat about Brad Pitt or whatever)

Are the majority of Firewomen hot? :lol:

That's it for now. :)

The most dangerous thing that I can think of was me and my LT "most of the times its with him" went to a dwelling fire and at the time the hose line was in place but by the time we got inside we were kinda stuck behind a door and it was fire everywhere, and im laughing and screaming lol cause the hose wasnt charged "no flowing water or pressure" so that was scary almost fried

My station doesnt have a dalmation but we have a white pit bull with black spots lol we tell people that he ate the dalmation :crazy:

Every tour of duty is different, its up to the officer during the roll call to tell us what job we each have when our shift starts.. that helps by cutting risk to people and having everyone know what to do.. Each firefighter will be assigned a specific duty it ranges from -

Search and Rescue - This is mainly the job of a truckie or truck company "Ladder" we go inside with no hose line havent it be established already or not and go and search for victims

Nozzleman or Knobman - your job is to go in behind the search team and keep the fire at bay and extingush it... put water on the fire basically

Irons - Your incharge of carrying the Axe/ hallagon tool or w.e "In a truck company every FF carrys these"

Most of the time im search and rescue or irons, we make the probies the knobmen so they can get experience

DONT EVER CALL A FIRE ENGINE A TRUCK infront of a Firefighter they will kill you...

Fire Trucks - Ladders, quints, Squirts, tiller's, Snorkle
Fire Engines - are the one's that can be a water supply and carry water
Trucks do not unless its a Quint, Squirt or Snorkle
FDNY Engines/trucks are Fire engine RED with triple Trim White and Darkish Yellow

Most of the time... like know for instance we all just seperate to our own lil corners in the house or hangout in the TV room... Right now im in my bunk room watching cartoons and playing on my laptop and Wii.. But most of the time were all together hanging out and playing jokes and pranks on eachother.. we dont have any female FF's here, we use to but she was promoted and re-assigned to another company.

In our station we have 1 Engine, 1 Truck "ladder" and a Special Response Unit which is a ford F-250 with a full Tool Storage package in the back for foam and other hazards.

AND YES Female Firefighters are HOTTTTT some of them I swear can be models.... My current GF is a Firefighter in Nj and she is smokin.....
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  • #21
Sovieto said:
do you agree ladder 49 was a truly cheesy movie?

No.... they truly did capture how our lives as firefighters are and how our loved ones have to deal with the lost of us..
Do you love sliding down that metal pole? :lol: Does it get old after a while? I'm sure it's second-nature to you, but I would think it could still be fun with the adrenaline of the fire in you....
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  • #23
ssbb_lover said:
Do you love sliding down that metal pole? :lol: Does it get old after a while? I'm sure it's second-nature to you, but I would think it could still be fun with the adrenaline of the fire in you....

oh its pretty fun !! but its a ***** in a half to keep polished... Everyday we have to polish it or else imagine being burned on the way down lol..

Not that many stations still have a pole left in their quarters its a dying tradition. Plus it cost from what I hear about 35k per pole... Thats :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: a lil :crazy:

My buddy whos down in Washington D.C. said they just replaced theres and paid 20k and still owe a lil bit on it lol lucky for him its not his budget but the entire department thats paying for it..
tonyeng4ine said:
oh its pretty fun !! but its a ***** in a half to keep polished... Everyday we have to polish it or else imagine being burned on the way down lol..

Not that many stations still have a pole left in their quarters its a dying tradition. Plus it cost from what I hear about 35k per pole... Thats :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: a lil :crazy:

My buddy whos down in Washington D.C. said they just replaced theres and paid 20k and still owe a lil bit on it lol lucky for him its not his budget but the entire department thats paying for it..
What the heck is that thing made of? Nano-tube? (an indestructible material that is REAL).
tonyeng4ine said:
its just plain ole Brass.... and is a s.o.b to keep clean and shinny
Why the hell is it 30 grand?!?! Eternal warranty?

"Guaranteed to last...even after The Judgement!"
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  • #27
Im not very sure but last time I asked that ques. they told me thats what the guys that work for the department and were suits are for...

But yea from what I do remember he buddy said 20k plus not sure why so much and I hope that you get a life time warranty lol

My station has 4 poles but only 2 are used since its a older station.. Newer stations dont even get a pole anymore.. just run down the stairs if your up in your room sleepin
tonyeng4ine said:
My station has 4 poles but only 2 are used since its a older station.. Newer stations dont even get a pole anymore.. just run down the stairs if your up in your room sleepin
I find poles much more handy....literally.
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  • #29
hahahaha that reminds me of this one time..
My uncle is the chief of department for Alantic City International Airport in Nj and one night I came to visit and hang out and they had a call for a plane with heavy fumes, and they just finished having dinner and everyone was laughing their asses off from my uncle making jokes..

so as they all went down the pole the 1st guy didnt wash his hands and the pole got really greasy and he went down and fell hard on his ass, before he knew it more and more people fell right on top of him lol
tonyeng4ine said:
hahahaha that reminds me of this one time..
My uncle is the chief of department for Alantic City International Airport in Nj and one night I came to visit and hang out and they had a call for a plane with heavy fumes, and they just finished having dinner and everyone was laughing their asses off from my uncle making jokes..

so as they all went down the pole the 1st guy didnt wash his hands and the pole got really greasy and he went down and fell hard on his ass, before he knew it more and more people fell right on top of him lol
That's hilarious! :lol: I bet that would have been even funnier to see it happen live.

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