Your all time favourite character(s) in S.S.B.M?

fuggin noobs! u biznatches like the game and thats kool, but who can bring the pwnage? fox pwns and if u wnat me to stick my foot up urs (smash up A is the best and quickest smash) remember my sn, u'll see it in the future. to many years without ssmb online, and its finall on its way =D dont mean to be MEAN but, me usin Fox WILL regulate u candy a$$ snotnose kidds. holla at ya, holla back!

-kevin aka iNiNtEnDuDe, 16 yrs, san diego

=D bring it!, test ur mad skittles vs me.
Pretty sure all the pros are older than 16. Anyone who alternates caps should be shot in the face, or at least banned.
Brawny said:
Doctor Mario, Fox, Samus, and Marth if I'm playing someone who actually knows what they are doing.
haha! if they kno what they're doin...nice i asume u got some skittles in ssmb. see ya in ssmbb, hope the ranking system isnt corrupt so a tru prince is crowned for ssmbb wii online! xp

fox, falco, marth is who i use when kidds know a lil bit bout what they doin.
Brawny said:
Pretty sure all the pros are older than 16. Anyone who alternates caps should be shot in the face, or at least banned.
plz. who are u 2 judge? speak for urself scrawny. banned? i dont think so. legit all tha way. shot in tha face? dont get me started. pro? maybe not certified, but tha stars will shine in ssmbb dont u agree? if my skittles arent good enough, it makes it all the more fun and worthwhile, dont u agree? =D
Maybe I was a liittle harsh, but alternate caps seriously makes me throw up in my mouth a liittle (dodgeball rocks btw)
Nintendocam said:
Nu-uh, not when I'm Luigi.
when u kno what ur doin, YESSS! haha, sounds like u and that Brawly might have some skittles! ssbb WILL be FUN!!! btw, do ya kno when reservations are gonna be available? and when does tha black wii colour come out?
Brawny said:
Maybe I was a liittle harsh, but alternate caps seriously makes me throw up in my mouth a liittle (dodgeball rocks btw)
haha thast cute, lol xp. my sn on the wii wont be alternating. i kinda dont like it myself, this is actuall the 1 sn i ever had alternating. =/ but gc controllers for ssbb rite? hope it doesnt get delayed past june o7 unless it REALLY needs to. =D
minto said:
roy then link
kewl characters, though i think marth is better than roy. questio remains...can u own? haha, fox falco and marth is who i use ( when im actually goin ginst kidds with some skittles) =D ssbb will pwn all, forget halo3 xp
minto said:
roy then link

I find them both to be too slow, (even though I like Doc he he). Link's decent esp with ranged but both are pwned by marth with superior range with sword.

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