Wii Troubleshooting

I have a problem with Wii #'s my 1 friend added me fine so i tried to add him and it said incorrect wii # but his wii number was what he said so that makes no sense
so then i tried to have my other friend add me and it's the same problem for him only it says that MY WII # is incorrect!!!!!! but my other friend added me fine

so how do i do this without ripping any hair out of my head this has been puzzling me alllllll freakin day:mad2:
Wii is frozen after attempting to load Pikmin2

Here's a bizarre one: I loaded the Gamecube Pikmin2, but it never finished loading. Just gives intermittent sound, and no video (using component video). I reset it, and now I can't even get to the main Wii menu. I ejected Pikmin2, and unplugged it, and restarted it, but still nothing on the video, only intermittent audio for the Wii Menu. No idea how to reset it any more than that.
the gamecube controller ports on my wii don't let me remove them so I end up yanking them out anyone know how you can remove them without yanking them out.
Ok, can someone please help me?

My Wii's working alright with only one issue - it's all monochrome, it has no colour, not even a little bit.

I've tried seeing if there were little loose ends at the back of the TV and the Wii, but I found out the TV's colour was alright but there's no hint of it projecting from the Wii.

Can anyone help? ._.;
Issue with sending a message to any one in my address list on the Wii

I am trying to send a message from my Wii to anyone in my address book and all my addresses are grayed out.
I have resgistered 2 email addresses and 1 Wii account and unable to select any of them to send them a message. My Wii is connected to the internet and I am able to downoad News content, Forecast, and everybody votes content.
I have never been able to send anyone a message. Is there something I have to do before my Wii is able to send a message?

Thanks ahead of time for your help.
SSX multi users

I am having difficulty getting the second controller to work for the multi user for two people to play at once with SSX. It keeps giving me the Warning! must have two wii remotes connected. I have two wii remotes but can't seem to get the second one connected. Does anyone know how to get the second remote connected?
Buzzing Wii!

Hey guys, has anyone experienced a loud buzzing from your Wii which won't stop until you power off? I've had it with 2 different games now (Excite Truck and Smooth Moves), where about 30 secs into the game, I just get a loud persistent buzz, and no other sound. You can't go back to the Wii menu or do a soft reset... I'm on the verge of sending my Wii back but just wondered if anyone else had got this and fixed it?!
Nintendo couldn't figure this one out for me. original email:
I have a problem with my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector. I am trying
to make it work with my Wii system but it fails. The error code is 52140. I
tried to look it up in the error guide but it said the page didn't exist. I was
wondering what I was doing wrong and I hoped you could tell me. Thanks
DrEnglish said:
Buzzing Wii!

Hey guys, has anyone experienced a loud buzzing from your Wii which won't stop until you power off? I've had it with 2 different games now (Excite Truck and Smooth Moves), where about 30 secs into the game, I just get a loud persistent buzz, and no other sound. You can't go back to the Wii menu or do a soft reset... I'm on the verge of sending my Wii back but just wondered if anyone else had got this and fixed it?!

Did you try checking to see if the Audio RCA jacks are fitted porperly? Make sure they are snug. If this is only happening on those 2 games, I'd suggest you call Nintendo.
I bought my wii a while ago... I bought Red Steel and a nunchuk for it... The nunchuk worked fine for a while, but now when i push forward on the nunchuk it moves me right is there a quick fix for this?????????
i figured it out

all i had to do was reset the neutral position by holding A,B,+, and - for three seconds
Ok, so late December my wii started doing this wierd dots in random places on the screen. I called nintendo, and they sent me an advance replacement. Well, i turned it on to play wiiplay, AND THIS ONE IS DOING THE SAME THING!!!!
gamecube game stuck in wii

hey guys i need some help.. i was playing a gamecube game on my wii .. i went to eject it and it makes a noise like it wants to come out but is stuck.. then it just reloads itself. but wont come out !!!!!!!!!! ahhh help

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