Wii has a lot of useless, extra junk!

The whole point of the channels are to make it easier to do different things. For weather and news, you either need to find a newspaper, turn on the TV and go to the news/weather channel, and wait for your state to come up, or you turn on your computer, which takes a while, and go online and do it. Well, with the Wii, all you do is turn on your TV, and the weather/news is right there on the screen. Same thing with pictures. It takes a while to turn on the computer and open your photo-viewing program. But with the Wii, again, all you do is turn your TV on. It makes everything easier, and you never have to get up from where you are sitting.
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Jenova said:
The whole point of the channels are to make it easier to do different things. For weather and news, you either need to find a newspaper, turn on the TV and go to the news/weather channel, and wait for your state to come up, or you turn on your computer, which takes a while, and go online and do it. Well, with the Wii, all you do is turn on your TV, and the weather/news is right there on the screen. Same thing with pictures. It takes a while to turn on the computer and open your photo-viewing program. But with the Wii, again, all you do is turn your TV on. It makes everything easier, and you never have to get up from where you are sitting.

I see what you're saying about making things easier. And I guess in some cases that might be true. But I still have a problem with these things.

1) These things still have nothing to do with games, which I personally am not too crazy about.
2) Regarding channels like Weather and News... you're only going to be getting a half-azzed rendition. You aren't going to get local news, strange news, international news. You'll get something like "Top Stories" and thats it. This leads into my third problem. :wtf:
3) I think this will make people lazy as hell. A couple of people on here (not just you) have complained about the length of time it takes to turn a computer on. It takes less than 3 minutes! Make a poptart and come back. And when the computer DOES come on, you'll have ALL of the information at your fingertips. Not just some compressed, glossed over version of data.
4) Finally, I know people are going to bring up the internet browser. Guys, you still don't even know how you'd input data! How will you type? Are you going to have a keyboard on the bottom of the thing and point and click every letter with the wiimote? God, I hope not! :crazy: And since that would take expontially longer than getting on the computer, it's not worth it to me.

(One last thing: I already KNOW that this is just me, but I'll say it anyway: I don't want messages from random people waiting for me. I don't like the idea of people just popping in to say "hi". They can call me and say hi. And if its something important, they should definitely call me instead of leaving a message on the Wii! Like I said though, I'm certain this is just me, so no point in really getting into that aspect of it.)

50 Days till launch!!
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LolygagerX said:
How can you say that about all thoughs awsome fetures!!! You realy must be a Nintendo Hater!!!

No, that's not true at all. Like I said in my first post on this board, I like Nintendo a great deal and have owned every system they've come out with at one point or another...

And I intend to buy the Wii, and I'm going to try to pick it up at launch as well. I am interested in the gameplay and think it will be a lot of fun!

I just find these other features to be stupid and pointless. And while I understand that they are trying to get other people to buy the system than just people who play games, I would have rather they omit this silly stuff and instead put in other technologies.
pizzaluvr said:
why would they have a broadband internet connection if they didn't have acces to the internet

In case a console as great as the Wii comes out, and they want News and Weather!
in touch with the wii said:
yeah it would be cool if that happen u could put a funny user name so when you have been killed it would say u have been killed by ur ma lol

once i ran into someone named puffy nipplez and santa claus
I understand your trepidation jviper82, when I first heard about the channels, Mii's, picture viewer etc I was a bit skeptical, but now I think most of these things will be a great addition to the system .

I will definitely use the web browser as I have a hard time getting my wife off the bloody computer, and for the price of a keyboard for it (if they make such a thing) I think its well worth it as a second net connection . And sitting on the couch sounds much more comfortable than sitting at a desk, hunched over a keyboard .

The Wiiconnect24 is great for auto updates, The Mii's are fun for the kids and gives some games a bit more character, and whilst they look very basic now they may upgrade there features via the Wiiconnect24 .

The speaker is Hella Cool, its like a rumble pak for your ears, and just because its small doesn't mean it won't sound good . The DS has tiny speakers, but when you turn it on the beautiful little stereo tune that plays sounds huge, and have you seen a Bose stereo system, they make clock radios that put Sony stereos to shame .

And lastly the picture viewer, well most likely the least needed feature on the system, but since most people have a digital camera these days its a great quick way to view and slide show your pics, my mum hates digital cameras because she reckons you never get to see them, they get uploaded on your PC and then sit there, who wants to have a slide night in front of a piddly 17" monitor when you can all sit in the lounge to watch someones pics of their Bali holiday?

I under stand your feelings of its a games machine, it should only play games, just change your perspective, it's not a games machine, it's a FUN machine!!:smilewinkgrin:
you won't have to buy a second internet connection... all you'll need is a wireless router if you don't have it, or if you have an open ethernet port you can buy a usb to ethernet adapter from ninty
pizzaluvr said:
you won't have to buy a second internet connection... all you'll need is a wireless router if you don't have it, or if you have an open ethernet port you can buy a usb to ethernet adapter from ninty
Yeah I know, I meant having another internet access point in the house that isn't a PC.
JVIPER82 said:
I see what you're saying about making things easier. And I guess in some cases that might be true. But I still have a problem with these things.

3) I think this will make people lazy as hell. A couple of people on here (not just you) have complained about the length of time it takes to turn a computer on. It takes less than 3 minutes! Make a poptart and come back. And when the computer DOES come on, you'll have ALL of the information at your fingertips. Not just some compressed, glossed over version of data.

50 Days till launch!!

My computer takes about 10-15 minutes to load then when i am forutnate for it to cme on its freezes alot. (i download alot :smilewinkgrin: )

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