Im Starting to regret buying the wii

CantGetAWii said:
Sadly there is more great nintendo games coming out than just Mario Galaxy.

And barbie?...wasn't there a barbie game for a playstation console or no?

Oh yes one moment


Frankly I would be more worried about ps3 having a barbie game out than the Wii.
I know there are more great Nintendo games, just not tons of them.

LOL I was just using Barbie as an example of a bad game. Like I said in another thread If there is a Barbie game on the PS3 it doesn't mean that the PS3 is meant for little girls since most of the games aren't like that. The same can be said about the Wii. Ya, it has some "hardcore" games, but the majority of them are casual games for non gamers.

Mushroomed said:
yeah and paintballer's playing it as we speak

lol i've been pretty harsh on paintballer today...oh well i doubt he'll care
Hell ya! Barbie Dancing Princess FTW!
paintba||er said:

I know there are more great Nintendo games, just not tons of them.

LOL I was just using Barbie as an example of a bad game. Like I said in another thread If there is a Barbie game on the PS3 it doesn't mean that the PS3 is meant for little girls since most of the games aren't like that. The same can be said about the Wii. Ya, it has some "hardcore" games, but the majority of them are casual games for non gamers.

Hell ya! Barbie Dancing Princess FTW!

Fair enough I just feel the Wii is doing a good job with their hard-core games, much better than the Gamcube did, and that their casual games are also clearly improving.

And I have to agree, Barbie Dancing Princess is pretty stellar.
nintendo is just playing game in a larger arena than most realize... ponder this for a moment... the wii came out and demolished sales records, nintendo made tons of money yes but also realised that more and more people are buying there hardware. knowing that die hards will always wait for their franchise games they focus on mass appeal. not cause thats what they want to do now, its to show off to 3RD PARTY DEVELOPERS that they have a platform for them to commit to. nintendo then keeps its mass appeal campaign running for as long as possible to get a wii in every household, then in a year or 2 they start unloading some big guns with complete 3rd party support. motion sensing games, balance board games, online games... the future is going to be awesome. but like all great jedi masters have told their padawans "patience".
if ur looking for a fix ull always be feigning like an addict. have faith that nintendo knows what they're doing. they wont disappoint... at least in the long run!
just my 2 cents.
Dark_SI_de said:
nintendo is just playing game in a larger arena than most realize... ponder this for a moment... the wii came out and demolished sales records, nintendo made tons of money yes but also realised that more and more people are buying there hardware. knowing that die hards will always wait for their franchise games they focus on mass appeal. not cause thats what they want to do now, its to show off to 3RD PARTY DEVELOPERS that they have a platform for them to commit to. nintendo then keeps its mass appeal campaign running for as long as possible to get a wii in every household, then in a year or 2 they start unloading some big guns with complete 3rd party support. motion sensing games, balance board games, online games... the future is going to be awesome. but like all great jedi masters have told their padawans "patience".
if ur looking for a fix ull always be feigning like an addict. have faith that nintendo knows what they're doing. they wont disappoint... at least in the long run!
just my 2 cents.
But if most of their customers are non gamers, then why would there be large amounts of "hardcore" games? I doubt that anyone who buys a Wii for the mini games and stuff is going to go buy Final Fantasy. (If it were on the Wii. Its too early for me to think of an example that is on the Wii...) I thought that Nintendo would know what they were doing with the GC last generation and it wouldn't be a disappointment, but we all know how that went.......
paintba||er said:

But if most of their customers are non gamers, then why would there be large amounts of "hardcore" games? I doubt that anyone who buys a Wii for the mini games and stuff is going to go buy Final Fantasy. (If it were on the Wii. Its too early for me to think of an example that is on the Wii...) I thought that Nintendo would know what they were doing with the GC last generation and it wouldn't be a disappointment, but we all know how that went.......

Can't say the wii is a disappointment just yet.
Ok, 2 things.

First, the Wii was not built to be played by yourself. If you're thinking that the Wii will be able to satisfy your singleplayer gaming needs, then I think you need to do some research. Nintendo has always been focused around multiplayer (with a few great exceptions), so if you lack friends, or if you don't play games with them a lot, then I'm not sure why you bought a Wii in the first place.

Secondly, if you don't have a job, then how on earth do you intend to buy an Xbox360 or a PS3? Once you have that, how are you going to afford the $60 a piece games? Do you have a nice HD compatible TV that will utilize those pretty graphics? Are you planning on buying the core package, the premium, or the elite?

You keep bringing up that you're going to miss out on some great games. Thats right, you will. But, if I'm correct in assuming that you only plan on owning one console, then this will always be the case. If you stick with the Wii you'll miss out on CoD4, Assassin's Creed, MGS4, Gears of War, Ninja Gaiden, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Devil May Cry 3, etc, etc. There's lots of games you'll miss out on if you keep the Wii. The same holds true for the Xbox. Then you'll miss out on all the Mario Sports titles, Mario Galaxy, SSBB, Metroid, MGS4, Gran Turismo 4, etc.

Also, if you're already tired of the 15 games (?!?!) that you have, then maybe this type of gaming isn't for you. You'd be better off playing World of Warcraft or something similar. I refuse to believe that you've fully exhausted everything there is to do in all 15 of your games, and have you delved into the VC or Gamecube library at all? I just now found a Wii about 2 weeks ago and I'm having a blast going back and playing all my favorites from the NES and N64. Have you gone back through and mastered Super Mario 64 yet? Star Fox? Mario Kart? Ocarina of Time?

It seems to me that you'll probably get bored of any system you get in a matter of a few short months, so all you'll be doing is crippling your game library (and your wallet) by switching through the consoles. Keep the Wii.
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I OWNED a gamecube
I have a full collection of gaMES
Yes i have got about 10 good vc games
Im **** bored with them
You wait 6 months see how funn the wii is for you then
I still play my NES. Consoles never grow old for me.

If you want to switch, I'd recommend the Xbox, since its cheaper and has a better library of games than the PS3. Its online features will also keep you occupied for far longer than the Wii or the PS3. Plus its got some great games coming: Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, etc. Hell, Metal Gear Solid may even be ported over to it not long after its released.

If I had to recommend some games that are out now, depending on the type of game you fancy, I'd go with:

Rainbow Six: Vegas
Gears of War
Halo 2

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Ninja Gaiden: Black
That zombie game set in a mall, I can't remember the name but its lots of fun
KOTOR 1 and 2


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