Wii Troubleshooting

the standard cable doenst work on the regular tv or the other tv i tried,
i made a little missprint last one, I dont have a compnent cable maybe i will go to walmart today and get one and see if that works,
and it does that thing when i play Virtual console games and even the internet channel and any other wii games

thanks for the reply, any other ideas would be greatly appreacted
I had a very similar problem, they looked more like dead pixels though. they would appear and dissapear, even on the menus and other tv's i called nintendo and had an advance replacement coming in 5 minutes. this new one works just fine
allright, maybe ill give nintendo a call and see whats up.
was nintendo pretty easy to talk to?
you said that you got it in 5 minutes?!?!
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Zachwack911 said:
allright, maybe ill give nintendo a call and see whats up.
was nintendo pretty easy to talk to?
you said that you got it in 5 minutes?!?!

No, i said: "i called nintendo and had an advance replacement coming in 5 minutes" meaning, i only spent like 7min on the phone with them. You said you have a component cable, can you tell a difference with it?
Hey, does someone have the number i shoul kall to ask nintendo for a replacement wiimote, mine is cracked on the little infrared thing. It is very minor, but while im playing redsteel, it constantly tells me that the connection was lost, then ill puch some funky buttons, itll work for 45 seconds, and repeat. This vicious circle is driving me mad:mad2: !!!!!!! please, a fix or the hotline number
naw i dont have a cable, its 50 bucks at walmart and i dont have the money, actually today i was there then got angry when i found out it was 50 bucks.

but yea that number for nintendo would be nice
Remote Interference?

I just got my wii yesterday.. I have been wanting one forever as i am sure everyone else, i have been playing i played the sports all day yesterday and my remote was fine and then today i bought zelda and started playing it and like every 5 mins seriously every 5 mins it says remote interference please press a on the remote with out touching the other remote to reset then it takes a good thirty seconds to come back on, and now it won't even sync with it does anyone have any ideas. Please help
help me

Probably about six feet , there is a clear shot between me and the sensor bar, there is nothing obstructing it. This really sucks cause it freezes up the game and by the time it comes back on some bad guy has hit me or something. I have tried moving it from the top and then to the bottom it does it in both place. Thank You. anything??
The sensor bar actually doesn't "sense" anything, it just emits infrared light that the wiimote detects. It's kinda poorly named. Your problem sounds more like interference with the Bluetooth, do you have a wireless router or anything else that uses Bluetooth or works at 2.4ghz?
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I do not know if this problem has been answered before (I am a little in a hurry) but anyway, I was playing wii sports and my controller was working fine. Then I clicked on wii bowling and then all of the sudden my controller just stopped responding when I brought my controller upward near my face. My controller is now not responding to any of the wii sports games but acts fine in the main menu. I tried re-calibrating but it did not seem to work, maybe I should move my sensor bar from the top of my t.v. to the bottom? Any advice would help, thanks in advance.
I need a bit of help here. My remote has just stopped working. I have tried changing the batteries and re-synching it up, but nothing is working. Any time I press a button on it all 4 LED's at the bottom start blinking. I also tried moving the sensor bar around, but to no avail. I saw that some others had this problem. Did anyoen figure out a fix for this?
thats weird that that all happened around he same time, well i left my wii unpuggled for a while and it fixed it, no clue why but it solves a bunch of problems, also perhaps try removing batterys for while

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