Im Starting to regret buying the wii

Yellow_Wii said:
i hope your joking about dragon ball z

DBZBT is awesome!!! I beat BT2 though and through on the Wii! Every story, capsule, character, etc. it was AWESOME!!!!
Monsteroids said:
DBZBT is awesome!!! I beat BT2 though and through on the Wii! Every story, capsule, character, etc. it was AWESOME!!!!

I actually don't agree with 2, but kinda looking forward to playing 3.
I regret buying a Wii so early, if I knew Brawl was coming out next year for us in Europe, I could've got a 360 for last christmas, PS3 for my birthday, then the Wii for this christmas, meaning I'd only have to wait about a month to get Brawl or Mario Kart.
I have a question can someone give me a site where you can get free Wii Points because I need some or can some of you maybe give me an unused card number please. Like E-mail it to me at
are you kidding me? your judging a console this early in its life? have you even doen your research on the games coming within the next 4 months?
If you are shur you want to sell it sell it on ebay from $1 And you will make 500 with a 7 day listing. But Keep it. There is lots of cool games coming out.
jan22 said:
Manhunt 2 was banned . It will be not released.
It was only banned in certain countries, and they may change the game so that it receives a lower rating. If you want it then you can always import it though. Americans can import it from Canada or something and Europeans have shitloads of places they can import it from....
I will only regret buying a Wii if they dont bring out a brilliant Cricket game and Rugby game for it. Listen up EA no half Ar$ed efforts :mad5: :mad5: we just want a proper game !!!!:smilewinkgrin:
wii_cammy said:
Thing is thats three games
YOu cant name any more in the future

Another one of these threads. :sick:

Yes that is three games, and can you name future games for the other consoles? And by future I mean 2008/09 not end of 2007. No one knows, it will be a surprise to some. Seriously one, how old are you, because you should have a job. And second, save the wii. Good things will come don't worry.
On top of those three games. More games that will most likely be online: A new Mario Tennis, theres been one on N64 and GC so why not Wii. Mario Golf, same deal as tennis. And future Mario Party titles will be online. I don't have confirmation but this is certainly more than likely.
jan22 said:
Manhunt 2 was banned . It will be not released.
I agree, Manhunt is evil it gives kids nightmares and should be a 26. Once a kid and his friend had been playing on it the night before, the kid demonstrated a move from the game. He smashed a nearby glass bottle, picked it up and stabbed his friend.

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