Wii has a lot of useless, extra junk!

Jviper are you kidding? Ive only read some of the posts on this thread the miis are an excelent idea. Say your playing the boxing game make yourself look likeyou and make the guy ur beating up george bush. How fun is that?
The speakers will be very useful when it comes to multiplayer. Like in an FPS, you'll be able to easily tell your gunshot from another players gunshot and etc.
I like some of the stuff and some of it I don't care about. Painless additions to the Wii that some people will use and some wont. Some people use their Xbox 360 dvd players and some don't.

I think the speakers in the remote sound pretty cool.

Just really excited about the Wii. It makes the days drag on.
yeah it would be cool if that happen u could put a funny user name so when you have been killed it would say u have been killed by ur ma lol
I'm looking forward to the release, the games, the graphics, its to much for me.
Thinking about it, I believe JVIPER82 is definitly right on putting a speaker in the wiimote. I really hope there's a way to choose whether you want to hear a gun shot from the dinky little wiimote speaker or your surround sound/subwoofer. The main problem with putting such a small and under-powered speaker in the wiimote is that if you have a good sound system, you won't be able to hear the little wiimote speaker over the surround sound. Also, you're going to be waving the wiimote all over the place and that's going to distort the sound coming from the wiimote's speaker. I would have prefered they kept it out to increase the battery life and seriously, it's the only gimicky thing Wii has.
Definately some good points Nate, and I have to agree with you almost 100%. The little speaker on the Wii-mote is a waste. Honestly, as long as we can turn the speaker in the Wii-mote off, I'll be happy. Only if it's shitty quality though. If it sounds fine and it's useful rather than annoying, I'd be happy to use it. And sometimes, you just want big bass, and a blasting audio from surround sound.
Flip said:
Definately some good points Nate, and I have to agree with you almost 100%. The little speaker on the Wii-mote is a waste. Honestly, as long as we can turn the speaker in the Wii-mote off, I'll be happy. Only if it's shitty quality though. If it sounds fine and it's useful rather than annoying, I'd be happy to use it. And sometimes, you just want big bass, and a blasting audio from surround sound.
Thanks.:) And yeah, if it's somewhat decent quality, it might be nice for party games like Wario Ware or Wii Sports where the emphasis is on fun and not so much on realism and gun shots.
JVIPER82 said:
- The Opera internet browser (c'mon... computers are much better for surfing the net!)
yea but i think its still cool. and not everyone has a good computer.

JVIPER82 said:
- The Wii Channels (I don't need to turn on my game system to check the weather, news, etc. And who is gonna show photos on the Wii??)
i think thats cool too! ill prolly look at photos on the wii.............

JVIPER82 said:
- The Miis (does anyone really care about creating their own avatars? REALLY???)
YES!!! dude, Miis ROCK!

JVIPER82 said:
- WiiConnect24 (why?? I don't need to constantly be connected to the internet for updates! The result of this is a smaller system that cannot consume enough power. I would not have included this unnecessary feature)
mmm, thats cool i guess. :D

JVIPER82 said:
-The speaker in the Wiimote. (The sound quality is poor to begin with and I don't forsee this thing being used in a way that would enhance my gameplay!)
haha, maybe this one isnt that good. XD wii'll see. (i was gonna say we'll see, ppft.)
As always, let me state: I'm going to buy a Wii. It is the platform I want. I have no interest in the 360 or PS3. Having said that . . .

I was under the impression that Wii was stepping away from the idea of extras, the idea of having a complete multi-media hub in the center of your living room or bedroom that let you do everything?

So the following simple statement is my opinion: if the extras provided directly affect gameplay and add to gameplay, they are useful. If they do not, Wii has tried to have its cake and eat it too. It has chided its competitors for something that it has done itself.

Don't go fanboy crazy on me. I'll break it off. Why? Because I'm a newly rebirthed fanboy as well. Just my simple opinion.


JeremyDay said:
As always, let me state: I'm going to buy a Wii. It is the platform I want. I have no interest in the 360 or PS3. Having said that . . .

So the following simple statement is my opinion: if the extras provided directly affect gameplay and add to gameplay, they are useful. If they do not, Wii has tried to have its cake and eat it too. It has chided its competitors for something that it has done itself.

Actually Nintendo is doing exactly what they said they would.They said they wanted to please current fans and attract nongamers. With the Wii Channels they can do that. I know Nintendo said that they are about games and they are. Really the Wii Channels are mainly game related with the exception of a few.

Mii Channel-Avatars for Games

Shop-Channel Buy Games

WiiConnect24 not a channel but, Game Updates & Online Play

Disc Channel-Play games

News Channel-New news on current or upcoming games

Internet Net Channel-You can surf the web and get more gaming news, from others sources than Nintendo.
Nice save. Yes, Nintendo can still add a few internet things, and still be a gaming console that is all about gaming. I consider that they included the internet on the thing, so they just added some internet features to it.
I can see the weather channel being extremely useless if you have a computer(which everyone here does). Just type in your city in google and say "weather" after it.

Wahla. You know you're weather.

*checked right now, in about 20 seconds* 77 degrees.
slurba said:
I can see the weather channel being extremely useless if you have a computer(which everyone here does). Just type in your city in google and say "weather" after it.

Wahla. You know you're weather.

*checked right now, in about 20 seconds* 77 degrees.
I think these channels are for the older people in the family who dont know how to use the internet.
slurba said:
I can see the weather channel being extremely useless if you have a computer(which everyone here does). Just type in your city in google and say "weather" after it.

Wahla. You know you're weather.

*checked right now, in about 20 seconds* 77 degrees.
Sure, but if your computer is off, then Wii is there. Also, Wii is in a constant sleep mode when not in use, so all you have to do is press the power button the the wiimote and it will bring up all the channels and Nintendo said the Weather Channel will show the current temperature and weather on the icon, so you don't have to actually go into the Weather Channel to check the weather.

What I'm wondering is if you can just press the "home" button on the wiimote and after a few seconds the channels will show up or if you have to eject the game to do that?

I'd like to be able to just press the "home" button and bam, there's the weather and any messages that have been sent to me.

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