Wii Troubleshooting

i need help, when i go into my first channel when, i turn my wii on, the screen turns black (when its loading into the channel) and stays black, then the wiimote loses connection, and wont recconect, so i have to turn off my wii, then it works, anyone got suggestions? also i use rechargeable batteries, maybe that has something to do with it?

posted this lately but it seems to have diassappeared.... using component video with R/W to stereo from Wii. very low sound - have to turn stereo ALL the way up to hear anything. tried stereo/surround/mono all to no avail. any ideas? thanks.
jaydude62 said:
posted this lately but it seems to have diassappeared.... using component video with R/W to stereo from Wii. very low sound - have to turn stereo ALL the way up to hear anything. tried stereo/surround/mono all to no avail. any ideas? thanks.

update: i bought a three way component cable (Wii-PS3-Xbox) connectors with my Wii. The cable instructions said it would work for 1 machine at a time, naturally. I find that the PS3 needs to be turned OFF at the power switch (not just the red light on) for the Wii audio to work. the PS3 works with the red light on the Wii on, so i expect the PS3 sends out some audio signals even when it is turned off ? Hope this helps anyone else with same issue.
Weird problems with Resi 4

Hey guys and gals, has anyone been having issues with screens on Resi 4? As i put the setting on 16:9 and put wide screen mode on my tv into 16:9 and while game is on i get this funny bar green bar on the bottom flickering all the time which is a fault of the game, but...... Have swapped the game 3 times and same thing happens still not sure why!

But changed settings on the console to standard 4:3 but screen goes smaller and green bar goes away very strange does anyone else have this problem as its miffing me off big time as want game in proper 16:9!:crazy:
I've been having trouble watching videos on the photo channel. It only plays like the first second of the video no matter how long the video actually is. Can someone help me?
wiimote problems

I get all four wiimotes to sync easily with wii sports but I cannot get more than two wiimotes to sinc with other games like Playground. Why will they sync with some games but not with others?
I can't get my Super Mario Strikers game to work. I haven't played it in about 2 monthes and today I wipe the disk with a towel to get the dust off and then when I insert it to the Wii it saying something with TroubleShooting. Help anyone?
There are lot of slowdowns as if the game has low frame rate. Well VC doesnt matter but I've seensome in MP3 and Mario Strikers C. In Mp3, I found them whenthereare many explosions,whenI get pushed back by the wind in Valhalla, and in thevideobefore I fight against Rundus. In MSC, I found slowdownsin the videoafter a player scores a goal (ex:boo flies around the field). This happens a lot inthe map vice.
sm2dan said:
I never thought my first post would be in the Troubleshooting thread, much less a post less than hour after opening our new box.

We just received our Wii today. Brought it home, opened the box, set it up, configured it, etc., then inserted our first game disk.

We haven't played this game one time yet and it won't read disks. "An error has occurred. Press the Eject Button and remove the disc, yadda yadda...zzZZzzZZ"

We did the reboot procedure, disconnect the AC adaptor, etc.


Please tell me this game console isn't as bad as I think it is.


Same exact problem here.

I got wii last week. First day after all set up, excited to play. Put in Wii sports, BOBO...there was error message shown up.

- Error occurred. Press the Eject button and remove the disc. Turn the power off and follow the instrucitons in the console manual.

I shut if off and error might go away or might not. During this week, this error message happens 50/50 chance the time I try to play the game(also tried other game disc, so it's not dirty disc issue.)

Do I got broken system?
This same problem happened to me, it probably is because you don't have the disk facing the right way when you put it in. Trying facing it the other direction when you insert it and let us know if that helps. I was so worried and decided to enter it in the other way and it worked!
Wii Remote won't work

a week ago my wii remote stopped working in the middle of game. tried batteries and all i could think of. at the main wii menu the cursor is fine. but while in a game it doesn't work right. if i hit the home key, while in a game, the cursor, while i point up, it goes down. the same thing with the left and right. any suggestions? can i send it into nintendo and have them fix it or get my money back? thanks in advance.
Over heating issue?

Ok so recently my Wii has been turning off on its own whenever I play for extended periods of time. I did some research and found it might be the power supply shutting off due to the system over heating (it wasn't well ventilated at the time)
So I re positioned the wii to uncover the exhaust fan. And still it shuts down on me. I think I'm going to have to call Ninty tomorrow and see what they suggest. :(
gamecube games

i have a problem keeping the wii remote staying on, i replaced the batteries and tried everything, but it keep turning off when i start up a game cube game any ideas on solving this problem?
ftabbbb said:
Same exact problem here.

I got wii last week. First day after all set up, excited to play. Put in Wii sports, BOBO...there was error message shown up.

- Error occurred. Press the Eject button and remove the disc. Turn the power off and follow the instrucitons in the console manual.

I shut if off and error might go away or might not. During this week, this error message happens 50/50 chance the time I try to play the game(also tried other game disc, so it's not dirty disc issue.)

Do I got broken system?

just posted a thread about the same EXACT problem. My one-hour old brand new wii refuses to load up my Sports disc and gives the same exact error message, "can't read disc, please power off" etc etc.

the first time i put the disc in it promted some kind of update (or at least tried to, i wasn't connected to the internet) and every time since it's given me the error, even after resetting to factory defaults .

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