An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

After reading Storms god-modding posts again, it kinda reminds me of Blue Man. Poor josh. Phil does he never know about the apocalypse?

Oh and CK, I stole a word from your vocab in my last post. Digits
Eh makes sense. By the way CK i'm working on beating your challenge right now in a different tab, so be prepared for a novel from it'll be the first one I have ever done. It will mostly be about combat but will have other things.
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After reading Storms god-modding posts again, it kinda reminds me of Blue Man. Poor josh. Phil does he never know about the apocalypse?

He knows. I do miss his WiiChat personality... not that he's much different in real life, frankly. :lol:

He says that he wants to be back, but more so AIM than WiChat, as the Apocalypse gave him less morale to return. That, and his parents won't let him.

But, how do Storm's post remind you of him?
He knows. I do miss his WiiChat personality... not that he's much different in real life, frankly. :lol:

He says that he wants to be back, but more so AIM than WiChat, as the Apocalypse gave him less morale to return. That, and his parents won't let him.

But, how do Storm's post remind you of him?

The original ap, then the Black Knight could be hit by a truck and his armor would still protect him.

And thank you ck
Eh makes sense. By the way CK i'm working on beating your challenge right now in a different tab, so be prepared for a novel from it'll be the first one I have ever done. It will mostly be about combat but will have other things.

Heh, you do that. Good luck beating that post, Inugami. Raising the bar of quality is always a good thing, yeah?

After reading Storms god-modding posts again, it kinda reminds me of Blue Man. Poor josh. Phil does he never know about the apocalypse?

Can't forget Blue Man.. He needs to get back here somehow. x.o

Oh and CK, I stole a word from your vocab in my last post. Digits

Hahah, I noticed. An increased vocabulary is always good, yeah? And good post, btw.
In my novel post I made a couple of NPC's.
First, Was that okay to do?
Second, they are for anyone to use just couldn't have him fight a nameless enemy again, and his savior needed a name. If you think of a better one tell me and i'll edit it so that is his name.
@ CK Yeah it is nice to raise the bar.
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I like the NPCs; in fact, I may use Fury myself later. So yeah, it was okay.
Maybe you can be a bit more subtle with your fight scenes, InugamiGod.
When both pokemon are constantly commenting on the others' last attack, it tends to get a little boring.
@ WMBQ Cool. Go ahead and use him when ever you want I could think of a little bio for him and Bro if you want.
Fury's Moves: Focus Blast, Hyper Beam, Slash, Hammer Arm, and Brick Break.
Bro's Moves: Megahorn and Focus Punch.
Sorry about that I will be more careful in the future. By the way Fury's nature with Siesis will be revealed in the future.
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You can't decide the moves on an NPC, as they can be changed to the user's liking.
i propose we make the 7 per day limit a higher number. a main reason i'm not making more posts is cause of the limit. also since everbody seems to be posting now it would help out

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