SSBM fave character combos?

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  • #61
What is the Ken Combo?

I've looked at and there's no actual post referring how to do the Ken combo, but I did come across what someone claimed is the Ken Combo -
SHFFL Fair 4x, Fsmash.
Is that the Ken combo?

By the way I kind of main marth so am trying to learn all about his combo attacks (esp the ken combo!)
my fav combo wit marth is to do an up a tilt(not smash) and then jump and chase them in the air by using jump side a and keep doing that and once u think u arent going to be able to land high enough to hit them again use up and b, sorry i dont know how to use the abreviations lol
Fox: B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Forward Smash attack ^.^
My absoulute favourite is Fox:
Forward Smash, Foward attack them in the air so they go out side the stage then use Down+B (Sort of like shined blind)
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  • #65
lol I like 'shined blind' but people who seriously play smash (eg main fox or falco) call it the 'shine spike', not 'shined blind'. The 'shine' is the down+B attack you mentioned there. A 'spike' is a move when executed on an opponent results in them not being able to hit back during the move in order to survive it. So they become stunned momentarily. Shined Blind is a title given to a video made by a smash tourney crew which involves uses of the shine in battles.

Yeah that's what makes fox so dangerous to deal with on a serious level. He also can do these 'infinites'. I'll give an example-> wavedash, shine, wavedash, shine etc etc then once enough damage racked, Usmash or Utilt to finish off opponent. Requires nimble fingers to pull off though.

Slurba - you're using fox's laser gun right? Most people often spam the laser when the opportunity's available and then finish their opponents when damage is high enough. Like what you said.

Marthpwns - Marth's utilt is very good for starting combos (as well as uthrow from grabs. Even more -> grab, uthrow, utilt -> into a aerial or two combo.) I recommend that you don't finish the combo with an Up B. Instead, fall back to the ground when finishing the last aerial that you can do and wait for enemy to fall back down and do an utilt into a fsmash.

Have you seen any of Ken's videos on youtube? Ken is arguably the best smasher in the US and I can guarantee that you can learn a thing or two by watching the vids. He is very good with aerial attacks and can chain them easily to form combos when he needs to.
Ya, shine spike not "shined blind move." Reverse upb with Marth can be pretty unpredictable and finish people off, and I use it to finish combos once in a while. But I most of my combos rely on the opponents moves and mindgames. Some of them you'd say "that would never work" but with proper mindgames it will.
wow, okay i like falco and have my combos, but i would like to hear more about these ken combos, where can i view these, and also these IC combos? I am good, maybe great, only lost once at a tourney to the winner of course, but at the time i couldn't wave dash, i can now, but not well, any advice on how to practice...?

Falco combo #1- grab throw down immediatly down B then up a in-air, land wait to fall a lil, up B into air again, then use down b in air and spike, you can follow on with ground combos, if you want me to continue..
best combo to kill a lvl 9 bowser in 10 sec with ganondorf.

it must pick Final D. the match starts you ran towards bowser when you jump in the air then click down A and then do B </> then when bowsers in the air you jump and click ^A and do that 3 times and then bowser is in the air close to the egde then jump in the air and click Bv and then his dead.
I retract my statments of me being good/greate/awsome... I just watched like 5 vids of ppl playing, i feel very small... but as my new saying says under my avatar, i am now under training... :)... thank you thats where i will be getting my training help...
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  • #72
I suggest you also look up this website for more in depth training. Don't worry you're not alone with Falco. In fact you should be happy you chose him because Falco and Fox are regarded as top characters in the game. I also suggest you never do Up B in battles as an attack, only as a recovery move as it leaves you vulnerable to attack when you free fall.

This is the website:

I'm al hell lot better with Marth than I was when I last posted here. And I also know of the Ken combo. It's a Marth specific move and it requires you to be sufficiently trained with the SHFFLs, and the Dair spike as well as the Double Fair in a short hop moves. Yikes that's alot to learn - I still can't do it effectively as I still have a bit of inconsistency with the Double Fairs. The Dair spike is currently being worked on.

The Ken combo is SHFFL Nair, SHFFL Double Fair, Dair. I'll post a youtube video of it here:
You can beat bowser with this move in about 5 seconds - better than the Ganondorf move lol.

The ICs are fundamentally a combo powerhouse. I mean it. Once you get the hang of desynch basics with the ICs it will almost be like controlling two people at once. Their power in Melee battles come from desyncs and grab combos. Eg Grab, headbutt, blizzard, then a side c-stick throw instead of a side normal throw. Nana smashes the opponent while he's being thrown away from popo - instant kills for many characters with >120% hp if they don't know how to survive properly.

I also suggest you look up this video for advanced tech training -

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