Favourite Game

Riviet said:
I still ocassionally play SSBM, whenever a group of friends come around to my place, we always set it up and play some.

What's your all time favourite Gamecube game? (If you have more than one, feel free to include them!)

I'm gonna have to go with ToS, SSBM and...4 swords!
Same here - every time my cousins come round we set up the gamecube and play SSBM all nite long... Loads of good memories and funny pause screens showing characters in funny poses lol :D ...

Best single player game would have to be Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime Echoes of Darkness. They both are really cool games ever!
Zelda on Gameboy

I really have enjoyed all the Zelda gameboy titles, from Link's Awakening on the Original and the way up to the Minish Cap on GBA. The Oracle of Time/Seasons was dang fun too. I used to be just a gameboy kid and those were my favorite games, along with the FF 1&2 on the one GBA cart.
I actually really like custom robo. I also like melee, and prime. I really love all the games I have.
I'm glad everyone doesn't think i'm gay for liking that game, I thought it was alot of fun and it wasn't a quick game, I liked that. It's 2 bad they only released one on the US, they released 4 in Japan...
What Custom? Yea I was looking at my trophies on melee, and saw the custom trophies form one and two, and I was like, I wish I could habe played those. The only good thing is that Custom Robo is coming out for the ds. I can't wait!

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