buying the wii


WiiChat Member
Nov 9, 2007
i want to buy the wii but my parants dont let me and i dont know why and can ou gives me ideas on how to change my parants ideas ithink that they dont let me buy it it beucse i have lot of consel i will list it but plz give me some ideas or advice to let my parents change ther mind

my consloe list

2 ps2

1 gamecube

2 ps3

2 ps1

2 sega gennisis

plz give me any ideas or advice ieven if it,s stupid
why don't you try selling your repeated consoles and then you can buy the wii yourself?
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i cant one time i tryed to buy the wii by myself without telling my parant then the next day my parants selld my wii
lol your incorrect grammer makes me chuckle :) doesnt sound like you were very good at hiding it. i dont see why your parents are so against you getting a Wii. plus! even with all those systems atleast youll be getting SOME excercise!
salem123 said:
i cant one time i tryed to buy the wii by myself without telling my parant then the next day my parants selld my wii

well dont try to undermine them. that was your first mistake.
besides, why do you need 2 of certain consoles? maybe they want you to focus on school more than you seem to.

go ask your teacher how to use a period.
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im geting a+ inmy last report card then i will sell my gamecube 1of my ps3 and 1 of my ps2 and i hope that will let them buy for me the wii now wish my luck becuse now i will got to tell them about what im doing
mann ur rich Ö

umm tell em that Wii is a good exercise and doesn't have a headset so there wud be no crap talking ^_^

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