An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Well, Ive been really bored lately, so it helps entertain me a little bit. Its not like theres anything wrong with reading it.
Dammit guys, why must you be so active whenever I'm not at the computer? I hate having to catch up....
i am against making the post limit higher. because of what it is, it keeps this thread moving steadily, and gives me time to change focus to Realms. :D
The last post or the next post will be amy last post on wii chat till tomorrow morning. I'll be on the time limit thing again. Gonna try to persuade my dad to get internet this next weekend. Might be on at night Tues-Fri cause my dad has to go out of town and i'm not trusted at home alone, might be at my grandmas'. And Shadow don't you dare say what I think your gonna say.

what :aureola: i would never...grandmas boy

dang everybody's against it. oh well, i'll deal with it
I'm a bit indifferent on the matter of increasing or keeping the current post count limit.. The RP has certainly went along fine now, but we do have a problem - we've got two groups now, Requiem, Eterna, and Samlin, and ofcourse the others. Not to take over BRizer's and WMBQ's opinions, but wouldn't that take a lot out of their post count? RPing as two characters in two different areas can be pretty hectic IMO. Perhaps anyone with multiple characters in two different places have their own personal post count increase by 1 or 2? Everyone with only one character/two in the same place doesn't really need an increase at the moment, IMO.

And ofcourse, don't forget the rebels are now splitting up into the ground and sky groups, via Vladimir. Anyone with one character on Valdimir and another on the ground might have some posting troubles.

If only participants with multiple characters get the increase, the plot won't drastically go up in activity either, an extra post or two can help the person keep up, actually. Then when it's no longer needed, post counts return to normal. Simple, yeah?

If something like this was enforced, I'd be for the post count increase. ..Sorry for suggesting complications. :lol:

About Sieses' post, Inugami.. It was long, definatly. Certainly your longest yet. I'm very sure mine was longer though, sorry to say. Everyone is also commenting on how the pokemon speak nearly every attack.. It does get repetitive and boring, keep down on that. A badass opening and ending line is all you need, especially when it's 1v1. :lol:

EDIT: By the way, I've finally finished my second character SU. I doubt it'l be accepted since we already have a lot of participants, but I might as well give it a shot. T'was fun typing it, atleast. :lol:

Pokemon Species: Monferno

Name: Kajishi

Age: 16 WMBQ is an RP god. Again. :p

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Kajishi has been taller than the average Monferno since evolving, a tall-standing 3'2". He is more muscular than the average Monferno as well. His right eye is completely missing, a very large scar covering nearly all of his right eye's surface area.

Kajishi's bands around his arms are a distinguishing scarlet red, rather than the usual yellow. The fire on his tail is also the opposite colors it should be - red on the bottom, yellow at the top. His eyes will also have a deep, fiery passion in them whenever he's highly motivated.

History: Kajishi was born of a female Monferno and a male Combusken, and into their very poor family. He was a lone sibling. His parents were often busy, risking their lives to get food and other cheap supplies to even survive, which left Kajishi alone much more often than not, making him gain a very independant personality at a young age.

However, disaster struck when his Father died of illness around age 3, and his Mother could no longer take care of herself and her son, so she abandoned him only a month after the Father had died. He fended for himself at a lowly age of just 3 in Goldenrod city, barely surviving.

For years he was an outcast to society, pushed around as a weak Chimchar - until Zigaram extended his evil grasp towards him, and took him in. At first Kajishi felt accepted by his fellow pokemon, but they quickly began to treat him just as badly as he was before. Often beaten up for any remark, he grew even more independant, and even fiery and passionate about being so.

Whenever he was required to do something for Zigaram, he often failed. One year ago, Zigaram had enough of his failures and him coming back alive each time, so he sent him away to the desert of route 111 in Hoenn to suffer a slow death, rather than kill him on the spot.

For a year he came to the brink of death time and again, the wild pokemon having even less mercy than the others who lived in civilization - that is, until he evolved. Once evolved, he had the strength to defend himself and survive on his own. His year of banishment finally over, he is returning to Zigaram.

Also, during his time being a minion, he met Requiem the Sneasel, first in a challenge to a fight. Requiem pummeled him terribly, and with a slash attack, had cut off his right eye. Requiem showed no mercy, and Kajishi immediatly took insane hatred towards his ally, which he now proclaimed his enemy. He strives to kill Requiem one day, no matter what the cost. Previously, becoming the strongest and most independant pokemon in the region was his goal for survival - from that day forward, it was to kill Requiem.

Other: Kajishi's tail flame will often grow quite a bit whenever he's angry, or especially when he gets very motivated. His fire attacks usually get bigger with this, but not really any more powerful. He also is extremely independant, and will reject help whenever possible - even from the other minions, no matter how important the mission. As a Chimchar, it was what often led him to failing his objectives.
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Thanks, Inugami. Awesome or not though, it all depends on WMBQ's consent. All I can do is wait..
If you mate a male Monferno and Female Combuskin, the result would be a Torchik.
Also you said "eyes" on one occasion :lol:
[/facepalm] Wasn't in the game mechanics mood, Fox. I just slapped that together at 3 AM, give me a break. XD Wasn't thinking straight. Fixing..

Also you said "eyes" on one occasion :lol:

..Whenever I mentioned Kajishi's eyes, I was always grammatically correct, Fox. If you're implying where I described the scar across his eye, it was also grammatically correct(or so I believe). >.>
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It's all good, I was just being an ass.
nice second SU CK, though i expected nothing less.

thats why I set the bar pretty low, always room for improvement and no high expectations! :lol:

though i cant say the same for my movesets in the "One Character that would've made Brawl Perfect" thread, but thats off topic. they were badass though. :D
nice second SU CK, though i expected nothing less.

thats why I set the bar pretty low, always room for improvement and no high expectations! :lol:

though i cant say the same for my movesets in the "One Character that would've made Brawl Perfect" thread, but thats off topic. they were badass though. :D
nice second SU CK
Lol, I've seen that all the time. People are always making some word out of my alias - I find it funny. Whether that was on purpose or not, thanks. :lol:

though i cant say the same for my movesets in the "One Character that would've made Brawl Perfect" thread, but thats off topic. they were badass though. :D

Off topic or not, they were awesome. More original than my movesets, definatly. Mine were longer though. :D
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Well, I'm not in a very intelligible mood, so I guess you're totally accepted, SU CK. HAHAHAHA

Don't worry I know it's CK.

My only question is whether or not he's still a minion of Zigaram's or not, or if he just wants to make Requiem poop at his feet lol. HAHA FUNNY JOKE RITE


Wonderful, everyone's going to call me SU CK now. :lol:

Awesome, I wasn't really expecting to be accepted. Thanks, WMBQ. :D

Yes, he's indeed still a minion of Zigaram. Technically speaking with the plot's current storyline, he's returning to Zigaram for whatever reasons since his banishment is over. After hardening an inmate on death row into a monstrous killer, why kill him when you can channel that power, so to speak. T'was hoping for him to make an entrance by being called apon by Zigaram, but I'll need to discuss that with Ridley, ofcourse.

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