Wii has a lot of useless, extra junk!

but do you ACTUALLY have to use these features??dont like them? dont use em! other people like em, so it doesnt matter!!
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Ollie said:
but do you ACTUALLY have to use these features??dont like them? dont use em! other people like em, so it doesnt matter!!

It isn't about not using them if I don't like them. I don't plan on ever using them. I would have merely preferred the effort be placed elsewhere (graphics).

I was checking to see what other people thought of the features. So far I think the polls would break down to something like:

In favor of the stuff: 99.4%
Not In favor of the stuff: 0.6% (aka Me.)

JVIPER82 said:
I know what the intentions of the extra features are for. I still feel that it's extra fluff. For instance... who is going to have broadband internet running into their homes IF they already Don't have computer access?? To me, the Miis are still useless. It does not change gameplay. They just look different. Seems silly to me. If you're playing with a Mii in Wii Sports, it doesn't matter what it ends up looking like. It's all the same. To me, it's a time waster. And WiiConnect24... Maybe I'm old school, but if I'm not playing my videogame system, the thing should be off. If I'm not playing videogames, I don't want messages from people asking me to play! If I wanted to play, I'd be playing! And if someone wants to talk to me about something other than games... call me on the phone! (people have phones, don't they?)

I'm just one of these people that wants a device for what it's original purposes are. And it seems to me Nintendo is following in the footsteps of these other consoles in this regard in that they are adding extra stuff that really doesn't affect the gameplay.

I'm someone that wants a cellphone to make phone calls. I don't want to go on the internet. I don't want to take pictures on a crappy little camera. I don't want to play music, watch movies, attach myself to Tivo, etc. I want to make calls. With my Wii, I want to play good games.
im actually happy nintendo put more into their console. i always wished for a system like that in the GC. and they are trying to start a trend if you havent noticed, something like the N generation, ipod kinda thing.
JVIPER82 said:
- The Opera internet browser (c'mon... computers are much better for surfing the net!)
- The Wii Channels (I don't need to turn on my game system to check the weather, news, etc. And who is gonna show photos on the Wii??)
- The Miis (does anyone really care about creating their own avatars? REALLY???)
- WiiConnect24 (why?? I don't need to constantly be connected to the internet for updates! The result of this is a smaller system that cannot consume enough power. I would not have included this unnecessary feature)
-The speaker in the Wiimote. (The sound quality is poor to begin with and I don't forsee this thing being used in a way that would enhance my gameplay!)

- The Opera internet browser- Not everyone has a computer of their own
- The Wii Channels- same as above, If i didnt have a laptop and lived in my dorm, my wii would be my media hub
- The Miis - you'd rather play as some dork named mark?
- WiiConnect24 - updates when your busy, nuff said
-The speaker in the Wiimote. - yeah i agree, its sort of a novelty, but i think its a cool notifier when surfin the web if i hover over a link, i love the click sound too
Weather channel allows developers to have real weather simulation in their games.

For example, not that it's going to happen, in GTA, the weather with be the same as it is in your geographical area, same as maybe in the future Zelda, blah blah blah, it's there, developers can use it for an extra "oh lol omg cool" factor in their games.

The opera browser, why not? If it's going to be a system with online capability, why not allow a web-browser? Do you think it took years to develop or something? It doesn't change anything. If they already have connection to the internet available, then a web-browser would take no effort or time to get sorted at all, it's just software, and it's cheap from what I've heard, very cheap.

Flash games are fun on wii :(.

Wiiconnect24.. don't know about this, don't have a wii yet :p

Wiimote speakers, hmm, I've heard they sound cheap, but I don't know this for myself, however I beleive this is another "wow lol omg cool" feature that developers have on the table, should they choose to use it or not. I think zelda uses it for finding secret items, like OOT used the rumble pack? I could be wrong about that, read it a while ago.

Mii's extra junk? I think not, they bring personality to games, I like the idea of playing as.. well, me, in a game of tennis against my friends. It's cool taking your wiimote to your mates house and being able to play as your own avatar, cool I tell you.

I was under the idea Wii DOESNT have a lot of useless junk, which is why it doesn't cost £800 to make *cough*ps3*cough* and why it's the cheapest system on the market (of the next gen, even though they wreckon they're not next gen.. whatever)

This will be my first time using a smilie on this forum.


You have witnessed something special today.
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Why do you care? Even if that is extra junk which it isnt why would you want to get rid of it?
Why complain about what is given to you for free? If you don't want to use it, then don't, but I don't see it as useless.
Why continue a thread when it was started AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER! It was posted when noone had really tried the channels or the speaker or...hell any of it. Can this thread die now please :)
My opinion of this post.

Your trying to create an Xbox 360 (They are good) with a Wiimote.
You've killed all it's features which. If you have a Wii and use them are useful
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i could say the same about the other systems
i dont need a crappy second rate blue ray player on the ps3,bit its there,i dont need to create stuff and sell it like "velocity girl" in the 360 but its there.i could give you the benefit of the doubt in all your points except the speaker on the wimote,play zelda,COD3,red steel and you will know.it gives "depth" that no other console can.and ill bet developers will use it a lot.
- The Opera Internet browser VERY useful if you know certain websites like I do where you ca watch any tv show at the press of a button, great just to check a forum in the interval of a tv show and also games.
- The Wii Channels Just because you do not use the photo channel as you have no life doesn't mean nobody else does, I use it hell of alot, it is great if you do not have software to show the pictures on your tv, guess what *****, now you can.
- The Miis The Mii's are awesome, everyone I know has had a ball creating their Mii's and the fact they are in the game is 10 times better.
- WiiConnect24 Why? So you can get updates constantly to your Wii, so you know when you have a message..other wise you would have to turn it on and go to the message thing every time to check.
-The speaker The speaker is great, it lets you know if you are the next person up on a multilayer game, sound fx in games such as Zelda, Red Steel etc.

Sir, you FAIL.

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