SSBM fave character combos?

well, i thought i was amazing, then i typed in SSBM pros in youtube search, and i saw wak107 with some training things, i also watched matches between pros and i was in awe, i new i could maybe get to that lvl, and i want to try, so i watched the 3 vids bookmarked it and i am now under going training to be able to do the things he talks about.
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You really are stupid aren't you? If you have a solid foundation of melee then many of your knowledge of the game will be applied to super smash brawl. Although I was a late starter in the melee game, I learnt all I could so that I am ready for brawl when it finally comes out.

SSBB will have a very similar physics engine in it compared to SSBM so many of the stuff you know will be in brawl.

The characters will be revamped in brawl but the basic moves will stay the same, if not having better range or effectiveness. A bit like when they revamped SSB to improve on certain attributes such as throwing. That move was too powerful in SSB so they cut down its effectiveness in melee so that it became a much weaker attack. But now you can chaingrab :D
linkzeldagame said:
If you have a solid foundation of melee then many of your knowledge of the game will be applied to super smash brawl.

i agree with you and that is persicly why i am doing this training, if you can dodge the same way in SSBB then you will still be able to wavedash/shield/land and you willk still be able to SHFFL as well. the only thing making my training hard, is my non-responsive controller... i broke my other one when playing Custom Robo, or was it Fire Emblem Path of Radiance..? More than likely Custom Robo, lol :(... not really laughing... the BX (our shopping area only had 3rd party controlers when i went to get a new one) they only had the mad catz one with the longer handle with the grip pads, ewwww, i hate it so much but i needed a controler. I heard they have the normal ones to now, so i just need to go buy a new orange one, unless one of you wanna help a military member, :lol: :lol: ... I had one, it was perfect, then i threw it against the wall, then grabbed it and punted my gamecube, and tossed it to it like it was a football pass for the game winner at the superbowl, use your imagination for the rest, i love how durable the gamecubes are, the only system i will do that to, just because i know it can with stand any kind of tourture... i mean punishment, or uhh, i mean, anger resleasing...yeah, that... :lol:. but yeah, the controler doesn't respond fast enough for me, i can't wave dash with it that well, and that is all my friend uses... i don't see how... @.@... anyways, but yes i agree with you on the whole SSBM stuff carying over to SSBB in a way, maybe lessend or not... who know?!?!?! Dum, Dum, Dummmmm, the plot thinkens! :lol:
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Right now i use 2 characters that i have mastered . Young Link [Expert] And Kirby [ Still Training Combos , but other then that mastered his movements and everything else :D]
I have mastered most of Falco and Most of Young Link, but i am getting better with both because i am becoming better with all the tech things eg wavedashing/landing/shielding, etc... i am already a master at teching, and shield grabbing and dashcancleing, etc... gotta keep some secrets right? :lol:

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