SSBM fave character combos?

linkzeldagame said:
Yes. Super Smash Bros (Insert title version here) is targeted towards a G rated audience. That's why there's no blood or characters being hacked to bits in the game.

I know and by the way, I never really liked the whole exploding head trick; I think they put it in the game to get publicity. I think one of the major strong points of SSB is the lack of gore. You can play it with your best friend, younger sibling (if you have one), really anybody.

Today when games like Condemed and GTA are big sellers, it's really difficult to find a game without stranglings, decapatations, etc. I'm glad the makers of SSB have stayed true to their original concept by creating a great brawler, rather than just another killer.
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New rumour to hit the wire for Super Smash Bros Brawl today.

On a Japanese blog apparently run by a programmer for Super Smash Bros Brawl, they've released two new secrets about Super Smash Bros Brawl.

One of the secrets are that each level will feature destructable terrain that will burn, blow up or even crumble away.

The second secret is that characters will be customizable. Each character will have an array of new moves which you can assign and adjust including speed and power statistics, and even the ability to customise costumes.

It is still unknown as to whether or not this will be included for online play, but it would be an awesome feature if it is.


Just a note that my translation isn't 100%. From what I've had translated, these are only a few of the details, but the information can be received in different ways... I'll get some people to verify it before I upload it for you guys to speculate over further along with the original text and source...

Please, I urge everyone to take this rumour with a pinch of salt. Just because it originates from a Japanese blog, doesn't make it real.
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characters will be customizable. Each character will have an array of new moves which you can assign and adjust including speed and power statistics


Im not sure about the reliability of the source you quoted from. It might be true or not. Whenever I hear about these new games that are going to come out in the near future I don't look up everything about these games as I can find as it can spoil the surprise that these games have in them.

Eg when I had SSBM, one of the fun things with the game was collecting trophies and unlocking secret characters - even if I didn't know who they are.
One such surprise was unlocking Ganondorf when I was doing event mode.

IF characters were to be customisable then that would somewhat ruin the game IMO. The fun part of SSBM was to pick a character that you liked fighting with best or becoming better at a character that didn't suit your fighting style and duking it out with your friends.
For example worst char --> Ice Climbers. Not very flexible with my fighting style as I tend to mix aerials and standard attacks together, and the Ice Climbers' speed and partnering (Esp with Nana) hindered that style I was used to.

Options and specifics with characters - if I chose a character like Capt Falcon and adjusted his standard attack power, making it weaker and changed his aerials, making them stronger, I'd have an extreme version of a character that would own everyone with aerials. Its kind of like playing chess with someone and making the rules up at the beginning of the game. Eg I choose every chess piece that's on my side to have moves based around the queen. Takes the fun out of the game doesn't it?

The basic essence of any game is to be given a set of limits for various situations (or characters) and have a number of options for these characters. Chess is a good example. Queen has the the smallest limit in the game and alot of options, making her hard to strategise against. The pawn has only two options and can only move one spot upwards or diagonally, depending if the pawn can remove an opposing chess piece on the board.

Another game would be tetris. Each block has been given many options during the event as they fall down to the block/ ground. There is one simple goal - to fit the pieces so that it fills a complete row.

Making comparisions with SSB and chess and tetris, SSB places various limits on each character in the game. The basic goal of the game is to throw your opponent out of the screen / stage and you are given many options as to how to achieve your goal. In the same way the goal of chess is to checkmate your opponent or get rid of his pieces. Or in tetris to get rid of the blocks that pile up on the screen by filling up a complete row of blocks. And they all have many options that lead achieving their goals.

SSBM is very similar to the scissors / paper / rock game that we all play as a kid. Scissors defeats paper. Paper defeats rock. Rock defeats scissors. In SSBM, attacking defeat grabbing. shielding defeats attacking. grabbing defeats shielding.

One of the secrets are that each level will feature destructable terrain that will burn, blow up or even crumble away.

Anyone ever played bomberman 64? Multiplayer mode? I have. What made it fun is that it followed the similar principles that SSBM uses. When playing multiplayer mode, if the time runs out (usually 5 or 10 mins limit) the arena would flood or burn or be pelted with rocks falling from the sky. This was what detracted from the fun of the multiplayer game. It interfered with the player's intention of beating another player and destroyed everyone in the process. The person who managed to survive this event for the longest ended up winning that multiplayer event. Ultimately it ended the game through random events (luck) rather than through the player's skill or strategy.

My two cents on that rumor article...

Cheers Stuart
the destructable levels sound great. but the customizable characters sounds too complicated, apart from the costumes
Yeah, I don't like the idea of being able to build up a character's speed and power because then when you go to play against your friend next door, or even worse, people online, they could beat you simply because they've played the single player longer and upgraded their stats; it would be like having upgradeable characters in a first person shooter.

SSB has always been about your skill and practice time; not who beat single-player with every single character and got 100% doing so.

Please Nintendo, just leave it the way it was; except for the graphics...and new characters...and super-attack moves...and all else that's going to make sequel awesome.:D
NateTheGreat said:
Yeah, I don't like the idea of being able to build up a character's speed and power because then when you go to play against your friend next door, or even worse, people online, they could beat you simply because they've played the single player longer and upgraded their stats; it would be like having upgradeable characters in a first person shooter.

SSB has always been about your skill and practice time; not who beat single-player with every single character and got 100% doing so.

Please Nintendo, just leave it the way it was; except for the graphics...and new characters...and super-attack moves...and all else that's going to make sequel awesome.:D
I totally agree, if some ppl played the game longer and kept customizing their character to the very last detail till he was like the ultimate, some ppl wouldn't have a chance. It's all about the time u put into it as a player.

I also think the lvl's would be very annoying if they all had some type of explosives, on kirby dreamland in SSBM it was okay since they didn't over-due it. But as far as i'm concerned i'm still buying it:D
I'm not believing the customizing on the chracters but i think it would be cool for destructable boards.
Wii_Rulez said:
I'm not believing the customizing on the chracters but i think it would be cool for destructable boards.

Yeah. Think about what SSBM would be like if buildings deteriorated, pillars collapsed and could fall and hurt you.

There was already a bit of physics at play in SSBM.

Think about the physics in Half-life 2; put that system in (dumbed down a bit, obviously since HL2 was completly realistic and this game isn't supposed to be that real) and it would be spectacular!

Rag-doll physics might be going too far, but it might be fun if you could turn it on or off like you can turn gravity on/off in multiplayer.

Anyone else think this would be cool/fun??
I think it would be cool to have seetings like that it giveu something new to try and if u get tired of it u can just take it off.
Favorite Combos

A falco combo: Get near enemy then down b, then jump immediatly then spike him with aerial down a.
Another falco combo: This is like the above but a tad different. Get near enemy then down b, jump immediatly and in midair down b him again and then immediatly with your midair jump and spike him with aerial down a.

Note: The above combos only really work for a prolonged time with a fastfalling character like falco and fox. Floaty character don't work, test with certain characters to see if it works.

A fox combo: Get your enemy besides a wall then press down b (because his relflector move spikes the enemy character wont move), then jump. Now this is the tricky part. When you press the jump button, press down b immediatly, when I mean immediatly I mean like right after you jumped. If you did it right, you have just canceled the jump with fox shine/reflector move and the jump animation has been stopped and are still on the ground. An easy way to practice this is go to training mode and turn the speed down to be able to react quicker, but just keep in mind that you might not be able to do it when playing the actual speed. If you watched the fox adventure clip found in the favorite SSBM character post on the last page in one of my posts you would know what I'm talking about. (the part where he was pinning mario and peach against a wall with his reflector move).

This can be used against any character but sometime Zelda can move a little bit out of it.

I have more combos but it would take to long to post them. None of these combos are mine, other people have made them up.;)

I like the ken combo. Didn't you read the sentence "I have more combos but it would take to long to post them." ? I have many others that I like and the ken combos is one of them. Some of the IC combos are pretty crazy. And some peach combos too.

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