Wii Troubleshooting

if you turn it off that means red led, adapter makes noise ..if you turn it off and you ve got net wiiconnect24 ..(orange led) doesnt make noise.... and whenever is on, neither makes noise. ....anyway i'll try to call tomorrow to Greek agency Nortec to ask whats goin on.... because my friends who have got Wii told me that when you turn it off(red led on console).... doesnt make noise normally, i do not know i want to look after it before this thing damage my console.:mad5:

Timpy how long have you got your Wii?
maybe its time to look after it man.:yesnod:
Hooking up the Wii

HELP! I have a RCA projection TV and I cannot get the Wii to come up on the TV screen! I have a Sat. box and VCR hooked in to the TV now. When I try to get the input to change to the Wii connection I get nothing. I have tried to plug it in to the front of the VCR as well as the back of the TV direct but I get nothing! What am I doing wrong?

Does your TV support Scart...if yes you can buy a scart adapter and you can put the three devices on it.. and then it depends which device you have on your tv displays ..if not ..how many RCA sockets your TV suports i mean seperatly by 3 ..1 for video(yellow), 2 others for sound R L(red white) usually... else plug and unplug everytime you want to use a device....i didnt ask you...does your Wii play on this TV?with RCA?
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i noticed that when i power down my Wii it seems to remain connected to my wireless network - shows in client list ! my PS3 does not do that or any other device attached to my home wifi lan once it is powered down. maybe it is doing some kind of background downloading ? kind of weird that it keeps a connection open - do i have to literally unplug the Wii to not expose my lan to needless risk? any ideas appretiated.
D S said:
I've added a couple of people to my Wii, and they have done the same. Problem is their names are still grey...what's wrong?
You probably just have to wait a while, since it usually takes a day or two to finish the registration process. at least for me it works.
Video Artifacting on the Wii

For a while, I've been noticing some random artifacts when playing Wii Sports. They look a group of pixels that stay in place while every thing else moves. Now, I see that the problem is occuring in all channels and games. I'm using component cables and I've already tried replacing the cables.The artifacts stil show up. I also tried using the composite cable to see if the problem persists. It still does.

Does any one know what the problem may be?

Check to see if you have WiiConnect24 on in your internet settings. If it is your connection will stay on for any updates that happen. I have mine on all the time.
yesterday I bought mysims and I went to play it. When I played it, the sound was raspy (or kinda like static) like it was playing something really loud only it wasn't loud. Like someone was talking through a microphone or a loudspeaker that was made to be loud but it was soft . Then, I went to play it this morning and the raspy, static sound got worse. I tried every possible thing that you can do (unplugged everything, took the disk out. Deleted some unwanted channels for more memory) and it still was like static. My mom said that she couldnt hear anything wrong with it but she doesnt play the games so obviously she wouldnt know if it was raspy or not. To test it I tried hitting the home button and when it beeped the second time it sounded like static really bad. I dont know if I should get my wii repaired or if it is the tv doing it. Please HELP!!:shocked:
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hi Wiimate...give us more details about your TV specification your conections...have you got component? actually i would like to tell you my problem i got and lcd sony 40inch and my Wii is pluged via component ... my problem is that ..when i watch a film on my Tv and i turn on my Wii and i push the specific button on my Tv's controller to change to AV3, i can hear quetly the channel i had, before i turn on my Wii and change the channel to AV3.... probably something is wrong with my Tv. Did you try to play an other game excpet mysims to see if your problem exist too? if yes then try to consider if your TV has the problem or you can take your Wii to a friends house to check it out or plug it into another television of yours.If not then the game mysims needs change.

also i got this problem with my ac adapter which make noise in turn off mode (red led) .... i changed my AC adapter and the problem started again..... i dont know if it is normal ..... but in wiiconnect mode and when its on it doesnt make noise.

cu you la

nedrife said:

Check to see if you have WiiConnect24 on in your internet settings. If it is your connection will stay on for any updates that happen. I have mine on all the time.

will do
system problem loud noise and freezing

my wii makes a loud noise when running and when it stops spinning the disc the noise stops but i know that it is not a normal noise because the others i have played do not make this sound. my wii started making this sound when i got red steel and hasn't stopped since. until today it has been fine but today it froze on me in the middle of guitar hero 3 and i would like to know what is wrong with it and if i need to take it in for warranty repairs.
zackx100 said:
my wii makes a loud noise when running and when it stops spinning the disc the noise stops but i know that it is not a normal noise because the others i have played do not make this sound. my wii started making this sound when i got red steel and hasn't stopped since. until today it has been fine but today it froze on me in the middle of guitar hero 3 and i would like to know what is wrong with it and if i need to take it in for warranty repairs.
Inspect the disc for excessive scratches, as the drive will attempt to quickly read the error data by spinning the disc at it's maximum speed as it attempts to re-sync to the specific sector that is not reading correctly. If the disc is not excessively scratched, or you are experiencing problems on multiple games, call Nintendo.
Hi! I got a wii recently and love it. But when I was playing Twilight Princess, in the fishing minigame, I got a bit carried away and struck the wiimote with the nunchuck quite hard; now it's sort of... broken. While the cursor moves around fine, I can't swing my sword at all (or do other things performed by making movements with the remote). In TP, all the buttons work fine except for +, - and home. However, in other games these three have no problems. I've tried resyncing the remote, putting in new batteries, etc. (but I can't adjust the wiimote settings in game because - doesn't work). Does anyone have any suggestions? Will I have to get a new one (it only lasted two weeks! =O)? Any help would be appreciated.

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