Will you buy the wii if...

Until I heard about the Wii I was out of the console war this time around, the 360 and ps3 are so boring, the same old ho hum and way to pricey, then the awesome Wii for good price, but still not worth $600, no game console is worth that, I would just beef up my computer more and be able to do better graphics than the ps3, well I probably can right now but I haven't seen the best the ps3 can do.
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Well I will buy all the consoles if I have all that money
That's my point. If I had the money I would be richer than Bill Gates...
I would save for the Wii cuz well i hate sony so much except the TV's i like them but Playstation it was the same thing all the time PS, PS1(No difference still the same games), PS2 now PS3. Plus if my bro is getting wii (He dosnt live with me anymore) then i could borrow more games off him :)
1st of all, PS was PS1 and it's true that the only thing that was different were the games, online play and graphics. But it was still a good system(i'm defending because i have one and I like some of the games that r only for PS)But If the PS3 was going to have the blueray and everything else and it was only $250 I would dedfinitely buy it.
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PS wasnt PS1 they were two different consoles with the same games

sasuke747 said:
PS wasnt PS1 they were two different consoles with the same games

Much like the Gameboy and Gameboy Pocket, much like the GBA and GBA SP, much like the DS and DS Lite, much like the PS2 and PS2 Slimline, much like the Master System and Master System 2, much like the Mega Drive and Mega Drive 2, much like the Ipod and Ipod mini (and then Nano)... the list goes on.
well technically the Megadrive and Megadrive 2 wernt the same because the Megadrive(first one) cant play megadrive 2 games, Same with the Master System and Master System 2 :p

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