Im Starting to regret buying the wii

wiiaddicts said:
I agree, Manhunt is evil it gives kids nightmares and should be a 26. Once a kid and his friend had been playing on it the night before, the kid demonstrated a move from the game. He smashed a nearby glass bottle, picked it up and stabbed his friend.
If someone can't tell the difference between a game and real life then they are retarded and would probably end up killing someone anyway. These people should be in an asylum. And censorship totally sucks ass.
Wii have enough games to keep a casual gamer like me busy for a long time and Wii has some of the best multi player games. Wii definitely has more games now than PS3 (and probably about the same or even more games by this period of times when xbox360 was released.) So if you get bored with Wii so fast, you'll get bored with ps3 even faster. But don't you have anything to do besides playing video games? So if you play video games like nuts, you;ll get bored with pswii360 in a matter of days
Johndoe01 said:
Wii have enough games to keep a casual gamer like me busy for a long time and Wii has some of the best multi player games. Wii definitely has more games now than PS3 (and probably about the same or even more games by this period of times when xbox360 was released.) So if you get bored with Wii so fast, you'll get bored with ps3 even faster. But don't you have anything to do besides playing video games? So if you play video games like nuts, you;ll get bored with pswii360 in a matter of days
The amount of games don't determine when you will get bored with a console. Would you get bored faster if I gave you 400 Barbie games or Mario Galaxy, Final Fantasy, Halo 3, Resistance, GTA, Metal Gear Solid, Mario Kart, Assassins Creed, and Heavenly Sword? I know I would get bored faster with a lot of shitty games than I would with a few great games....
ya, paintballer, you always refer to barbie games when you're tryin to think of a bad game, but i don't know, out of the 400, there'd probably have to be a dress-up game where she exposes herself.... and..... well, barbie's a pretty hot blonde. i don't know, there's some potential in barbie games, lol.
Sadly there is more great nintendo games coming out than just Mario Galaxy.

And barbie?...wasn't there a barbie game for a playstation console or no?

Oh yes one moment


Frankly I would be more worried about ps3 having a barbie game out than the Wii.
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